Finally, under Jiang

Min's careful inspection three times and twice, it was finally determined that all the places on Chen Yu's body that could hide the bugging device had been completely checked, and Jiang Min stopped and picked up the two bugging devices to observe carefully.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min like that, as if he was studying how to use the simplest method to shield this bugging device without being discovered by Chen Mouren.

But Gu Chen felt that there was no need for that at all.

He directly snatched the two small bugs from Jiang Min's hand, fell to the ground, and smashed them fiercely.

In a dark and opaque room with curtains tightly drawn, a man with headphones slammed his headphones down as if he had been electrocuted.


After doing all this, Gu Chen nodded to Jiang Min and Chen Yu and said.

"That's it."

Jiang Min nodded but did not react, but his eyes felt even more that Gu Chen was a man who did not drag the mud at all.

However, Chen Yu's whole person seemed to be about to cry.

"President Gu, I really don't know what the situation is!"

"After I slept last night, I woke up here in the morning! I didn't know exactly what happened while I was asleep.

He even used a somewhat crying tone to explain to Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

Gu Chen made a gesture to tell him not to be so anxious.

"Okay, if there is anything, let's talk as we go, let's get in the car!"

After saying that, Gu Chen was about to help the shocked Chen Yu open the door, so frightened that Chen Yu's whole person instantly returned to a normal state, and he hurriedly said.

"Gu Zonggu! I'll do it myself! How can I let Mr. Gu open the door for me!" Although

the weak and pale Chen Yu had a little difficulty pulling the door, he was still successful in getting into the car in the end.

"President Gu, what happened, just now I..." As

soon as he got into the car, Gu Chen's car had not yet started, and Chen Yu couldn't help but ask.

At the same time, he also said what happened when he talked to the people in the team before.

"Here's the thing."

Gu Chen directly said that the previous matter, from the time he went to the Dakang Construction Group to buy 25% of the shares to see Chen Mouren.

"Now that I think about it, why Chen Mouren was able to rush to Dakang Construction Group to meet me so quickly, I'm afraid it wasn't because I acquired this 25% of the shares that made him anxious."

"It's because he has long done something in Dakang Construction Group that I don't know."

"It may even be something that hides his younger brother Chen Mo."

Gu Chen slowly deleted Chen Yu's affairs on the road of wine and wealth, and said that he and Chen Mouren had not formally reached a cooperation agreement at that time.

"That's the way it is, anyway, this Chen Mouren and I promised that they would not do anything out of line to you, but the condition was to keep you for one night, and I could only promise him in order to ensure your safety."

"But the next day, something happened, anyway, according to some of my rough estimates, this Chen Muren may want to officially hold the Dakang Construction Group in his hands."

"The purpose is not clear to me now, and this guy must be planning something else."

After Gu Chen said this, Chen Yu immediately seemed to think of something, and said everything together with his own situation.

"I think that the things planned by this old thing of Chen Mouren must be related to the big market, so to speak, no wonder I not only did not really suffer last night, but enjoyed it for a long time....It turned out that Chen Mouren did it on purpose!"

"He should have known my abilities and knew that I was a talent specializing in finance, so he would keep me!"

"In order to make the market and the stock of this Dakang Construction Group abnormal, I will definitely not help you with your side to help you with advice!" In order to make me directly into a useless pawn!

Chen Yu's analysis directly turned himself into an important bystander.

It was only after he finished speaking, Gu Chen glanced at Chen Yu who was speechless through the rearview mirror without moving.

At the same time, he also secretly glanced at Jiang Min, who was wearing headphones next to him.

Fortunately, Jiang Min didn't have any reaction, otherwise Gu Chen would really have to criticize this Chen Yu.

"However, what Chen Yu said is also correct."

"And if Chen Mouren can actually release Chen Yu now, does it mean that he has completed what he wants to do, and even if he puts Chen Yu back now, it is harmless, and he can't stop the final result of the matter?"

Gu Chen's thinking is very rational.

At the same time, his own speed also unconsciously increased by a few points.

Soon, Gu Chen took Chen Yu back to the company where Sun Shulan and the others were.

"How's it going?"

When he got out of the car, Gu Chen asked again about Jiang Min, who had been wearing headphones, who should be listening to his mother and Li Wenquan.

