This leading big brother also fell into silence at this time.

In the end, he watched this group of people lying fiercely on these money, and both of them showed that greedy but very simple gaze on their faces, which made the leading big brother very sad.

But thinking of this Miss Liu's operation now, she has completely confused her brothers.

So what else can he say?

I can only say one sentence silently.

"Three million is already enough for us to cross the ocean to help Miss Liu kidnap the son of the richest man on Xiangcheng Island!"

"Now Miss Liu directly took out 80 million, didn't this put all our brothers on the fire and roast them?"

"Isn't it a little too much, Miss Liu, this is not at all the same as what we said at the beginning!"

When all the younger brothers heard their eldest brother suddenly say such a sentence, they all silently stopped their actions of taking money.

But soon, because the crowd's actions were too rough, it caused a wad of bills to almost fall into the original dish.

A little brother called out, and quickly pulled up this thick pile of banknotes.

But I accidentally landed on this soup.

It's just that this little brother didn't care at all and put this money in front of his nose and sniffed it fiercely.

"Big brother, it's so fragrant!"

Gu Chen and Jiang Min almost didn't hold back their laughter when they heard this.

But fortunately, I probably think that my brother's operation is really a little ugly, and the leading eldest brother said this guy fiercely.

"Look at your unproductive appearance, stand for me!"

"Hey, hey, good big brother!"

It's just that under the temptation of money, this person did not feel the anger in his eldest brother's words at all.

Still joyfully showing a look that has never seen the world.

Of course, this situation is very accustomed to the leading big brother.

Even used to silently sighing and saying to Miss Liu.

"Miss Liu, I can't stop them if you succeed, and you also calculate that I will never give up on them, tell me what you want to do!"

"But if we really want to work hard, we will definitely not sell our lives, anyway, I said ugly things ahead today, if there is anything, we are not fools!"

Hearing something that seemed to be a threat and seemed to be a joke, Gu Chen and Jiang Min did not laugh.

Instead, he paid more attention to see how this so-called Miss Liu answered.

The most important thing is that Gu Chen and Jiang Min are very curious about whether the youngest son of the richest man on Xiangcheng Island caught by this gang refers to the younger child, that is, the illegitimate son Li Jiasheng.

Or is it Li Jiahao's old son Li Jiajun?

What does this Miss Liu want to do?

These are not only Gu Chen and Jiang Min who are very curious, but even the leading eldest brother is the same.

I can't understand why a person like Miss Liu who can casually take out 80 million and still be cash directly thinks that he is doing these dangerous things.

These are the things that the leading eldest brother can't understand, and are curious about this woman.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min silently strengthened their attention and began to listen to what this woman wanted to do.

Who knew that at this moment, Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard a knock on the door.

Jiang Min thought it was the sound on the other side of the screen, so he didn't care about it at all.

But Gu Chen noticed the abnormality.

"It's our side..." Gu

Chen immediately took Jiang Min back to his position.

"Please come in."

After hearing Gu Chen's words, the skinny man immediately appeared, with a flattering smile on his face.

I also had some packaged meals on hand.

There were also a few people behind him.

Jiang Min's gaze instantly looked at Gu Chen, as if he was asking Gu Chen something.

Gu Chen understood what Jiang Min meant, so he nodded at the thin man and said.

"All ready?"

"Yes two distinguished guests, we have finished all the meals in a hurry, and here are a few side dishes for you, I hope you can eat and have fun!"

The skinny man's face was smiling, and he didn't look like a boss at all.

If Gu Chen hadn't known that this was Xiangcheng Island, otherwise he really thought that this skinny man didn't know him.

But now Gu Chen doesn't want to leave directly.

There are still little things that I haven't heard over.

Therefore, Gu Chen gave Jiang Min a reassuring look and said.

"Okay, but we're a little hungry now, let's make some recommended dishes for the two of us first, don't worry too much this time."

"It doesn't matter if it's just a little slower."

Gu Chen fell his gaze on the skinny man, he seemed to feel something, although the smile became a little hard at first, but soon began to soften again.

