"But it's okay, take your time, I promise you have time."

Gu Chen's words made Tong Zixin not know whether to laugh or cry.

Anyway, it's very unscored.

For this reason, Tong Zixin could only tell Gu Chen.

"What I want to say is President Gu, I am under a lot of pressure when you do this."

"There are some things I can't say too clearly, if you let me be the richest woman in the future when I just graduated from college, I might still gladly accept it."

"But now, I don't have the momentum I had at that time, nor the sharpness, and some only have an old boring soul."

"So Mr. Gu, it's really not a good choice for you to let me be the richest man."

Because after determining that Gu Chen was not joking, Tong Zixin once again showed his embarrassment.

But Gu Chen shook his head and said that the problem was not big.

"Don't be afraid, I have everything behind your back, you don't actually have much to do and decide."

"Even if you encounter something, you can ask me."

Gu Chen began to make some acts of packing tickets to Tong Zixin.

Although the effect was not great, Tong Zixin had at least calmed down a little in his heart.

It's just that I still feel that Gu Chen's idea is too crazy.

"Mr. Gu, don't you think these things are for me...forget it, I think you will change your mind by then!"

I probably think it's too much of a waste of time to argue about something.

Tong Zixin also felt that he couldn't convince Gu Chen at all now.

At least not now, so Tong Zixin is very sensible and puts everything in the future.

She believes that after she solves the concentric coin, the most she can do is to work hard for a while, and then she will completely relax.

Therefore, Tong Zixin now hopes to be able to express his gratitude with Gu Chen.

"President Gu, in fact, what I want to say is that Tongxin Coin is about this time."

"Okay, there is no need to thank you, as for the money you said, I have no concept, so what about the concentric coin, it is not a big deal to seal it."

But Gu Chen didn't seem to want to give Tong Zixin any chance to speak, so he directly refuted her.

At the same time, it also showed a kind of generosity, or arrogance, which instantly made Tong Zixin blush and didn't know what to say.

"But after all, this is not a small amount, Mr. Gu, don't worry, I will definitely make enough money in the future to make up for the loss of this concentric coin!"

"As for the richest woman you said about Mr. Gu, in fact, I can't do it, but I still need Mr. Gu to give me a little time..."

"I believe I can be a qualified puppet."

I don't know why, Tong Zixin actually said such a sentence in his head.

In an instant, even Jiang Min, who was stuck in the middle, became a little embarrassed, and Gu Chen also showed a faint expression with a smile.

After Jiang Min realized that he had said the wrong thing, he hurriedly covered his mouth and kept talking.

"No, no, I didn't mean that!"

"Mr. Gu, listen to my explanation!"

The panicked boy Xin couldn't wait to give himself two big slaps.

However, Gu Chen seemed to see that Tong Zixin's current state was a little chaotic, so he directly opened his mouth and said to Tong Zixin.

"It's okay, I know your mood is not very stable now, but it's not a big problem."

"Sometimes some people, they are like this, when they encounter something that suddenly breaks their defense, they lose their sense of proportion and their minds are empty."

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about everything with me!"

After Gu Chen and Tong Zixin played a package ticket, they were ready to say nothing.

I want to leave with Jiang Min and Tong Zixin.

Although Tong Zixin seemed to want to say something in his heart, he couldn't say anything when the words came to his lips.

I can only silently look at Gu Chen's back, a little out of my mind.

Jiang Min reacted relatively quickly and immediately followed Gu Chen.

The two walked side by side, talking and laughing, and Tong Zixin didn't know where the evil fire came out when he saw this scene.

She crossed her heart and directly rushed forward to lean on Gu Chen's other side.

That's how the threesome came about.

In Li Jiahao's private estate, he was preparing to let the secretary man make some lunch.

But I don't know why, Li Jiahao always felt as if he had forgotten something.

"Are our virtual assets now following Chen Mouren's actions?"

He asked such a sentence, but the secretary man gave Li Jiahao an answer without looking back.

"That's right, now we haven't completed the transfer before, and most of the remaining virtual assets are starting to flow through this Chen Muren's operation."

"Now that all of us have been called up, even those who stayed up all night last night, you don't have to worry about that!" Guaranteed to transfer all these assets!

His self-confidence made Li Jiahao's heart settle a little.

