After being threatened by this countess, Li Quan personally felt a malice coming from the back of his neck.

"No need, I think the eldest brother is so busy, don't bother him on these little things!"

Li Wanqiang endured his anger and the feeling of anger and said to the countess.

But Jessica, who didn't want to let go of this Li Wan, smiled evilly and looked at Li Wan's side.


After Li Wan's line of sight followed the countess, his face suddenly turned green.

Because Li Wan, he saw a camera standing on the edge of the wall with a flashing red light.

"You're too fierce, don't do this to me!"

Li Wan, directly ran in front of this camera, and directly saw the picture in this camera, which was facing the picture before himself.

But Li Wan, as if he had thought of something, directly showed a strange expression.

"Then I'll just take your memory card away."

Li Quan seems to have seized an opportunity called a turnover.

"Hehe, you can try."

But the countess had a smile on her face.

This situation made Li Wan's feeling that something was very wrong, so wrong that Li Wan's subconsciously released his palm.

Then he smiled silently at the countess and said.

"Sister-in-law said and laughed, I Li Wan, I have always been the most sensible person, so I will not test our sister-in-law's bottom line because of some small things!"

"And I also believe that sister-in-law, you are definitely not that kind of person, right."

Li Quan lowered his palm, and the whole person was filled with a sense of flattery.

This count's lady also suddenly had a strange expression on her face.

"Okay, got it, now let's talk about what we're going to do."

At the same time, she also put away her laughing expression, and a rare serious expression appeared on her face.

"Then, I don't know what my sister-in-law wants me to do."

Li Wan, having already collected his emotions, began to prepare for any excessive demands from this countess.

But unexpectedly, the countess next made Li Wan's eyebrows directly.

"I want you to check a car for me."

"Did I just hear me wrong?"

Li Wan's heart was very puzzled, feeling that after this countess had done so many things from the very beginning, and then came to such a thing just to help check a car herself?

He originally thought that it was something very important, and a woman who let his eldest brother be so obsessed with had something important to hide from Li Wenquan to find him to do.

The result?

Subconsciously, Li Wan, seemed to have thought of something and said slowly.

"Is my sister-in-law joking with me? It's so easy to check a car, why should I go out?

"You must know that my eldest brother casually said a word to the people around him, and someone will immediately help your sister-in-law send this car to the eight-car, let alone simply check a car."

"I think sister-in-law, if you really have something for me to do, you might as well say it now, you don't have to go around with me here in circles to tell these lies."

Li Wan's attitude was very upright, and he couldn't see his usual hanging-child appearance.

This change surprised the countess a little.

But it's very normal to think about it, after all, Li Wan's stubble is also the spring shoot that emerged from the Li family among the four major families.

Naturally, it is not a simple-minded person.

So, the countess put away her contemptuous attitude.

"You heard Li Wan, what I want you to do is to check this car, or find out where the owner of this car is now!"

The countess's words made Li Wan's brows furrow even more.

He seemed to have thought of something.

"You're sitting your sister in this car, isn't it?"

"Then you can tell my eldest brother that you have found your sister, isn't it, why do you have to be so entangled?"

"Didn't my eldest brother promise you before that he would help you find your sister!"

In the face of Li Wan's aggressive question, the countess answered Li Wan's very calmly this time.

"You don't have to know the reason behind this matter, because some things are not as simple as you think."

"I understand everything, and I don't need to say anything if I don't understand."

After listening to the countess's answer, Li still had a skeptical face.

He always felt as if this person was hiding something from himself.

"Forget it, if you keep asking this woman at this time, I am afraid that not only will you not be able to obtain any good results, but you may even arouse this woman's vigilance and then play tricks for me!"

"When the time comes, it will be embarrassing if you let this guy rake me upside down!" It's better to be careful!

After thinking about this, Li Wan, also closed his slightly open lips and changed to another tone.

"Okay, Ms. Jessica, what kind of car are you looking for?"

Probably because of this Li Wan's compromise, this countess finally saw this guy's attitude, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

Then the countess silently reported a number.

