Gu Chen heard the language that Chen Yu's team cared about.

Suddenly looked at Chen Yu, who was still immersed in studying the plate of Qunying Group Portrait Culture Co., Ltd.

So he coughed silently twice and said to Chen Yu.

"Chen Yu, someone is looking for you."

Because of the worship of Gu Chen, there is also that feeling of conviction and gratitude.

Therefore, even if he didn't hear the voice of the people in his team, he still subconsciously heard Gu Chen's voice completely in his ears.

He immediately moved towards Gu Chen.

"Eh, Mr. Gu! I'm here! When

he turned around, he saw Gu Chen pointing at himself, which made his thoughts not on Gu Chen at all, and Chen Yu, who was still on Qunying Group Portrait Culture Co., Ltd., was stunned for a moment.

Until he turned his head to look at the computer screen that Gu Chen had connected.

Chen Yu then discovered Gu Chen's thoughtfulness.

"It's you!"

Immediately, Chen Yu threw himself in front of this computer screen, and the whole person showed a feeling that he missed them very much.

Gu Chen shook his head and did not disturb this happy reunion time of theirs.

Instead, he silently came to Tong Zixin's side.

As for the matter of Qunying Group Portrait Culture Co., Ltd., leave it to me Wang Wei and Chen Yu.

After all, in the following period, they will definitely need to cooperate with each other.

Gu Chen can't make arrangements between the two sides in everything, one by two, help them think of future countermeasures and pave the way.

That's a bit too time-consuming, and it's too big to overkill.

Therefore, Gu Chen directly handed over the stage to Wang Wei and Chen Yu, allowing them to find a perfect balance between the two sides to think about the behavior between the two sides.

For other things, Gu Chen can only see the results, but the shares of Qunying Qunxiang Culture Co., Ltd. actually Gu Chen does not care very much.

Even for Chen Mouren, I don't know if it is good or bad, whether he wants to attract the attention of the four major families and make them crazy to attack Li Jiahao, or this Chen Mouren is looking for a way back for himself, so he is crazy.

Or both, in fact, it is Chen Mouren's ambition, wanting to kill two birds with one stone.

Gu Chen thought a lot, the reason why he started from Qunying Group Portrait Culture Co., Ltd. slowly let Wang Wei and Chen Yu join in this time the financial market of Xiangcheng Island changed greatly.

In fact, it is still Gu Chen's feeling that he wants to occupy a little right to speak.

Otherwise, if the body size is too small, the voice is naturally too small, and basically no one will be able to hear themselves!"

Gu Chen, who understood this, of course, wanted to first obtain the qualification to talk to the top rich people of Xiangcheng Island, and he was also qualified to have an equal dialogue.

For this reason, he definitely does not mind taking a look at the financial market of Xiangcheng Island.

"As long as you maintain your own bottom line and control a certain degree, no matter what the occasion and character should be very comfortable!"

Gu Chen's thinking is very clear.

Of course, the most important thing is that Gu Chen still hasn't given up and forgotten that he wants to take revenge on Li Jiahao.

"Didn't you design my way to Xiangcheng Island just to let me help you attract the firepower of the four major families?"

"Okay, then I'll let you get what you want! After I have these stocks firmly in my hands and all the businesses involved, I want to see how you guy can face my problems!

Gu Chen showed an indifferent smile, Gu Chen had long been impatient with what this guy Li Jiahao did.

What made Gu Chen feel even more angry was actually Li Jiahao's means of controlling people's hearts and playing with people's hearts.

Gu Chen silently came behind Tong Zixin, watching her hard work and constantly operating the keyboard to carry out the acquisition operation of concentric coins.

Gu Chen thought of how much Tong Zixin had suffered for these concentric coins before.

Thinking of what happened to Tong Zixin, Gu Chen became even more angry with this Li Jiahao, and he couldn't wait to immediately settle Li Jiahao's account that had ruled the financial market of Xiangcheng Island for decades.

The most important thing is to liquidate Tong Zixin's affairs with Li Jiahao.

Gu Chen thought like this, as if he had taken root behind Tong Zixin.

"What's wrong, Mr. Gu?"

This move immediately caused Tong Zixin's reaction.

She directly stopped what she was doing, turned her head and asked Gu Chen.

At the beginning, Tong Zixin thought that Gu Chen felt that he was too casual when he spoke before, and these many concentric coins, Gu Chen's simple two sentences were directly sealed.

It is indeed a little bad for Gu Chen, after all, it is a cost of money, not a garbage fee.