"Since this distinguished guest is willing to dine in our restaurant, it must be our honor, please sit and wait for a while, we will put these packed meals away, and when the two of you leave, we will ensure that they are still freshly baked and hot!"

The skinny man said while getting Gu Chen's nod and slowly left with the waiter.

I don't know why, Gu Chen and Jiang Min looked at this guy's appearance, and always felt that he was a little too enthusiastic.


not an illusion, or it's very flattering to us, but we don't know this place at all, let alone know this guy, do you know who I am from the previous information about Jianglong?"

"Don't rule out this possibility!"

Gu Chen and Jiang Min had a conversation, but in the process of dialogue, the two of them also constantly shifted towards the screen.

Soon, the two were attached to the screen again, waiting to continue monitoring.

But I don't know why, when Gu Chen and Jiang Min returned to their old positions, they actually didn't hear any sound.

The area next door was very quiet, so quiet that Gu Chen and Jiang Min began to wonder if the situations they had experienced before were all hallucinations.

"What's the situation, Brother Gu Chen!"

Jiang Min even lowered his voice to say this sentence.

Gu Chen frowned thoughtfully.

"Maybe it's in an impasse, keep listening!"

When Gu Chen said this to Jiang Min, he didn't know why he suddenly stretched out his palm to Jiang Min.

All of a sudden, Jiang Min didn't know what to do.

Especially when Gu Chen's palm was getting closer and closer to Jiang Min, Jiang Min had already closed his eyes.

However, after a while, Jiang Min felt a warm palm burrowed into the palm of his hand.

He tugged at Jiang Min vigorously, but was very careful not to make any sound.

Some have only the right kind of ingenuity.

Jiang Min instantly felt a strong force coming from his hand.

She also thought that Gu Chen had finally figured out and had to accept herself.

Unexpectedly, after Gu Chen pulled Jiang Min over, he actually whispered such a sentence in her ear.

"If there is no accident next door, they should have discovered us eavesdropping on the side!"

"Let's pretend to stabilize these people."

The communication between Gu Chen and Jiang Min was really very brief, so short that Jiang Min didn't even react to it.

"Brother Gu Chen, what did you just say?"

Jiang Min was stunned, she never thought that she and Gu Chen were very careful in their chat.

But it may have been the skinny man's voice that exposed them.

"It's a bit troublesome now, we listened to their previous conversation word for word, and if they find out at this time, it's not a joke!"

Jiang Min is worthy of being a hacker boss, and his thinking has been very active and calm since he was a child.

So after Gu Chen finished explaining it to Jiang Min, he didn't need to say anything more, and Jiang Min knew that Gu Chen was going to take him with him.

Therefore, Jiang Min did not have any hesitation at all, and got up very calmly and quietly at the moment.

Gu Chen is also to paralyze people on the other side of this screen.

As for the unlucky bastard who didn't know whether it was Li Jiajun or Li Jiasheng, Gu Chen really had no way to do it now.

I can't take care of it.

"Let's go first!"

Gu Chen silently thought so in his heart, and at the same time, Jiang Min also got up and his body was very gentle.

Both were leaving very carefully.

However, at this time, Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard the sound of Duang Duang knocking from the other side of the screen.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min immediately turned their heads to look at the screen.

"Don't worry, keep walking!"

But at this time, Gu Chen gritted his teeth and left directly with Jiang Min.

The two of them heard a call.

"Is the one next door still there, come out and squeak."

It sounds very soft, but Gu Chen and Jiang Min know it.

The reality is not soft and dangerous.

So, Gu Chen stretched out his hand and pressed his mouth, signaling Jiang Min not to speak, just treat it as if there was no one here.

Jiang Min showed a very serious expression, and then slowly covered his mouth.

The two looked at each other and nodded, and then quietly prepared to leave the private room.

It's just that Gu Chen and Jiang Min's movements seem to have been detected by the person next to the screen.

"Eh! Don't run, don't run! I hear you guys running! "

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