Gu Chen and Jiang Min both slowed down their pace of eating melons at this time.

But I don't know if it's the wealth that touches people's hearts, or if someone is really too crazy.

Even this leading big brother is already very serious.

They still feel a little like they want to refute.

Since then, Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard that the leading eldest brother seemed to have slammed something to the ground, so that his little brothers were honestly quiet.

"You know a fart! A bunch of guys who see money! Don't you have a little eyesight! "

It's just a pity that just after this guy finished his sentence, he didn't have time to continue to explain anything.

I heard other people who were unhappy and disagreed.

"No, big brother, it's a bit too much for you to say this kind of thing at this time, we big guys listened to your words before they came across the ocean to this Xiangcheng Island to follow you to do this kind of U-turn business!" You should get paid more!

"Who doesn't want to make more money to go home and build a house, please a wife!" As a result, big brother, you actually said that we don't have the ability to see, which is a little unpleasant! We don't have the ability to see! But no one praises you for who you are! It

seems that this guy has a little point, anyway, after listening to these two sentences, the number of people who echoed him also increased.

"That's it, big brother, we are here to make money, not to travel here, the third said that there are 10 million here, enough for us to build a house and then ask our wife to buy a car or even have a child!"

"That's right, big brother, why are you stopping us from sharing money, the big deal is to share more of you!" What are you in a hurry, big brother! The

leading eldest brother listened to these people talking nonsense, trembling with anger, and pointed directly at their noses and scolded.

"A bunch of dog things that can't be on the table, this money I put here today, absolutely can't take such an unclear one!" Otherwise, we are doing something and killing us! When

Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard this, they had already vaguely felt that the wisdom of this leading big brother was still there.

And 10 million is still able to maintain their concentration, which is indeed good.

It's just that he doesn't seem to know how much Li Jiahao's son is worth, and that woman kidnapped this Li Jiajun or Li Jiasheng for three million, which is simply a stable and profitable transaction.

"Big brother, if you have something to say, do you want to get an extra penny! If yes, brothers have no opinion, you take it! And it doesn't matter! Why say cruel things here now!

"Yes, big brother, isn't it all planned by you that we can receive this job, you want more money, we really don't have an opinion!"

These little brothers still do not realize the seriousness of the matter.

But the next few words of the leading eldest brother made everyone fall into thought.

"You guys are really a bunch of idiots! Haven't you thought about how much money you can do? Have you seen less of things that have money to take and no life to spend?

"Do you think I don't know the value of the richest son on Xiangcheng Island?" Really think I don't want to take more money? It's not that you don't want to, but you don't dare! When

Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard this, they immediately stopped eating melons.

"This guy has a bit of a sober feeling in the world!"

"yes, keep listening to what he has to say?"

The words of the leading big brother, at this time, really shocked their own little brothers, they two you look at me, I look at you, as if you want to see the answer in the eyes of others.

See their judgment of what the eldest brother said.

But it is a pity that these people are just a group of people who only know how to work according to orders, how can they honestly think and use their brains.

The final result, of course, was that after Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard a period of silence, the voice of the leading eldest brother slowly sounded with a kind of exhaustion.

"I don't let you take money rashly for your own good! Because three million is okay, just kidnapping, but definitely not other follow-up matters, Miss Liu, you have already promised me! "

As long as I kidnap the son of the richest man on Xiangcheng Island and hand it over to you, other things have nothing to do with me, but the money on this table is my three million, and I won't lose a penny!"

"But it's not mine, or it's for me to use as money, then I'm sorry I definitely won't ask for it!" Even if I want to, I have to have my life to hold the flowers, right, Miss Liu? When

Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard this, they finally determined that this leading big brother must be a figure.

And it is also a very understanding of the trade-off, who has seen the big world, and can clearly distinguish and carry clearly.

It can be said that it is very good.

His group of little brothers suddenly burst into flames.

"Big brother, is what you said true, is it this lady who is harming us!"

