Gu Chen looked at Chen Yu's tangled and worried face, and felt that this guy was also painstaking, and he thought about a lot of things.

Therefore, Gu Chen naturally wanted to think about some things for him from his point of view.

For example, give Chen Yu a little confidence.

"Don't worry, some of the Longteng Group is defeated by the family."

"Have you forgotten, the financial situation of Longteng Group that you saw before."

After Gu Chen's reminder, Chen Yu suddenly remembered that Longteng Group's cash flow had reached a terrifying 100 billion.

That's a number that makes people's legs and feet numb when they see it, not to mention those fixed assets under Gu Chen's name.

Basically, Chen Yu only needs to maintain about thirty percent of his true level.

It is completely able to use Gu Chen's huge capital to operate wildly.

In this way, there is no need for Chen Yu to have much technical content, as long as he finds a good direction, and then uses the offensive of money to scare the other party's capital.

Gu Chen's words made Chen Yu raise his head, and he began to mumble

, "This is indeed the case, but why do I feel that this royal method is a little too domineering."

"However, having unlimited confidence and being able to do things unscrupulously is indeed my favorite idea!"

Chen Yu thought for a while, and coupled with the rapidly changing situation now, he knew that he could not hesitate for too long.

Otherwise, there will be a situation where you don't know what words to use.

Or if there is any turning point, Chen Yu does not dare to delay.

"Okay, then I'll try it Mr. Gu, but I first have to run in a little with my team and the traders of our Longteng Group."

Chen Yu said his needs to Gu Chen.

Of course, Gu Chen wanted to satisfy him.

"Okay, you wait."

As he spoke, Gu Chen called Wang Wei.

"President Gu!"

Wang Wei, who was still very efficient, answered the phone and heard Gu Chen's request, although he felt a little choking in his heart.

I feel that Gu Chen is feeling that he is not good for being a layman.

Without a financial professional like Chen Yu, he did a good job, and suddenly there was no sign to replace him, what is this concept.

Wang Wei was actually a little worried in his heart, after all, he was not an age with advantages.

If you really want to compare with this Chen Yu Xiao young, that is, you have a little more qualifications.

After Gu Chen gave the order, a lot of messy thoughts popped up in Wang Wei's mind in an instant.

But soon, Wang Wei reacted and said directly to Gu Chen.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, I'll do it!"

Gu Chen nodded at Chen Yu to signal that he had already arranged it, and waited for Wang Wei to organize the two sides to start docking over there.

At the same time, Gu Chen also thought about whether his decision was a little too hasty.

However, after thinking about it, Chen Yu and Chen Mouren stayed for a long time before.

"It must be Chen Yu, a young man, who accidentally exposed his youthful nature, and wanted to show off when he encountered things, so he chatted with Chen Mouren about financial knowledge."

"It was this situation that made Chen Mouren realize that Chen Yu was a rare financial talent, which made him feel that Chen Yu was a person who could threaten his plans."

"Will take Chen Yu on the road of wine and wealth, and finally leave Chen Yu for one night, it seems that there must be something on Chen Yu that Chen Mouren is afraid of or cares about."

"Then since financial predators like Chen Mouren have proven the value of Chen Yu, what reason do I have to doubt the professionalism of this Chen Yu!"

Gu Chen, who had thought about this, decided to trust his opponent's vision.

This boldly enabled Chen Yu.

After Chen Yu collected his emotions, he also began to debug the screen in front of him, and he wanted to display all the data he wanted to see.

Although it is a little difficult, but fortunately, the building of the company that Sun Shulanlin chose has a lot of brand new equipment before, which belongs to the kind of environment where you can work directly with your bag.

Therefore, Chen Yu easily found a lot of data that he could continue to take a good look at those that he could not see.

After about a busy little time, Gu Chen received a call from Wang Wei.

"Mr. Gu, it's me! My procedures here have already been handed over, how do you think you can hand over with Chen Yu again?

Wang Wei's words made Gu Chen a little strange.

"How do you feel like you're quitting the project?"


But Wang Wei's strangeness in his heart was much more than Gu Chen, which suddenly replaced him, the overall commander, isn't this telling himself that this project has nothing to do with him today.

But suddenly, Gu Chen's words really made Wang Wei a little blinded.

He didn't quite understand what Gu Chen wanted to do.

"Obviously Chen Yu came to take over, why do you say such things, do you really think that one mountain can accommodate two tigers?"

