Gu Chen sometimes likes to drive, and the feeling of being on the road is very intoxicating.

Jiang Min seemed to be thinking about things.

"What's wrong, Xiaomin?"

As the man who brought Jiang Min to Xiangcheng Island, Gu Chen certainly had to shoulder the responsibility and obligation to take care of her, so it was very normal to care about her.

"Nothing, didn't you turn the listening function back on before?" But she seems to have put her phone in some isolated place, and I always monitor it intermittently.

Saying that, Jiang Min also ruffled his hair to reveal a Bluetooth headset for Gu Chen to see.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min's worried look.

I know that this child is guilty of fear of the unknown.

Therefore, Gu Chen began to comfort himself.

"You don't need to worry at all, maybe she just went to take a shower, that's why she didn't bring her phone with her!"

When Jiang Min heard this, he shook his head directly and said.

"I thought the same at first, thinking that this guy should be a lot more stable in the hotel alone, so I didn't want to hear it!"

"But just now I heard a little strange sound, like some kind of small balls or something, anyway, it was quite strange, so I continued to listen."

Jiang Min directly said the name of a food, making Gu Chen think that Jiang Min was coquettish with himself that he wanted to eat small balls or something.

So Gu Chen directly drove the car to the side of a convenience store, and directly got out of the car to buy a bowl full of small balls for this Jiang Min.

Jiang Min was moved and wanted to laugh for a while.

She looked at Gu Chen and showed a bright smile, and her eyes did not hide her affection and a little shyness.

Gu Chen smiled and misunderstood the meaning of this Jiang Min again.

"Don't worry about me, I'm not hungry, you eat first!"

"Oops! Never mind! Brother Gu Chen is a big fool! Looking

at Jiang Min, I don't know if he got angry and sat in his place and ate small balls.

Gu Chen scratched his head a little puzzled, and then drove the car up, stabilizing at a very low speed.

Soon, Gu Chen came to a relatively famous Xiangcheng Island to eat and drink.

Jiang Min looked at the wonderful variety of special snacks outside, and then looked at the small balls that he had almost eaten.

She suddenly looked at Gu Chen with wide eyes and asked.

"Brother Gu Chen, did you mean it!"

"Deliberately let me eat these things to eat, and then I can't eat these things!"

Jiang Min's words suddenly made Gu Chen cry and laugh.

"What are you talking about? How could I be such a person!

Gu Chen didn't know what to say, so he could only show a crying and laughing expression.

"You have it!"

"If I don't have it, I don't have it!"

Probably because Jiang Min is so cute that Gu Chen silently shows a cute little boyishness.

In the end, Gu Chen still coaxed Jiang Min and asked her to take the small balls out to shop with herself.

As for what to buy, in fact, Gu Chen did not think about it.

So he directly sent a message on his mobile phone to ask Tong Zixin.

"What do you want to eat, I'll bring it back to you here!"

Gu Chen also issued his current positioning.

In an instant, Tong Zixin's message replied.

"What! Mr. Gu!

Then Gu Chen seemed to have felt the boiling on Tong Zixin's side from these two short words.

And that's exactly what happened.

After Gu Chen said such a sentence silently, Tong Zixin widened his eyes and snorted.

"What's wrong, Sister Zixin?"

She immediately came to Tong Zixin's side to see what was going on.

Then Sun Shulan saw the message sent by Gu Chen in Tong Zixin's message.

Immediately, this Sun Shulan also followed the old path of Tong Zixin, and exclaimed in shock.

At this moment, it was as if it had stabbed a hornet's nest, and all the people who hurried to come after discovering Tong Zixin and Sun Shulan's exaggerated cries saw the message sent by Gu Chen.

Both of them showed incredulous expressions or exclaimed.

"Isn't it, is this really sent by President Gu?"

"President Gu is not right, obviously he is the boss, why do you have to help us buy food!"

"I don't know why, I suddenly felt a feeling of shame!"

"Like it, like it, is this how Nan's mother feels!" Woohoo! For

a moment, whether it was Lin Wanxiang, Sun Shulan, Ayue and others, or Mia or Chen Yu Tong Zixin, one of them seemed to have reacquainted with Gu Chen.

Or to say that there are several more labels for Gu Chen.

"Kind, homely, virtuous."

Although it sounds very similar to the feminine label appearing on a man's body, it is indeed a bit weird.

