"And an independent free man."

Tong Zixin thought of this, and he was even more grateful to Gu Chen.

Because if it weren't for Gu Chen, it would be basically impossible for her Tong Zixin to be truly free.

Maybe there is no hope in this life.

But now, all wishes are within reach of themselves.

The life you want can be achieved next month.

What is this concept? What feeling, anyway, for Tong Zixin, he is now completely in a state of dying.

Thinking of this, Tong Zixin finally couldn't help but speak.

"Mr. Gu, thank you, really thank you."

When Tong Zixin said this, he didn't tilt his head or look at Gu Chen's face at all.

Just let the sun fall quietly on your face, and use the most pleasant language to declare the most sincere thanks.

Gu Chen hadn't spoken yet, and Jiang Min, who was sandwiched between Tong Zixin and Gu Chen, was a little embarrassed.

"I don't seem to be here..." Jiang

Min, who had this idea in his heart, silently wanted to get up and give Tong Zixin and Gu Chen a space for the two to be alone with each other.

Although Jiang Min's heart is a little uncomfortable with Tong Zixin's thanks.

However, the keen Jiang Min could still hear the sincere feeling from Tong Zixin's words.

So even if he didn't want Gu Chen and Tong Zixin to be alone, Jiang Min still wanted to stay away from here very intimately.

However, when Tong Zixin just moved, he suddenly felt a strong force pressing on his body.

It almost startled her careful liver, and she thought that she had encountered some monster today.

I was about to throw her downstairs.

That was naturally worried, but fortunately, in this rooftop, there were only three of them, after they could tell the direction of their own force.

Jiang Min silently looked at Tong Zixin on his right.

Her eyes were full of doubts, and she really wanted to ask her sister Tong Zixin.

Do you want to make yourself cry?

Or do you have a feud with yourself and deliberately want to scare yourself?

However, just when Jiang Min turned his head, he found that Tong Zixin's face looked very twisted at this time, and he could even be said to be a little shy.

Immediately after seeing Tong Zixin's appearance, all the anger in Jiang Min's heart disappeared.

And it's still that kind of momentary disappearance.

Because Tong Zixin in this state looks really beautiful.

So much so that Jiang Min let go of the prejudices in his heart.

At the same time, he also discovered that Tong Zixin did not seem to want to see his boss and Gu Chen, who was also the savior now.

Gu Chen probably also felt the special move from Tong Zixin.

So Gu Chen didn't force Jiang Min to leave at all.

Just between them, one more human flesh wall is good.

It was this thought, Gu Chen felt that he still didn't want to make Tong Zixin too embarrassed.

Therefore, Gu Chen decided on this idea.

In such a short period of time, Jiang Min felt that there seemed to be another strong force behind him.

This time, Jiang Min didn't think about whose palm it was, and pressed it on his back again.

Because there are only three of them on the rooftop!

Therefore, Jiang Min very naturally and unnaturally shifted his head to look at Gu Chen again.

"Brother Gu Chen, what's wrong with your side?"

"Do you need me to help you be a human flesh wall!"

Jiang Min very much wanted to ask Gu Chen if this idea was the idea.

But turning his head turned into a face again.

She looked at Gu Chen with a smile, as if all the words were in the smile.

In fact, Gu Chen really had no extra thoughts or words to say to this Jiang Min.

Because he still hasn't replied to Tong Zixin.

"Thank me? No, it is you who should thank yourself.

After Gu Chen calmed Jiang Min, the latter directly lowered his head and sighed silently, so he stayed in place and acted as a human flesh wall.

It is used to avoid the embarrassment of a little physical attraction caused by the sincere dialogue between Tong Zixin and Gu Chen.

"Thank me?"

Tong Zixin didn't seem to understand Gu Chen's words, and even silently asked a rhetorical question, wanting Gu Chen to explain to himself what it means to thank himself.

"Yes, I should thank yourself, if it were not for yourself, how would I know your origin, your pain, all your sorrow is based on this concentric coin?"

"So, in fact, Mr. Gu, did you think from the beginning that I was still a poor woman to sympathize with me and then come to help me?"

When Tong Zixin said this, in fact, Jiang Min was about to laugh directly.

