Li Jiahao looked at the expression on the secretary man's face, and he didn't know what this guy was thinking.

"Hehe, you still have a lot to learn."

After saying this, Li Jiahao silently used the tablet to control every move on the screen.

"It's a little interesting, Chen Mouren has improved a little, but the means are still a little immature, but being able to think of this in this short period of time can be regarded as qualified."

Li Jiahao was able to review the recital and taste Chen Mouren's works.

The male secretary was a little unconvinced.

"After all, it's just some opportunism, it's not a real skill."

"Don't you understand the nature of stocks now, isn't it to fly to the sky with the help of a strong opportunism?"

"But that's all before you, and now stocks are more about technical things, and simply relying on the news side is no longer an important indicator."

"Hahaha, you're right."

It can be seen that Li Jiahao doesn't seem to want to entangle with the secretary man on this issue, so he chose the legendary You Dafa who is right and does not argue with the secretary man.

This made the secretary man feel as if he was an unreasonable child, and he was perfunctory by adults.

More and more, his emotions were on the verge of going violent.

Of course, he couldn't have made any excessive moves against Li Jiahao so simply.

He just wanted to see what Li Jiahao planned to do in this situation.

"Then you are leaving Chen Mouren alone?"

"Or do you want to help?" I see that now that the Li family's funds have entered, as long as we have done something for so many years, the Li family will definitely be the one who opposes.

"There are no exceptions this time."

Li Jiahao followed the direction pointed by the secretary man and looked at a data showing the transaction volume.

"Old ghost Li, he has fought with me all his life and lost to me every time, it is indeed a breath in his stomach, and his current health is not very good, so he is more impatient to do things."

"The other three haven't entered yet, but he's coming to be the vanguard again, it's not interesting, don't worry about it!"

"If Chen Mouren can't even deal with an old ghost Li who has lost his mind, let alone deal with me, let them fight each other first, take advantage of this opportunity..."

Li Jiahao explained while turning the screen up.

"Aren't we still some virtual assets that have not been converted out, just to use these stocks to ship, don't worry about the issue of taxes, then all of them will be hung on the Wanhao Stock Exchange."

"I don't believe that this guy Chen Mouren will easily let his root be saddled with so many debts, and he will definitely find a way to settle it."

"And by then we will have cleaned all the shares and converted them into real money and taken away."

"I really have to thank Chen Mouren, if he wasn't so bold, how could I have the opportunity to transfer assets on such a large scale."

Li Jiahao showed a smiling expression, which made the secretary on the side even more suspicious.

"Is this plan really something you thought of out of nowhere? You must have been calculating Chen Mouren for a long time! He was really persecuted by you! "

But this is a thought, the secretary can never really say.

I can only silently complain in my heart, and at the same time, I directly responded to Li Jiahao's words.

"Okay, I'll do it."


In the Longteng Group, Wang Wei had a little headache looking at some shares that he occasionally or rarely ate.

But under the leadership of Chen Yu and his team, they set their sights on stocks other than Dakang Construction Group.

"Yes, it's this stock, the volatility is exactly the same as Dakang Construction Group, let me sweep it or both!"

"And this stock is obviously no one is in control, give me a rush!" Let's sit down! "

Quality stocks, quality stocks! Take it all for me! "

That's right, just after Chen Yu returned, after his earth-shattering super analysis.

Chen Yu told Gu Chen a very firm answer.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gu, I don't see what this guy Chen Mouren wants to do, but the only thing I can be sure of is that the price of the stock market this time has been completely suppressed."

"The trading volume of this sky-high price is completely not matched by the current stock price, so the entire market is controlled by people and does not skyrocket too much, otherwise there will be problems."

"If nothing else, the Market Supervision Bureau will definitely take the lead in controlling this phenomenon, but if these outbreaks are completely suppressed, and then released little by little later, it means that a small bull market can be fully achieved."

"At that time, there will be countless people eating meat in the market, and even if it really turns from a bull market to a bear market afterwards, it has been so long that a lot of evidence can't prove anything."

