So what else can be done? Li can only go!

This was also the opportunity for Li Wansan to see Gu Chen, and it was also the opportunity for Li Wan's almost collapse.

After Li Wan's entry into the presidential suite of the hotel, he maintained his vigilance and did not dare to raise his head.

But when this countess's ethereal voice came, the corner of Li Wan's mouth couldn't help but twitch twice.

He forcibly controlled his emotions so that he couldn't help but raise his head.

And also responded to the countess very calmly.

"Lord sister-in-law, I'm coming over now, if you have anything important, just tell me!"

"Whatever it is, I will guarantee that the task will be completed!" You won't be disappointed!

Who knows, after Li finished saying these two words, he felt that this countess seemed to move.

The crisp sound of high heels gradually came towards Li Wan.

Each time the footsteps sounded on the rhythm of this Li Wan's heartbeat.

In an instant, Li Wan's breathlessness became a little.

Especially when the countess's pair of delicate crystal shoes appeared in Li Wan's line of sight, Li Wan's heart was still very uncontested, and his heartbeat was also accelerated by several points.

"This woman is too close!"

Li finished complaining madly in his heart, while chanting his good big brother Li Wenquan, he closed his eyes and said that it was not my fault and not my fault.

He tried to calm his heart.

But the effect was not good at all, and it could even be said to be very bad, because the moment Li Quan closed her eyes, the countess spoke again.

"Why don't you dare look up at me?"

That voice was like a haunting feeling, wrapped around this Li Wan's ears, making him want to stop not knowing what to do.

The whole person seems to be a little ethereal, or want to become an immortal...

anyway, it is basically difficult to control.

But although Li Wan's stupid and lecherous, he still keeps his distance from the woman his good big brother fancy.

After all, he can still distinguish between the two things of always cool and momentary cool.

Otherwise, he would not have been connived at by his brother until now, isn't it all because he is sure of doing things.

So in this case, Li Wanwan had to silently take a few steps back and said.

"Sister-in-law, today's thing is that I did something wrong, please forgive me!"

Saying that, Li Wan, he also took out a bank card from his arms, and handed it out in the direction of the countess while bowing.

"There are three million here, it is a gift I prepared for my sister-in-law, please forgive my morning nonsense!"

Although Li Wan's attitude was very respectful and the posture of handing the card was very dashing, he had already thought about it in Li Wan's heart.

Once the countess took the card and used it, he would immediately preserve the matter as evidence.

And tell his good eldest brother Li Wenquan, let him see the true face of this countess when she sees money!

This is also a trap of Yang Mou.

"What's your sister-in-law, I didn't promise your brother to be his wife or girlfriend!"

But who knows, this countess has also seen the fate of the world, even if she sees the three million handed over by Li Wan, she will let it go like a fart.

She didn't care about the little money at all.

Therefore, this countess came to Li Wan's side and stretched out her hand to Li Wan's to take the bank card.

"It's done!"

Under Li Wan's covered smile, he silently opened his eyes, always feeling that he was stable!

But who would have thought that when Li was happy for less than three seconds, the countess who took the three million bank card immediately dropped the bank card directly to the ground.

The smile on Li Wan's face stiffened when he saw it.

"Isn't it! What a situation!

He exclaimed, and before he could figure out what was happening, he felt an extra soft, boneless smoothness on his hand.


Suddenly, Li Wan, who was shocked by the countess's operation, raised his head, completely unaware of what was happening.

The whole person is in a state of deception.

For he saw the countess, who at this time looked like a ripe peach, and was looking at herself with a strange smile.

That exquisite makeup suddenly made this Li Wan's eyes look at it, confusing his heart.

The mind is constantly beating drums and crazy.

"Too, it's so good-looking!"

At this time, Li Quan was able to fully understand why his good eldest brother Li Wenquan would fall into the hands of this woman.

Feelings, all for a reason!

All because the appearance of this countess is indeed full of charm.

