"Since that's the case, then there's no need for me to get used to him!"

When Gu Chen thought about this, he decided to pull Jiang Min away, after all, he was not the kind of person who particularly cared about the ranking of good food.

"Well, since we are not welcome here, let's leave it to you to eat!"

"Okay, you guys hurry up, don't delay our business as a local!"

The bald man put away his notepad and was ready to turn around and leave.

Who knew that at this time, another clerk who didn't look like a clerk actually rushed out of this store.

"Eh, two of you, please go slowly!"

"The two of you are here to eat, not to be angry, I apologize to the two on behalf of my clerk!"

Saying that, this guy came up with a standard bow that was about to bend ninety degrees.

All of a sudden, the attitude of the two heavens of ice and fire gave Gu Chen and Jiang Min no more.

"What is this for, suddenly coming to such a set?"

Gu Chen and Jiang Min glanced at each other, in fact, they still had to leave.

Coupled with the bald man at this time, he completely ignored the man who seemed to be his boss and continued.

"What to eat, where do these two people know what is called the real Xiangcheng Island food, it is just a waste to keep them!"

And just when Gu Chen's gaze shifted to him, he kept raising his head and nodding in the direction Gu Chen originally left.

As if to remind Gu Chenah to leave quickly, otherwise, something will definitely happen!

But Gu Chen hadn't had time to think about anything.

I heard this man who had already bowed and raised his head said to Gu Chen.

"Two customers, please don't listen to our guys, our shop has been open since the last century, and it has basically been a hundred years now!"

"I am not ashamed to say that we are the best seafood restaurant in this Xiangcheng Island!"

"And I'm sorry that this guy bumped into the two of you, so I promise both of you that you are our super VIP customers today!" You don't have to stand in line or pay today! I'll invite you two to dinner! Gu

Chen and Jiang Min looked at this man with a good attitude, and then looked at the big man on the side who was impatient and still wanted to get rid of Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

I really don't understand why there is such a big contrast in a store.

Gu Chen took a look at the other seafood stores and found that although there were not many people in their stores, there were not many people in this one.

But there are quite a few ah, at least under Gu Chen's judgment, it can be seen that it takes about an hour to wait for the position.

Although Gu Chen is not very anxious.

But when a person suddenly appeared next to him and said, you can enjoy super VIP service without queuing.

And when you can be exempt, you know how to choose this kind of multiple-choice question.

Therefore, Gu Chen said to this thin man.

"Okay, but we can sit in the private room, and if we have other meals, we will take them away!"

"Oh? No problem, we don't have any problems with that! The

smile on the skinny man's face was like a blossom.

It's just that the big man on this side snorted heavily, as if to warn something.

However, when Gu Chen looked over, this guy had already silently turned his head and left to greet the other guests.

But I don't know why, Gu Chen always felt that this big man should not be a bad person, because Gu Chen did not feel any malice from his body.

Follow the skinny man to a box with a screen in the middle.

The pure Chinese style and the strong decoration of the previous dynasty unconsciously made Gu Chen think of the decoration he had in an imperial room not long ago.

"Could it be that the people of Xiangcheng Island are very fond of the decoration in these aspects?"

Gu Chen felt that there were many things he wanted to complain about for a while, but he didn't know where to complain.

The skinny man came up again at this time and said.

"I wonder what you two want to eat?"

Of course, Gu Chen handed his menu to this man unceremoniously.

The man who was still smiling, the moment he saw Gu Chen's menu, the smile on his face suddenly stiffened a little.

But soon, he returned to his original appearance.

"Oh oh okay two, is this all to be packed, what else do you need?"

Gu Chen looked at this guy's spoiled look, and felt that he still had some confidence, so he silently looked at Jiang Min.

Jiang Min looked at some snacks that he hadn't completely eaten in his hand, and looked at Gu Chen with an innocent big look.

Gu Chen immediately understood what Jiang Min meant.

"No thanks, that's all."

Jiang Min didn't need to eat it, and Gu Chen's words actually didn't feel anything about seafood.

After all, I had eaten enough with Tong Zixin in that small restaurant by the sea before.

After hearing Gu Chen's words, the thin man nodded and left silently.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min began to continue to look at the decoration of this room boringly.