However, just as Li Jiahao was about to lie down, he seemed to have thought of something.

"What about the virtual assets of the blockchain?"

Finally, this Li Jiahao remembered, isn't what he has been worried about in his heart is his own property in this aspect of virtual currency?

Who knew that the secretary man directly responded to Li Jiahao.

" Are you sleeping a little confused, have you forgotten that the so-called blockchain technology is set up on a foreign platform, and the assets in this area are originally considered to be abroad."

"Since we are all already abroad, then why do we have to transfer ourselves, isn't that really left hand to right hand?"

After refuting Li Jiahao, the secretary man continued to work hard.

He wanted to rely on his own strength to see what this Chen Mouren wanted to do, and after actually making so many moves, he didn't have any reaction or go to the next step.

This made the secretary man very curious, if he found Chen Mouren's purpose and figured out what this guy was going to do.

Wouldn't it be entirely possible to predict all his actions?

"At that time, no matter what this Chen Mouren does, I will be able to directly follow his ideas and do things, faster and more capitalized than him!"

When the secretary man thought of this, his face became a little excited.

However, at this moment, Li Jiahao suddenly jumped out again to disturb the secretary man's superfluous thoughts.

"No, you go check it! Now what about the digital currency of our blockchain, why do I feel so wrong. The

secretary man turned his head and glanced at Li Jiahao at this time.

He really didn't say anything, but there was a feeling of complaining in his heart.

"Old things, looking forward and backward, just don't have a little bit of the momentum of youth, too weak and weak, forget it!" Now this old thing is still the boss, or don't go too far with him!

After thinking about this, the secretary man began to transfer this Li Jiahao's overseas account.

Began to look at this Li Jiahao's account supervision.

While browsing the property value of his various virtual currencies, he kept talking to Li Jiahao.

"You see, there is no situation at all, all digital currencies are lying on the account well, you are still the largest shareholder bookmaker!"

"Tell me what you're anxious about..." But

just as the secretary man said this, he was suddenly stunned.

Because the secretary man saw a digital currency that made him a little unbelievable.

Li Jiahao also silently opened his eyes.

Both were looking at their share of this digital currency in disbelief.

The secretary man didn't know what to say in an instant.

Because he had just said something that made him feel helpless now.

"The situation is not right! I made a mistake in my judgment! "

But the secretary man is not the kind of person who beats a swollen face and is fat, and a mistake is a mistake.

After discovering your mistakes, you must recognize them in time and then correct them, otherwise you are delaying time and things.

Therefore, the secretary man very quickly admitted his mistake, and prepared to leave this room by himself, go to his own council chamber, and find someone to make countermeasures.

Or let's see who is so bold and dares to grab food in the mouth of the tiger.

Who knows, just as the secretary man left, Li Jiahao suddenly spoke.

"No thanks, I probably know who is doing the ghost."

The secretary man looked at Li Jiahao, who had a somewhat tangled expression on his face but felt very happy.

He said with a smile as he stood up from his place.

"You're getting motivated again! Zixin! "

Zixin? The secretary man, as the person who took care of assets cultivated by Li Jiahao since he was a child, although he rarely showed his face in public, or even in front of people.

But for everything about Li Jiahao, he definitely knows much more clearly than some media and some bitter opponents.

He naturally knew who the so-called Tong Zixin was.

Naturally, he also knew how much effort Li Jiahao had put into subduing this fierce Tong Zixin like a wild horse at that time.

One of the most expensive is that this concentric coin has no value at all.

"Concentric coins?!"

When the secretary man thought of this, he immediately changed his posture by changing the multiple screens in front of him.

The concentric coin sector is enlarged by the maximum.

Then the secretary man asked Li Jiahao.

"This is the concentric coin you used to subdue Tong Zixin at that time, right?"

After asking this sentence, Li Jiahao's whole person seemed to be a little older, but he answered the secretary man's question very sincerely.

"That's right, this is the concentric coin of that year!"

"And now the person who is targeting this concentric coin should be Tong Zixin, she has finally learned to take advantage of the fire and rob, not bad!"

Li Jiahao not only did not blame Tong Zixin for what he did now, but even silently came over to Tong Zixin in his crotch.

The secretary man who looked at this change was stunned.

"No, don't you see it, this is Tong Zixin betraying you, betrayal!"

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