Gu Chen glanced at it and determined that they were all some very professional stocks on the data, and then directly withdrew his gaze.

The whole person fell into a state of indifference.

"Having a professional feels different."

"And I can be a dispenser again!"

Gu Chen, who was overjoyed in his heart, simply sat down directly and prepared to comfort Jiang Min, who had just seen his mother and other men spilling.

After all, this kind of injury is not something that everyone can experience and forgive.

On the other hand, after Li Wenquan sent the countess to one of his villas, he sat on his Bugatti Veyron and silently opened his tablet to watch the transaction data in the Dakang Construction Group.

"It's so fast, it's like someone selling one second ago, someone picking it up in half a second..."

"It's like a left-handed hand, right-handed, without any suspense."

"It's hard not to suspect insider trading."

"And today's market is unusually stable, the point fluctuations up and down do not exceed one percent, can directly fluctuate the market, and make the market so stable, only Li Jiahao, but what is his purpose in doing this?"

After thinking about it, Li Wenquan thought about how he should take advantage of the unstable situation in the financial market of Xiangcheng Island to perform in front of his grandfather.

"What a hassle! Disturb me and Jessica's happy time! "

Because there are too few data and tools at hand, the young master of the Li family has not analyzed anything at all.

He can only judge what must be wrong with this, but what is the specific problem, he also needs to go to his own company to use some help to analyze it.

However, I don't know how much time is needed for the time wasted and the energy wasted.

Li Wenquan could only sigh silently, and his heart began to calculate.

"If I'm going to be busy until evening or even early hours of the morning, what reason should I use to fool Jessica?"

"And I always think that Jessica has changed so much at the beginning and end!"

Li Wenquan thought about how Jessica he first came into contact with matured, and how he turned into a spoiled child after he arrived.

"But I just can't help myself!"

After sighing in his heart for a while, Li Wenquan felt that Bugatti Veyron had stopped, and he thought he had arrived at the place.

Unexpectedly, just after Li Wenquan got out of the car, he felt that his car door was being forcibly pulled.

"What's going on?"

Li Wenquan glanced at the flower shirt that the outside world did not know at all, and frowned.

And because Li Wenquan didn't notice the scenery on the side of the road just now.

So even if in the end, this Bugatti Veyron drove to a wild place, Li Wen didn't care.

The only thing he cared about was why he was brought here, and who was outside.

As for safety issues, as long as you don't get out of the car, this specially treated Bugatti Veyron can not only be bullet-proof, but not afraid of blunt objects, even if you use a cutting machine, I am afraid it will take about three days to scratch a little skin.

There are also all kinds of messy survival protection to cope with various situations.

His life safety was absolutely guaranteed.

"But the signal is gone, this is going to do something!"

"What a dare!"

Li Wenquan sneered and was ready to do something.

"Master Wang!"

But before that, he has one thing to do!

That is to find out what happened to Master Wang, who has been driving a car for his family for almost twenty years.

For the absolute safety of life, even the interior space of this Bugatti Veyron separates the rear seat from the driver's seat.

The protection used is also the special equipment used, so Li Wenquan is not worried about what the driver Master Wang can do to himself by directly breaking through the protection.

"Li Dashao."

After a while after Li Wenquan's words were asked, this Master Wang finally spoke.

"Our Li family seems to have never treated you badly, the house, the car, and even the wife are not all properly arranged for you, so you will betray us!" Are you worthy of our Li family?

"By the way, have we taken care of you for the past twenty years?"

At this time, Li Wenquan knew that if he persuaded this Master Wang, he would still have a little chance to survive.

After all, Li Wenquan could still feel that Master Wang did not get out of the car.

In other words, if he persuaded this Master Wang, he would be able to let him drive directly and run.

Even if he was not convinced in the end, Li Wenquan felt that he should probably be able to know a little information from this Master Wang.

In the end, are these people out there kidnapping themselves, or are they going to do something to themselves?