"Coupled with the truth that the law does not blame the public, if you really want to pursue it, the shareholders and retail investors who eat meat and drink soup in the bull market from today to the future are all investors who have eaten dividends and got what they want."

After Chen Yu and Gu Chen explained these things, Gu Chen of course directly agreed to his approach.

"Well, since this is the case, making money legally and reasonably is indeed a good ride, so sit up!"

"Okay, Mr. Gu!"

After receiving Gu Chen's order, Chen Yu was in high spirits.

Because he knows that the more he earns today and the more he invests, the less money Chen Mouren's guy can earn tomorrow.

"This is also a kind of revenge, revenge for what this guy did to me!"

A spark of revenge flashed in Chen Yu's eyes.

But when he really operated, Chen Yu remembered something.

"Eh, Mr. Gu, where did our bullets come from?"

"Don't you say that I forgot, is there an upper limit to the income this time or something."

Gu Chen then remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to give Chen Yu money, otherwise how could he buy the shares of these stocks.

"The upper limit this time, in fact, I don't know, mainly depends on how long this bull market can last."

"We still have to calculate the level of our stock holdings, and there are some messy calculations or something, Mr. Gu, you asked me to give you an accurate number now, I really can't do it..."

Chen Yu directly said his difficulties.

Gu Chen didn't embarrass him.

"Okay, I know, then according to the 25% share of Dakang Construction Group, if we invest in ten companies at the same time, it will probably take about 20 billion."

"Then first according to this standard..." It's

just that just when Gu Chen said this and planned to make money, the cold sweat on Chen Yu's forehead immediately soared.

"Gu Zonggu! Wait a minute!

"You're not right, that's not right!"

Gu Chen looked at Chen Yu's nervous look and immediately asked.

"What's wrong, what did I calculate wrong?"

"Can't calculate according to the method of buying stocks like Dakang Construction Group, our proposition this time should be low-key lurking, make a wave and run away!"

"If we are too high-profile, it will inevitably attract the attention of others, and then these high-quality stocks we find will be carried by everyone, and we can indeed earn more, but the difficulty of shipping will be greater!"

"If there is any stampede of shares, isn't it cutting leeks?"

Chen Yu directly analyzed a wave of negative effects with Gu Chen.

Then Chen Yu continued.

"Moreover, my team and I, in fact, the biggest project we have organized and participated in so far is just a merger and acquisition of two companies! The highest amount is about 100 million.

"At that time, it was these 100 million that kept us busy to death, and this you suddenly appeared 20 billion, and it was also the stock of ten companies, I think you just let us spin 24 hours a day today, it is impossible to complete this task!"

Chen Yu's face was almost crying, and Gu Chen almost laughed when he saw it.

"Okay, okay, then where is your limit, twenty billion."

"Well, I know the situation you said, that is, you don't have enough manpower and energy, so let's connect Wang Wei directly, and now the traders of the Longteng Group are at your command."

"That always makes you feel secure and confident, right?"

Gu Chen's words directly made Chen Yu's heart surging when he heard it.

"Mr. Gu, then can I ask, how many traders do we have in Longteng Group now?"

But Chen Yu was not in a hurry to take over Gu Chen's big stall.

He always has to ask clearly before he dares to act, if there are really too many traders, he really does not know whether he can be the person in charge of this task.

After all, they are all a group of people who have never been in contact with or cooperated, and suddenly they forcibly get together.

If there is a problem in any link, Chen Yu may not be able to react.

In addition, it didn't take long for him to join Gu Chen's Longteng Group, and he encountered these big projects, big people, big tasks one after another.

Chen Yu said in his heart that it was impossible not to be nervous.

Moreover, just yesterday he himself just experienced punishment after a defeat .... Although this punishment Chen Yu also liked it.

But failure is failure, and even any excuse cannot be concealed.

So when he encountered a super big task again, Chen Yu must first ask clearly and think clearly.

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