Tong Zixin thought like this, in fact, his heart had begun to loosen his views on Tongxin Coin.

It's just that Gu Chen probably heard or discovered this Tong Zixin's thoughts.

Especially when Tong Zixin was not working or talking, Gu Chen understood even more that he was disturbing Tong Zixin.

He said immediately.

"It's okay Zixin, you're busy, don't worry about me! I just want to see your progress, I don't want to worry about other things, you just work hard!

"No, it should be to fulfill your dreams."

Gu Chen said these words gently, but Tong Zixin did not turn his head at this time.

Instead, he stood up directly and said to Gu Chen.

"Suddenly a little stuffy, Mr. Gu, I want to go out to breathe."

Gu Chen looked at Tong Zixin without concealment, using his eyes to look at him deadly.

Where did he not know that this was Tong Zixin beckoning him to go out together.

There is no way, Gu Chen can't always pretend to be confused, so Gu Chen said directly.

"Is it such a coincidence, I just wanted to say that I feel a little bored here, I want to go out for a walk, you say so, then let's go together!"

After he thought that he said such a sentence very naturally, all of a sudden, Gu Chen felt that the entire space was silent.

Gu Chen felt this inexplicable change and was a little puzzled.

Especially at this time, Tong Zixin actually said directly when he heard him say this.

"Okay, okay, then I'll wear a coat."

However, this sounds very problematic, so the atmosphere of the scene is even more wrong.

In addition to a little dazed on his face, but Jiang Min, who seemed to understand something, looked at Tong Zixin Gu Chen's gaze meeting.

I muttered a little in my heart.

"I also want to look at Brother Gu Chen affectionately! This sister Tong Zixin is simply my lifelong enemy! "

In addition to Jiang Min, the rest of the people are also you look at me and I look at you, I always feel that Gu Chen and Jiang Min have a little story.

He was even discussing with his team how he could successfully buy up to three percent of all his favorite stocks without attracting any waves or attention.

As for the group of heroes group portrait culture Co., Ltd. left by Gu Chen as a run-in, Chen Yu just saw that there was no difficulty at all, why.

Because the traders of Longteng Group are close to two hundred people.

Even if Chen Yu and his team do not run in with them, they can still find a very reasonable way to maintain the balance between them.

Therefore, whether it is Chen Yu or Wang Wei, in fact, they did not put this group of Yingqun Portrait Culture Co., Ltd. in their eyes from the beginning.

A small company with a market capitalization of only 5 billion yuan! What is there to pay attention to!

It was with this mentality that Chen Yu and the people in his team would become so nervous after Gu Chen and Tong Zixin suddenly came up with such tiger and wolf words.

Gu Chen didn't have any ideas, even if the eyes around him converged.

He didn't care, and even if he knew what Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others thought, Gu Chen would just smile at most.

In the rest of the situation, Gu Chen didn't want to show any abnormality at all.

The most important thing is that there is no need for that, and he also knows that Tong Zixin must be in a hurry to say the wrong thing.

Therefore, when Gu Chen finally went out with Tong Zixin to breathe, Jiang Min wanted to follow, and Gu Chen did not stop him.

Although Tong Zixin seemed to have a feeling of wanting to say something, in the end, she held back and closed her mouth.

"Whew, it's still good air outside!"

Gu Chen took Tong Zixin and Jiang Min to the rooftop, and the wind on the roof was still relatively large.

If it weren't for the tonnage of the three people, maybe they would really be blown three points.

Among the three, Jiang Min was the most excited, because Sun Shulan and the address of the new company they started, although it was not very close to the city center or the commercial circle.

But I can't stand the wide view, and there are many tall buildings around, but none of them can compare with this building.

Therefore, Tong Zixin and Gu Chen and Jiang Min all saw a good scenery.

Jiang Min was even more excited.

"Woohoo! Brother Gu Chen, sister Tong Zixin, come and see! The scenery here is really good!

Tong Zixin and Gu Chen smiled helplessly at each other, and then really leaned over as if they were attracted by the beautiful scenery.

If nothing else, the wind on the rooftop of this top floor is actually very good.

At least Gu Chen and Tong Zixin Jiang Min were blown by this wind, and the whole person's mind became very clear.

Even my thoughts became active.

Tong Zixin even closed his eyes, as if he had entered a free national capital.

This is indeed the case in the world, and she is about to break free from the concentric coins that have brought her countless laughs and nightmares.

It also means that Li Jiahao's control over her will be completely lost, and she will become a free Jedi free man.

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