"It's all said some words without nutrition, anyway, the woman took the initiative to give Li Wenquan a step down, Li Wenquan promised her to solve the matter, take her to buy jewelry at night, and this woman promised to let Li Wenquan deal with things by herself."

Jiang Min was also very honest and told Gu Chen what he heard from the headphones.

At the same time, he also took off his headphones, because Li Wenquan had already left the countess.

Even if she listened to her again, there was no good information to obtain.

Then it's better not to listen directly.

"Okay, then let's go up first!"

"Okay, Brother Gu Chen!"

Jiang Min showed a slightly far-fetched smile, and Gu Chen, who looked at it, silently noted in his heart what Li Wenquan did today, and if there is a chance in the future, it is inevitable to liquidate it.

As for the countess, Gu Chen felt that after the end of her trip to Australia, she would naturally get the retribution she deserved.

In the end, the three went upstairs, and Chen Yu almost fell because of the sudden rise of the elevator.

Fortunately, Gu Chen saw that this guy who was like a sick cat had already felt a little overwhelmed, so he casually helped her.

"Didn't you eat energy bars and water on the way! How can you still be so weak! After

complaining about this Chen Yu, Gu Chen didn't know what to say.

"This, I feel that I do have strength in my body, but my legs can't help but feel soft.... President Gu....,"

Chen Yu's face was full of shame.

It seemed that he didn't know how to face Gu Chen, Jiang Min asked curiously, so he stretched out his hand to help Gu Chen help this Chen Yu.


"No thanks!"

But unexpectedly, all of a sudden, Gu Chen and Chen Yu both sent a signal of rejection.

Jiang Min's hands suddenly stiffened in mid-air, and the whole person felt a little overwhelmed.

"Ah, this..." The

expression on Jiang Min's face felt a little strange.


She couldn't even help but ask.

Gu Chen didn't want to answer, and Chen Yu didn't know how to answer.

Do you want him to tell Jiang Min that he first worked as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle for a while last night, and then turned into Lü Bu and directly came to a battle of Tiger Prison Pass?

In the end, I didn't expect to be directly changed by someone, and directly dismounted on the spot and approached six times?

Wouldn't Jiang Min's eyes look at him like he was looking at one.... Dirty... Stinky man?

Anyway, Gu Chen and this Chen Yu fell into silence very tacitly.

Jiang Min also silently withdrew his palm.

She is also not the kind of girl who does not understand, since Gu Chen and Chen Yu are not willing to say anything.

Then there must be something she can't let know! Then she doesn't ask!

It's not a big deal anyway.

In the end, the three finally arrived at the company where Sun Shulan, Lin Wanxiang and others were.

As soon as they entered the office area, they realized what it was like when they left.

Now that I'm back, the scene is still the same, and nothing has changed at all.

Gu Chen didn't know what to say.

I was worried about whether something happened during the time he left, so Gu Chen could only silently come to the attentive Tong Zixin and ask.

"What is Zixin's situation now?"

Tong Zixin directly said to Gu Chen without looking back.

"There is nothing to do now, but there seems to be a little fluctuation on the broader market side before, I looked at it, and a group of funds poured into some concept stocks, as if preparing to pull these stocks up to the limit board!"

"It's just that when the soaring speed is fast, it is suppressed by other funds, and the entire plate that was originally driven up, this time it suddenly returned to the pre-liberation period."

Tong Zixin spoke very cleanly at this time, without any hesitation or entanglement.

Gu Chen liked Tong Zixin in this efficient working state, so he simply replied to Tong Zixin with a good sentence, and then took Chen Yu, who was now a little weak, to sit in front of the big plate.

"I also told you about the situation, this is the situation now, I think all this should be Chen Mouren's handwriting, but I can't understand why Chen Mouren did this!"

"I don't know where he got the guts, now it's up to you!"

"This is also a good opportunity for you to take revenge!"

Gu Chen gently patted Chen Yu's shoulder, and the latter's face was full of enthusiasm when he heard the last sentence.

All over the body seems to be full of power at this time.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, just leave it to me! You're good to go! "

Just frantically operate it on a few computers.

All kinds of K-line curves were all picked out by him to watch, and all the computer screens suddenly became tall.

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