But in terms of what Gu Chen did, it was simply a perfect plus.

Coupled with the superpower that Gu Chen originally had, it instantly made Lin Wanxiang, Sun Shulan and others feel that Gu Chen was such a perfect person, which was simply a TOP1 choice for a husband who must marry.

"I don't know about President Gu..."

So, there was a dangerous speech.

Of course, these dangerous statements had just emerged for a moment, and they were coldly interrupted by this Tong Zixin.

"I'm sorry, President Gu already has President Chu Xinyi Chu, you rouge fans don't think so much!" Let me honestly go back to my place and think about what to eat!

In a word, it directly made Sun Shulan, Lin Wanxiang and others honest.

The dog head Chao saw that Mia always had no expression on her face, and her heart was immediately relieved.

"Phew, it turns out that Mia is such a woman who is not moved by foreign objects, I thought she would be modeled on President Gu, but it's okay!"

However, what the dog head Chao didn't know was that Mia didn't seem to have any reaction.

But in his heart, he was already curious about Gu Chen.

"To be able to let a person like Tong Zixin be very comfortable for his use, not yet pretended, is it really able to be so intimate and good to his own people, do I really want to transfer this time?"

Tong Zixin was also very delicate when he saw that he had sent these people.

Because at some point, he is also like Sun Shulan, Lin Wan, and they will have some strange ideas.

Of course, now, when he said Chu Xinyi's name, the flame in Tong Zixin's heart quickly disappeared.

In its place was a serene calmness.

"In fact, as long as you can accompany Gu Chen's side, it is enough!"

Tong Zixin, who understood this, began to ask Sun Shulan, Lin Wanxiang and others while replying to Gu Chen.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, I'll ask everyone what they want to eat now, and I'll send you the menu later!"

And the first object of inquiry chosen by Tong Zixin was Sun Shulan.

After learning that the dish Sun Shulan wanted to eat was fish, Tong Zixin announced.

"In order not to let President Gu run errands or something for us, so I announce ah, when we choose what to eat, we must be optimistic about the choice, it must be aquatic seafood, and the provincial President Gu will run a few more times!"

After making it clear, Tong Zixin began to ask one by one again.

Finally, when Gu Chen and Jiang Min were hanging out, he received a text message from Tong Zixin.

"Eh, it's quite good at eating!"

After seeing that this was not very long, but a little expensive menu, Gu Chen couldn't help but complain.

Immediately caused Jiang Min, who was eating fish eggs on the side, to lean over and see what Tong Zixin chose to eat at noon today.

"Wow, it's all seafood set menus, there are big fatty fish, three-headed abalone, big lobster, king crab seafood noodles!" Brother Gu Chen, this is to slaughter you!

Jiang Min couldn't help but complain when he looked at this luxurious menu.

"What is called zaiah, it doesn't matter, as long as it is something you like to eat!"

Gu Chen put away his mobile phone and gently scratched Jiang Min's nose.

"And do you know that Xiangcheng Island relies on the sea to eat the sea, and these aquatic products are actually not too expensive!" Let's go! Saying

that, Gu Chen took Jiang Min towards the depths of this eating and drinking street.

Or find a store that looks like the most popular business and almost full of staff.

Gu Chen is actually not very anxious to eat, so it doesn't matter if there are more people and wait for a longer time.

Choose a store that is so many people that it will be full, at least it will not step on the thunder.

As long as the final result is good, Gu Chen can completely ignore the process.

It's just that when Gu Chen and Jiang Min came to this storefront, a bald guy immediately came to Gu Chen, seemingly to prepare to pre-order food or something.

"You're going to make bleat!"

The opening is an authentic local accent of Xiangcheng Island, but fortunately, Gu Chen has long been proficient in this language.

I was not embarrassed by this bald man who was still wearing a blue waterproof apron.

"Eat some of these..." silently

reported his menu to the bald man, watching his cold sweat can't help but break out from the top of his head.

"No, it's you mainlanders again, don't you have seafood to eat in your own sea?" You have to come to us and eat! So much more! Are you two done eating!

"We at Xiangcheng Island advocate CD-ROM action!"

Saying that, the bald man also glanced at Gu Chen and Jiang Min coldly, and the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min both felt that there was something wrong with this guy.

"There is no quality at all, it seems that this store is a bit of a store cheating suspect!"

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