Because there are many talented graduates like Tong Zixin, who have a bad life.

But such a poor woman really made Tong Zixin a little unsure how to describe it.

I can only silently close my mouth.

"You, of course you are not a poor woman, you are the one I selected!"

After Gu Chen heard Tong Zixin's words, he directly refuted her point of view.

"Let's put it this way, if in the future, after I bring down Li Jiahao, there will definitely be a need for managers in Xiangcheng Island, then I will not trust others with this manager!"

"In other words, do you know Tong Zixin, you are the manager I have appointed."

"In the future, I will make you the uncrowned empress of this Xiangcheng Island, and if you dare to call yourself a poor woman at that time, you are likely to be madly scolded!"

"Because after you really get to that point, you are a legendary character, of course, there will be pressure, but you don't need to be responsible for anyone except me!"

"You're going to feel what it means to be one person above 10,000."

"So, is there a little confidence Zixin? Or was it just scared to cry?

After Gu Chen silently said these words, Tong Zixin couldn't wait to directly open Jiang Min who was between the two.

Directly give Gu Chen a big hug.

But because what Gu Chen said, it was really a little too shocking.

So this Tong Zixin still said very unconfidently.

"Mr. Gu, are you kidding, do you really want me to be the future richest woman in Xiangcheng Island?"

"Did I really hear you right? The richest woman? "

Or is it a copy of Li Jiahao?"

Tong Zixin said that he was going to laugh, as if he felt that Gu Chen was joking.

But soon, Gu Chen's side did not answer, and fell into a kind of silence.

So Tong Zixin's smile quickly stiffened on his face, and then slowly returned to his usual state.

"So, Mr. Gu, are you serious?"

Tong Zixin panicked a little.

Because she really didn't expect that Gu Chen actually planned to play real.

She never thought that she would really become the richest woman.

Although she did have a dream about this a long, long time ago.

It's just that reality is reality, and dreams are dreams, and the difference between the two, Tong Zixin can still tell.

Until today, after Gu Chen suddenly said such a few words to her.

Tong Zixin suddenly felt that she couldn't tell what was reality and what was dream.

Suddenly, Tong Zixin seemed to see many possible lines appear in front of him.

For example, if something disappointed Gu Chen, he directly abandoned himself halfway.

For example, although he was indeed successful and took the road that Gu Chen hoped he took, but suddenly, his heart changed after he found that he had money.

He became not as obedient as before, and was no longer satisfied with being ordered by Gu Chen, and then became a break with Gu Chen.

This change made Tong Zixin very uncomfortable.

And it's the kind that makes it very uncomfortable to think about.

Therefore, Tong Zixin felt that he was not qualified for the road of the richest woman mentioned by Gu Chen.

She even wanted to run away directly...

.However, just as Tong Zixin's mind was tumbling upside down, Gu Chen spoke again.

What's wrong, this is starting to be afraid? Worried?

"When you just graduated, I am afraid of nothing, right?"

"Is it too late to start fearing, where is the heart that was not afraid of heaven and earth before?"

"The Tong Zixin I want, the Tong Zixin I want to see, is the ambitious Tong Zixin, not a Tong Zixin who has been beaten by society and is ready to flee."

Gu Chen's words instantly shook Tong Zixin, who was ready to run.

"President Gu, I think this matter may still have to be discussed."

Tong Zixin thought for a while and then slowly spoke.

At this time, Tong Zixin was really glad that he had such a Jiang Min beside him as a human flesh wall to block Gu Chen.

Otherwise, Tong Zixin felt that as long as he saw Gu Chen's eyes full of wisdom, he would probably directly merge into his eyes and completely lose his reason.

After that, he directly agreed to all of Gu Chen's requests.

But now, Tong Zixin feels that his reason is still greater than his own... of desire.

"But I don't think these things are too far away from me."

"At least I'm not prepared at all..." Tong

Zixin said these two words very honestly, and Gu Chen also understood what Tong Zixin was worried about.

"Yes, it may be too early to say these things, and Li Jiahao is not so easy to overthrow."

"But this candidate in the future, I have already decided, you still have time to work hard Oh Zixin, if you feel that you are not worthy of it for the time being, it must be because you have not learned to be confident and inflated."

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