Li Wan, even subconsciously squeezed the countess's small hand, breathing quickly and wanting to pull the woman into his arms.

But who knows, just after Li Wan's face was red and his uncontrollable look was exposed, the countess actually laughed and pulled out her palm and retreated behind her.

Suddenly losing the taste of beauty, this Li Wanwan waved his hands to grab the air, as if to leave the breath of this countess!

But in the end, nothing was left behind, except regrets.

"Ah, what!"

In this state, Li Wan's eyes were a little dazed as he looked at his hands, so that he didn't hear what the countess in his position said.

"I said, you're finished, Li."

"Sister-in-law, no, Ms. Jessica, don't talk nonsense! What do I do, I'm finished!

In order to hide his rapid heartbeat and uncontrollable love, Li Wan's direct squatting down and grabbing the bank card back into his hand.

Then in the process, he kept peeking at the snow-white part of the countess after she lifted Erlang's leg.

"Because you bully me!"

But soon, this countess's words made this Li Wan's whole collect all his thoughts.

The whole person widened his eyes, revealing an incredible look.

Although he could understand every word of what the countess said, when they were connected.

This Li Wan's situation is a little confused.

"Ms. Jessica, are you kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm joking the way I look like this?"

This countess looked at Li Wan's face full of incomprehension, and directly said such a sentence.

"No, why?"

Li Quan still didn't understand what this countess wanted to do, nor did he understand where he bullied this countess.

"Because you touch my hand!"

"No, didn't you touch it yourself?"

After hearing this countess's explanation, Li Wan's anger suddenly became angry, and he was not a fool.

How could he suddenly forcibly touch a woman's hand, and she was still the woman that her good big brother fancy.

"Who do you think will believe me if I say it?"

"Who would trust a woman like me to take the initiative to hold your hand?"

"And even if you succeed in the final quibbling at that time, will your good big brother let go of the fact that you bullied me?"

Three sentences, so that Li Wan, who originally wanted to quibble or something, opened his mouth wide, and he couldn't think of anything to refute this countess's words.

Indeed, in a solitary room, if there is a man and a woman, then no matter what happens in the room, as long as the girl stands up and speaks up.

Then the last fishing boat and pressure will fall on this man, even if the man really does not have any excessive behavior.

It will also be labeled as a crime, which is a sad thing that cannot be avoided.

It's like a two-level reversal, originally the woman is the vulnerable group, this time it has become the man.

Li Wan, now feels, is a vulnerable group.

Most importantly, he could not deny that he had indeed touched the palm of this countess.

And he also touched the pattern on the sleeve of this countess, which means that he left his fingerprints.

Even if you quibble, it is useless.

Therefore, Li Wanwan opened his mouth and looked at this woman who looked very bad for the country and the people and said.

"What the hell do you want me to do!"

This countess smiled, feeling that this Li Wan's honest and actually able to flex and stretch.

This makes her feel a lot less trouble.

"Don't talk to me with this look of great grievance, didn't you just grab it very hard?"

Probably because the countess was playful, she even showed a coquettish expression.

Although it was stupid to see Li Wan, it also made Li Wan's head feel a little painful.

"Can't look!"

He bowed his head directly and indicated that he was not going to see the countess.

"Sister, why play me like this, you can say something when you have something, you don't need to do this to me, right?"

"Yes, in that case, then I really have something to trouble you."

After hearing this countess speak like this, Li Quan immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it is not a particularly difficult thing, in fact, he Li Wan's confidence to do it.

"Okay, you say."

He lowered his head and lowered his attitude very respectfully.

So the countess spoke.

"It's very simple, I want you to help me check a license plate number, find the driver of this car, and preferably bring them over to me!"

"But you must not let a third person know that I am looking for them!"

"Especially can't let your eldest brother Li Wenquan know, otherwise, I will tell your eldest brother about your bullying me in the hotel today!"

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