These are all things that he needs to think about.

"Li Dashao, if I want to say that you are good, it is good to help me form a family, and the bad is bad in this."

"I won't say much else, you definitely have no way to leave today, these people don't want your life, as for what to do, I don't know, anyway, I don't plan to leave alive."

"What I owe to your Li family is estimated to be paid back in the next life!" If Young Master Li gets out of trouble, please raise your noble hand and don't make a move on my wife and children, how to say that sentence, it can't hurt my wife and children, hahaha!

After the driver Master Wang said these words, he fell into absolute silence.

Even Li Wenquan fell silent.

"Why not struggle... I didn't say what I would do to you, if you are threatened, I will help you get out of the threat, why is it so sharp?

Finally, Li Wenquan said this sentence silently, and his eyes were filled with a feeling called calm and leisurely.

But outside this Bugatti Veyron there are more and more people.

Li Wenquan still did not panic in the slightest.

Because deep in his subconscious, he actually didn't worry, after all, if he killed him, the entire Xiangcheng Island would change.

"Let me see what you all look like!"

Silently muttering in his heart, Li Wenquan destroyed all the important messages in his mobile phone.

The same goes for data in tablets.

Even if you are really found by a group of people outside to open the turtle shell, you must maintain your demeanor safely.

What is this called, this is called imminent imminence.

"But..... Isn't dinner with Jessica and a trip to the mall really out of play!

"And Jessica doesn't think she can find my person by then!" Then I called and no one answered.... Isn't this finished? Li

Wenquan, who was still in danger, his confident face became a little trance at this time.

The whole person looked a little scared.


After silently complaining, Li Wenquan raised his head, as if he had become a salted fish who had lost his dream.


In the 6-star hotel, the countess is enjoying a wonderful bubble bath.

After all, after going out, isn't it very reasonable to take a bath with a little dust on your body.

Moreover, Li Wenquan has already brought all the new products of this season from various big-name clothing stores to this hotel.

Now, in the presidential suite close to 200 square meters, there are nearly 80 square meters in which those expensive luxury clothes are placed.

It just so happens that this countess can choose at will after taking a bath.

It's just that this countess, who was originally a little happy, suddenly flashed back to a paragraph that happened today, and this countess's expression suddenly stiffened.

As for what this woman had in mind, it was very simple.

That is to think of Gu Chen's peerless face when he looked at Gu Chen today.

"Blah blah! Ah, what do you think!

"Shouldn't it be thinking that you will find this guy quickly!"

Suddenly, the countess sprang up from the bath.

Silently wiping her body clean, she came to her desk, looked at the license plate number she had written, and wondered who she should find to help her find the owner of this car.

"Looking for a housekeeper who lives next door?"

In the mind of this countess, a very suitable candidate immediately came to mind.

But after pondering for a while, he found that no, there was a problem.

"This housekeeper has always had a good relationship with Jiang Min, a little slut, if I look for him, wouldn't I be sending a message to that little slut?"

Knowing that this matter could not be done, the countess directly excluded the butler.

At the same time, another candidate came to mind.

"It seems that you can find him!"

The countess's eyes lit up for a moment.

Silently took out his mobile phone and rummaged through the contact information of Li Wan, which he had saved at that time.

"As long as he threatens this guy, he won't tell his eldest brother about this."

"When the time comes, I can hang this guy more, why not?"

"Just perfect!"

After thinking about these things, the countess felt that she could do what she said, and some things really needed sooner rather than later.

Otherwise, something will happen that you don't want to see.

It's just that this countess doesn't know yet.

In fact, the biggest change is herself.

It was as if this countess didn't know that Gu Chen and Jiang Min's car was actually his Li Wan.

I don't know that Li Wan's lack of sensitivity to these numerical matters.

Therefore, when the countess gave the license plate number to Li Wan, although Li Wan's feeling was a little familiar, he couldn't remember that he had such a car.

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