"President Gu, what is this doing!"

Of course, Wang Wei complained about Gu Chen's behavior in his heart.

However, his mouth directly asked Gu Chen in a good voice.

"Mr. Gu, do you mean I don't need to leave?"

"Nonsense, what are you leaving for, you are still the general person in charge of this project, Chen Yu's side can only be regarded as a technical support, and we are still on Xiangcheng Island, how can we arrive at the scene for guidance?"

"Oooooh! It was, it was!

After Wang Wei heard Gu Chen's words, his whole eyebrows suddenly danced, and he put down his briefcase and computer.

It's back in its place.

"So, Mr. Gu, what do I need to do now?"

Elated, Wang Wei, whose emotions were completely released in his heart, licked the dog very much and asked Gu Chen what he needed to do now.

Gu Chen was a little speechless by Wang Wei.

Because he could hear it, before this Wang Wei felt that he wanted to replace him with Chen Yu.

That's why I suddenly talked to myself with a little complaining, and now my words are completely back to normal.

Therefore, the sound will be very normal, and people will hear it without any awkward feeling.

"Or do your original thing, did you think too much before."

Gu Chen did not ask politely at all, and Wang Wei instantly blushed a little embarrassed.

But because the two people were in a different place, Gu Chen couldn't see Wang Wei's face become very exciting... wonderful.

But fortunately, because the two people are not in one place, Wang Wei can lie directly.

"Ah, Mr. Gu didn't! How could I possibly think too much! I'm all very normal thinking!

"I mean, how do we need to work together now?"

In order not to let Gu Chen continue to discover his mistakes, he was picked up as a joke and said again.

Therefore, Wang Wei changed his topic very naturally.

Gu Chen did not entangle himself in this little thing, but silently showed a businesslike attitude.

"Simple, first find a stock to test the water, and the two sides run in."

At the same time, Gu Chen also put forward a very reasonable suggestion.

In an instant, he got the consent from Wang Wei and Chen Yu.

"Okay, Mr. Gu!"

"Then you can try, Mr. Gu!"

Without further ado, Gu Chen directly began to pick out one of the stocks that Chen Yu selected.

"That's it, Qunying Group Portrait Culture Co., Ltd."

The reason why Gu Chen chose this company is simply because of the name of this company, and the group sounds a little extraordinary.

But I don't know why, Gu Chen always felt that this name was a little familiar.

I always feel as if I've heard it somewhere.

But it doesn't matter, Gu Chen won't care about some things that he can't remember.

Naturally, it is to directly let this little thing go straight to the past.

But Wang Wei and Chen Yu's reactions were different.

Wang Wei looked at the name of this group of Yingqun Portrait Culture Co., Ltd., but he just felt that there were not many other ideas.

Instead, Chen Yu carefully observed the basic plate of this group of Ying Qunxian Culture Co., Ltd. and said.

"Mr. Gu, the basic circulation of this company has reached more than 5 billion, so our investment cannot exceed 250 million, and the province has gone wrong after the 5% warning line."

"Of course, the most important thing is not to be discovered by the regulatory authority, otherwise it will still be a problem."

After saying this, Chen Yu began to carefully observe the situation of this group of Yingqun Portrait Culture Co., Ltd.

Gu Chen didn't even have time to say anything to him.

Just look at this guy's whole person spread on the computer, a concentrated look and don't care how awkward his behavior is.

Gu Chen didn't care about this Chen Yu.

Just silently found a free computer, and then silently bridged the camera, and at the same time asked Wang to prepare for it, and the two sides opened a video connection.

They immediately saw Chen Yu's current weak appearance.

Wang Wei was stunned for a moment, and kept drumming in his heart.

"Isn't it, the work of Xiangcheng Island is so hard, this Chen Yu has directly lost weight like this? His face is still very pale, a little scary! Fortunately....Fortunately, Mr. Gu didn't take me there... Otherwise, wouldn't I..." Thinking

of this, Wang Wei felt a little less resentment towards this Chen Yu, and at the same time a little more sympathy.

As for the members of Chen Yu's team, they saw Chen Yu's weak appearance, and thought that Chen Yu had been cut by someone.

One of the two nervous, asked Chen Yu.

"Chen Yu, what's wrong with you! Is there something wrong with your body?

"Can you speak, what's the problem, what's wrong!"

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