Li Wan's first appearance did not react at all to what this countess was doing.

Until the countess finished speaking, a sentence came.

"Okay, okay, this is the license plate number of that car!"

Hearing this, Li Wan's realization suddenly came to his senses.

"I didn't expect that my sister-in-law even had a bad license plate number, and I almost thought that I was looking for the manufacturers behind a certain car series of a certain brand and asking them to schedule the sales list of the car!"

Even, Li Wan, in fact, thought of many ways to find a car.

As a result, I didn't expect such an ending in the end, which is really completely different from what Li Wan.

"Okay sister-in-law! I kind of got it!

So at this time, Li Zhi did not continue to refute the countess, but silently said such a sentence and then pulled out his legs and left.

But this countess didn't seem to want to let this Li finish retreat so simply.

She silently shouted.

"Eh, wait a minute."

Li Quan silently fixed his steps and silently said in his heart.

"I know!"

The smiling Li Wan, who turned his head to look at the countess again, said.

"I wonder what else my sister-in-law has to order me?"

He had a sycophantic smile written on his face, and whoever saw it wanted to punch Li Wan's ugly appearance.

But not only did the countess not do so.

He even silently came forward to look at Li Wan.

Feeling the countess who was getting closer and closer, the smile on Li Wan's face was a little strained.

"Sister-in-law, if you have something, just say something, if not, don't do anything dangerous, otherwise I want to..."

He said a series of words very quickly, but stopped abruptly just as he was about to end.

Because at this time, the countess had gently leaned against his side and gently exhaled in his ear.

"Naw, little finish, your handle is even bigger!"

Suddenly, Li Wan's eyes seemed to be on fire, and he instantly turned his head to do something to this countess.

It's just a pity that this countess seems to have noticed something for a long time.

Just after doing what he wanted to do, he immediately pulled away.

The impulse in his heart passed at once, and Li Wanhe silently felt that the flame in his heart came and went quickly.

Looking at the appearance of this old goddess in the presence, Li Quan didn't know what to say.

I can only silently gasp in place.

"Not bad, it seems that Xiao Wanzi you..."

The countess was halfway through her words, and Li Wan's words interrupted her with a vengeance, turning her head to leave a sentence.

"Thank you sister-in-law for your cultivation and education today, I think I will soon be able to find the owner of this license plate that my sister-in-law wants to know, and when the time comes, I will ask my sister-in-law to raise my noble hand!" Stop doing anything that causes headaches!

"Otherwise, although I Li Wan, am an ignorant person, my eldest brother is definitely not a person who regards women more than his brother!" Please also remember my sister-in-law!

After saying what he wanted to say, Li Wanwan left the luxurious presidential suite directly.

It was just that at the moment when the door closed, he heard the silver bell-like laughter coming from the countess, and Li Wan, who was still angry, wanted to go up and do something to this countess.

It's just that all the fury that was being played with turned into actions against the door of the presidential suite.

Li Wan, who seemed to use great force to close the door, even brought a gust of wind, but when he was about to make a loud noise at the end, he turned into a light and gentle look, and quietly closed the door of the countess.

Also closed his usual disguise.

"Stinky woman!"

He silently complained about this, and the whole face was not very good-looking.

He even silently clenched his fists and stood in front of this door, his chest rising and falling.

However, a third of a second later, Li Wanwan still chose to turn his head and leave.

Because Li Quan knew that it must be his brother Li Wenquan who placed this countess in this hotel.

Then if he makes a move against this countess at this time, he will definitely be known by Li Wenquan.

"At that time, it will really be a jump into the river, and the Yellow River will not be washed!"

Shaking his head, Li Wanwan put away all his thoughts and left the hotel silently.

"It's just, why do I always feel that this license plate number is a little inexplicably familiar?"

"I always feel like I've heard it somewhere?"

"Could it be that this car this mean woman is looking for is the car of someone from several other families on Xiangcheng Island?"

"If yes, it means that this woman must be hiding something from her eldest brother, and she is definitely not a simple character!"

"No, I need to quickly find out who the owner behind this car is!" Also find out the origin of this guy! "

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