"What nonsense to say, the eldest brother said this clearly, isn't this girl here to harm us, I have long seen that this guy does not take good intentions, where is there any girl family to come out to do this kind of business!"

"That's right, the eldest brother has helped us analyze it in place, if we are still confused, aren't we sorry for the eldest brother!" Brothers, copy the guys and get ready to fight! All

of a sudden, this leading eldest brother made his younger brothers stand on his side again in three or two sentences.

It's just that when Gu Chen and Jiang Min thought that these people were about to fight, the two even silently shifted a little towards the screen, afraid that if someone was beaten over, it would be better to avoid it in time.

But even in the end, Gu Chen and Jiang Min didn't hear anyone move.

Because the woman who was called Miss Liu by the leading eldest brother said lightly.

"Go on."

"Continue? Go on, go on, I tell you, don't be afraid of you with us! Big deal, today is just a dead net!

"That's right, this is your territory anyway, you can say whatever you want, so why play us here!" Is it fun?

"Why are you talking here again, cut her for me!"

In the end, his brothers were about to explode, and even the youngest and most impulsive little guy even decided to stand up at this time and be the first to engage in a hand-to-hand battle with this Miss Liu.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min were already ready to run, but they heard this so-called leading big brother say in his deep voice.

"Stop, stop me, do you want to be with me today?"

"Or do you think that you can really fight her on someone else's chassis, and you didn't see that our Miss Liu was smiling the whole time, which means that people are not malicious, right, Miss Liu?"

The words of this leading big brother already sounded with a fawning feeling at this time.

However, Gu Chen and Jiang Min could hear the grievances in the heart of this leading big brother.

The feeling of being aggrieved is really a little overwhelming.

Especially when a fierce man is aggrieved, it is even more of a headache!

"You're smart, but your brothers aren't smart, and that's what I'm talking about!"

Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard this Miss Liu's words facing the leading eldest brother, said a very vague word, and seemed to snap their fingers.

Immediately, someone stepped on heavy footsteps to come in, and Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard the sound of banknotes colliding again.

The two looked at each other, and they already knew that this battle, which had ended before it started, was no longer in danger.

Therefore, Gu Chen and Jiang Min all returned to this screen to listen to what these people wanted to do.

And it's not just Gu Chen and Jiang Min, the two of them are strange.

Even this leading brother felt very strange.

"What the hell do you want to do, Miss Liu!"

In particular, when this leading big brother saw that there was now a stack of trapped cash on the table that had been cleaned up and very clean, he already said in his heart that it was not good!

That's right, it's not good, just when the money brought by Miss Liu was placed on this table.

Those who were going to make a move on Miss Liu before instantly changed their faces by one hundred and eighty degrees.

One of them both widened their eyes, their mouths opened very unconsciously and made a hehe sound.

"I'm not dreaming, how much money does this cost, how many relatives!"

"The third old, the third old, where did you die, we have it now, isn't it right, how much money did Miss Liu give us!"

"Miss Liu is really a good person, I have never seen so much money in my life! Oh my God, it's so luxurious!

"Total, total, calculated ah!" Anyway, there were about 10 million in one box just now, and now there are a total of eight boxes, which means that there is almost 80 million! Eighty million!

In an instant, this sentence seemed to open the door to a new world, and all the younger brothers, even the leading big brother, one and the two of them very uncontestedly fell their eyes on the many banknotes on this table.

The greed and madness in his heart suddenly covered up the fear in his heart.

"My God, this means that as long as we can bring this money back and divide it, we can become the richest man in our ten miles and eight villagers~!"

"That's right, then I don't want to stay in my own little broken house, build a house? What a house to build! I am a person who has worked for others all my life, I just want to rest today, I want to be worked for me!

"You don't have any level at all in saying this, you should go directly to the city to buy a house!" By then, we will all be from the city!

"Hahahaha! The third man is right! Just

when this Miss Liu's super power was placed in front of her, instantly making the original saber rattling aura disappear.

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