Among the Wanhao Stock Exchange.

Old God Chen Mouren was staying in his room, playing spider cards.

At the same time, his thoughts drifted to an unknown place.

"It's almost time."

He glanced sideways at the time and muttered a word.

The whole person shows a sense of indifference and control of the overall situation.

But in his eyes, there seemed to be a little worry.

Because until now, although things seem to have been going according to plan perfectly, Chen Mouren expected, when there was a problem in the stock market of Xiangcheng Island.

After all, there are those who like to make small reports to do things, and there will always be some old guys' eyeliner to report to him.

It turned out to be at this point.

Chen Mouren found that Li Jiahao's side was still calm, and there was no news.

There was no movement either.

What is this concept?

This means that Li Jiahao is either really engaged in the transfer of assets now, and there is no extra effort to manage other things.

Or after knowing these things, he began his own Taoguang cultivation, ready to give him the heaviest blow to Chen Mouren at the most critical time.

All this is possible.

At least in Chen Mouren's opinion, Li Jiahao must have prepared something behind his back, and as for what he had prepared, he did not know.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, I want to see how much sharpness you guy still has, dare to bravely turn his face with me after discovering my rebellion!"

"I'd rather see if you have the courage to overthrow everything and start all over again, or if everything is burned down!"

Chen Mouren's eyes showed a crazy look.

But when his eyes drifted to a light-covered photo on his desk, the madness in Chen Mouren's eyes began to slowly dim.

Because he can not think about himself, but he still has to think about other people.

Especially this other person is still his own son!

"Hey! It's all for future generations, and this is true!

"Are you going to blame me? Aqin? Chen

Mouren seemed to have become a sad poet at this time.

He stroked the photo with his own not rough, but already a little old palm, and the expression in his eyes was already a little sad.

The look is also a little nostalgic.

The whole person seems to have lost that arrogant aura, and has completely turned into a decadent and old feeling that is in line with the current grade.


In Li Jiahao's private estate.

He had just woken up from sleep.

After a set of tedious work to get up, Li Jiahao silently stretched his body.

Then the cold-faced male secretary before entered the room directly.

He didn't even get Li Jiahao's consent and didn't knock on the door in advance.

But Li Jiahao was not surprised by this.

Because his schedule is very fixed, and he also told this guy himself.

There is no need for him to do any reporting or messy processes, and he can directly enter the room to find Li Jiahao.

"Xiangcheng Island is very lively today, take a look."

As he spoke, the secretary handed Li Jiahao a tablet.

At the same time, he is also very skilled in turning on the large screen hidden in his room.

"Chen Mouren, what does this guy want to do!"

Li Jiahao silently read the computer handed over by the male secretary and said indifferently.

"It's still unclear, and the shares acquired are all under the name of the Wanhao Stock Exchange, and the Wanhao Stock Exchange is under your name, so Chen Moren is completely helping you make a wedding dress."

"But in the same way, you have attracted countless attention, do you have any ideas?"

After the male secretary adjusted the big screen in front of him, he silently asked Li Jiahao.

But Li Jiahao was still watching intently the stock price fluctuations of Dakang Construction Group on this tablet.

He thought it was a little strange.

"It's obviously buying and sweeping goods, why are you so hesitant, it's like putting a long line to fish."

Li Jiahao thought so in his heart.

The male secretary probably waited a little too long, and said a little impatiently.

"What to do?"

Li Jiahao didn't seem to hear it, and the whole person was in a state of trance.

It was not until the secretary man asked questions for the second time that Li Jiahao came back to his senses.

"Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while."


"We are all grasshoppers after the autumn and can't bounce for long, you see his movements, although it looks orderly, but in fact he is also afraid that the movement is too big and there will be problems that cannot be solved."

"That's why he's working very hard to stabilize the market, because he knows that once the momentum is big, it will definitely attract the attention of some people we can't afford to mess with."

"And if we intervene, we will definitely force this Chen Mouren to go crazy, and when the time comes, we will directly pump the market, without his trading volume as support, then there will be a downward trend of over-falling and the confidence of shareholders will be lost."

"The entire financial market of Xiangcheng Island will be greeted by a total collapse, and it will be impossible to transfer assets at that time, even if you want to go abroad."

The secretary man suddenly fell silent when he heard Li Jiahao's words, and he asked lightly.

"Why, they can decide everything, and we can only resign ourselves to fate?"

"Why do they come down to reduce the dimensionality of us?"

"Can't you honestly sit in your place and don't move, you have to do these things!" If they don't want to change the policy, why should we!

When the secretary man said this, he saw Li Jiahao's indifferent eyes.

Immediately understood that Li Jiahao didn't want to listen to his chaotic nagging now.

So he closed his mouth, and Li Jiahao slowly put down the tablet in his hand.

He looked at the data on the big screen and said silently.

"Anyway, this Chen Mouren has calculated this point accurately, knowing that I will definitely not make a move, and the people of the four major families can't figure out whether I am manipulating the stock market or Chen Mouren is manipulating the stock market, so they will definitely not make a move easily."

"In this case, the three-way balance can completely put Chen Mouren under a condition that he will never lose."

After Li Jiahao analyzed these things, he silently praised this Chen Mouren.

"After so many years with me, I finally learned a little, it's okay."

"Before I left Xiangcheng Island, I was able to see this guy's good answers, which is also a comfort, at least to be sure that he should not collapse if he stays behind!"

Li Jiahao said and asked the male secretary to bring him a stool.

It's just that although Li Jiahao has already given his own order, the male secretary seems to have no reaction at all.

Like Li Jiahao, he also looked up at the data on the screen and said.

"You already knew that Chen Mouren betrayed you, but you deliberately didn't pay attention to him in order to make him a attention-grabbing existence."

"Or from the beginning, you didn't actually regard this Chen Mouren as a pawn that could be used to attract all the attention of the surface, but his private actions were discovered by you."

"But you didn't say anything about this Chen Mouren, and you even indulged him at some point."

"What the hell do you want to do? I really don't understand you more and more.

After silently saying such words, the male secretary looked at the richest man on Xiangcheng Island beside him without the slightest hesitation.

There was no awe in the eyes at all, and they were full of doubts.

"Because ah, all this I did to him seemed to him to be a bad thing, but when the future comes, when he finds out what I have done, he will probably thank me in return."

"Moreover, I didn't say that being a person will always be the same, I have never asked Chen Mouren to be loyal to me forever, since there is no constraint between the two sides, isn't it just to separate if you want to separate?"

"The most important thing is that if I were in the form of an order to give orders to this Chen Mouren, even if he could do it well now, he would definitely not listen to you."

"But if Chen Moren wants something from the bottom of his heart, then he needs to work his own, and what are the consequences of his own efforts, of course, crazy care!"

Li Jiahao showed a playful posture, but let the secretary man who listened to all this in his ears and eyes on the side notice a little different abnormality.

"So, are you really pretending not to know and letting this Chen Mouren operate it himself?"

"Then aren't you afraid that this Chen Mouren will lose all the capital and savings of the intact stock exchange?"

"The Wanhao Stock Exchange is a river and mountain that you personally knocked down, and you let him waste it so easily!"

So the secretary man at this time was obviously a little excited.

He even wanted to have a good fight with this Li Jiahao.

However, Li Jiahao didn't know why, just after the secretary man finished saying this, he didn't have any feeling of wanting to quarrel with him.

Even the whole person fell into a weird smile.

The secretary man who watched it was a little numb in his scalp, especially when Li Jiahao looked at the secretary man and laughed.


The secretary man heard the feeling behind this smile.

Immediately, I felt as if I had provoked some great immortal.

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