It's just that when the time passed about three minutes, Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard this strange sound coming from behind the screen.

"Shh, don't talk."

Gu Chen seemed to hear someone's gagged whimper, and immediately said such a sentence very carefully to Jiang Min.

Jiang Min blocked his mouth very sensibly, looked at Gu Chen and nodded.

Both of them looked at the screen that stood in the center of the room and listened carefully to the sound that came out after that.

Soon, after Gu Chen and Jiang Min quieted down here, the noisy sound over there began to amplify a little.

Gu Chen faintly heard the voices of many people.

He also heard some information that made Gu Chen's brows lock.

"You guys say, this kid's mouth is really hard, he has already beaten several times, and he actually doesn't admit that he is the illegitimate son of the richest man on Xiangcheng Island!"

"Listening to him this dog thing fart, it was very slippery on the road, and he ran away several times!" If it weren't for the brothers' eyes, they really let this dog thing run away, who must be so smart, who is that? "

Li Jiahao, big brother!"

"Yes, yes, I just remembered what I was about to say, what did I ask you to interrupt me for! It is this Li Jiahao's illegitimate son!

"Oh, big brother, if you don't hit me on the head, you will really become a fool!"

"Shut up you, anyway, we can't get any benefit from this guy, so we will sell him to these people today, anyway, 10 million, by then it will be enough for a few of us to go home and build a house, right!"

"Yes, yes, big brother is right, if these people want to eat black, we will directly chop them up!" Then the people will be ours, and the money will be ours!

Gu Chen probably heard a rough idea from their loud conversation.

At the same time, Gu Chen also looked at Jiang Min beside him.

Because after these contents were pieced together, the first thought that flashed in Gu Chen's mind was.

"Li Jiasheng or Li Jiajun was arrested?"

Then the second thought was that it was dangerous here, and he needed to leave quickly with Jiang Min.

But who knows, when Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min, he found that she not only didn't have any nervousness, but even had a little excitement.

This made Gu Chen not know what to say.

He could only silently say to Jiang Min.

"Xiaomin, it seems that there is a bit of a situation here, I think it will be better for us to leave first!"

Originally, Gu Chen said so, he thought that Jiang Min would really follow him away or something, but he didn't expect that Jiang Min actually took out his mobile phone at this time to say that it didn't matter, and even wanted to record the sound.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Chen looked at this little guy's dangerous behavior and didn't know how to complain.

He could only silently call Jiang Min back.

However, Jiang Min seemed to have become a different person, just to listen to the situation.

There was no way, Gu Chen had to silently follow Jiang Min's side, in case something happened on Jiang Min's side.

He had to protect her and leave.

At this time, the voice of conversation on the other side of the screen slowly weakened from the furious state at the beginning.

Therefore, the sound is getting smaller and smaller, and Gu Chen and Jiang Min can hardly hear it.

However, faintly, Gu Chen still felt something.

"They seem to be talking about missing their hometown!"

"I know, you whisper."

Gu Chen asked Jiang Min to whisper, and at the same time he also suppressed his voice.

It's just that the behavior of the two did not play any role at all, because it was at this time.

The skinny man before started knocking on the door.

"Two guests, your first course has been prepared, now our chef is packing, I will bring you both a little snack first!"

At the moment when this guy came in after knocking on the door, Gu Chen and Jiang Min had returned to their seats very smoothly.

The two of them looked at the skinny man without blushing or panting.

All of a sudden, this skinny man became a little nervous.

"Well, here are the peanut melon seeds and a small fruit bowl that our store gave to the two of you, I hope you two don't have bad thoughts about our century-old store!"

"Please two slow down."

Probably because Gu Chen and Jiang Min's eyes were too hot.

In short, after this skinny man put down this snack, he immediately bowed and left very respectfully.

It's just that Gu Chen doesn't know why, he always feels that this skinny man's gaze looking at him has a little strange taste.

"He seems to be interested in some of the things in me, but he can't tell what it is."

Gu Chen thought so in his heart, but Jiang Min had already begun to act.

She directly picked up a plate of peanuts and re-came under the large central screen, and began to eat silently while whispering.

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