The voice behind the screen became very fierce.

So fierce that Gu Chen and Jiang Min both silently glanced at each other, feeling that something might happen today.

So Gu Chen had already pressed the police phone.

At the same time, it is hoped that the police on Xiangcheng Island will be able to dispatch the police a little faster, so as not to have any unacceptable ending and embarrassment at that time.

But just after the people behind the screen shouted twice, there was no sound, and Gu Chen and Jiang Min suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I just said, this thing is a decoration, you look at the wall behind it, how can our voice penetrate the wall!"

"Yes, big brother, you are also too worried, but now that we have agreed to Miss Liu's request, can we share the money?"

"Divide the money, you just think about it, don't you hurry up and think about how we can leave Xiangcheng Island!" I'll have to wait until the news leaks out....

"Shut up, don't say anything angry, let me honestly listen to what the eldest brother has to say!"

"Yes, big brother, you speak, haven't we all agreed to carry this pot at a price of 100 million?"

When Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard this, in fact, the eyes of the two were already full of question marks.

Just when the sound of arguing came from the private room behind the screen, they began to discuss quietly again.

"Brother Gu Chen, what is the situation now, why am I a little confused?"

"Don't say you can't understand, I'm a little confused now, forget it and look at the situation."

As Gu Chen spoke, he was actually ready to go to the screen again to see what the situation was, so that the people behind the screen were so nervous and made an oolong.

It's just that when Gu Chen had only taken two or three steps, he turned around and found that Jiang Min was still following him.

So he frowned and said directly.

"You wait at the door, once I find something wrong, immediately open the door for me, and we will go together!"

"Ah, Brother Gu Chen, this is not good!"

Jiang Min seemed a little hesitant at this time.

She didn't want to abandon Gu Chen directly and leave, but listening to this, she felt that what Gu Chen said was very reasonable.

"Let's go!"

After Gu Chen urged again, Jiang Min gritted his teeth and parted ways with Gu Chen.

Until Gu Chen came to this screen, he silently shifted this screen from the side slowly and motionlessly.

But Gu Chen and Jiang Min originally thought that after the screen, there was another private room, and their judgment was wrong.

After this screen, what appeared was actually a wall.

A wall that doesn't have any transparency at all.

"What is the situation."

Gu Chen's whole person was suddenly dumbfounded.

I don't understand what the principle is, why behind a screen is a wall, a wall Why Gu Chen and Jiang Min can hear each other's voice, but the other party can't hear their own.

Everything made Gu Chen feel very strange.

Strangely, Gu Chen heard the call of the situation from Jiang Min's side.

"Brother Gu Chen, I seem to have seen the person serving the dishes coming!"

"Okay, I see!"

Gu Chen silently responded to this Jiang Min, and then silently returned to his seat.

I just don't know why, but Gu Chen's eyes never moved from the screen section.

In Gu Chen's opinion, all this is a bit weird.

It was so weird that Gu Chen had to be able to endure it.

"Oh, I'm sorry to keep the two of you waiting, the cooking speed on our side has slowed down for a few minutes, I'm sorry!"

At this time, after the thin man knocked silently on the door, he entered it with one delicious meal after another.

While serving the dishes, he talked to Gu Chen and them.

And the words are round, without a hint of Xiangcheng Island accent.

This made Gu Chen feel very strange, obviously there was a little difference in speaking before, but now it has become very smooth?

Although he noticed the abnormality of this thin man, Gu Chen did not say anything.

Instead, he silently continued to perform a qualified guest.

It's just that Gu Chen noticed that this guy's eyes actually looked in the direction of the screen from time to time.

What does this say? It shows that this waiter must have a routine, and he must know that there is a problem with this screen.

"So the question is, is this his problem, or is this screen problem?"

Gu Chen suddenly felt a little dry mouth, he didn't expect anything.

It's just that in this noon time, it's a little hard to watch Tong Zixin, Sun Shulan and others still working hard.

Plus I still have some time to see this big Xiangcheng Island.

That's why Gu Chen came out with Jiang Min.

"But my luck is also too good, why does it seem that something earth-shattering can always happen casually!" Am I a Grim Reaper schoolboy?

Gu Chen couldn't help but think so in his heart, and soon this skinny man finally arranged the meals for this table.

"Please use it slowly for two guests, this is our classic package, please enjoy it for two."

After speaking, the thin man left the room directly.

It's just that Gu Chen's attention was on this guy, and he had already noticed that he secretly glanced at Gu Chen when this skinny man left the room.

Suddenly, Gu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

For him, if someone wants to deal with him, he doesn't have any idea at all, and there are many people who want to deal with him.

But after seeing the expression on the skinny man's face, Gu Chen was a little angry.

"Is it actually to target Jiang Min? It's really..." Gu

Chen thought about the situation at that time, although he didn't know why this skinny man was targeting Jiang Min.

But Jiang Min brought Xiangcheng Island to him, can he still hurt her?

"It doesn't seem to be right, this guy seems to have looked at me a little more before leaving, is this aimed at me and Jiang Min?"

Not knowing what happened, what Gu Chen could be sure of was that they must have entered some thief's den.


Just when Gu Chen was thinking, Jiang Min seemed to be a little hungry and wanted to lift his chopsticks to eat two bites of food or something.

But after being seen by Gu Chen, he directly said something and so on.

And the sound of this sentence was a little loud, so frightened that Jiang Min's chopsticks fell off, and he looked at the side of the screen very nervously.

I was afraid that the robbers would find out that they were still in the room.

However, Gu Chen seemed to see through everything, and said directly to Jiang Min.

"Don't think so much, they can't hear it, behind the screen is the wall!"

After telling Jiang Min the facts, Gu Chen silently took her to open the curtain, and the two of them were still a little blinded when they looked at the solid wall behind it.

Gu Chen lowered the curtains, and Jiang Min silently began to look around the wall, and did not find any switches.

"So we can hear each other, but they can't hear us?"

"It can be understood that one-way glass is general."

The two discussed the situation, and then Jiang Min actually felt a little hungry and wanted to eat the fragrant meal.

As a result, just after Jiang Min showed this thought, Gu Chen took Jiang Min's arm.

"What, what's wrong Brother Gu Chen?"

"Don't eat, there's a problem."

Gu Chen told Jiang Min about the thin man he had found before.

"What, so we're in a black shop?"

"Then what is our luck, on the one hand, the kidnappers who kidnapped the son of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, and on the other hand, the black shop that may poison us?"

"God, what should we do now, Brother Gu Chen!"

Although Jiang Min listened to Gu Chen's words, Jiang Min's tone and words were full of worry.

However, Jiang Min's face could not see any other abnormalities at all.

There was even a little excitement.

This is completely out of the abnormal situation of life, which really makes Jiang Min feel a little surprised.

A sense of excitement that led her to discover a new treasure.

Although this is also the reason why Jiang Min has never experienced danger.

But she didn't know what danger was, so Gu Chen was still a little worried.

He was thinking about how he was supposed to crack the situation.

"Forget it, let's first hear what these people are going to do to this kidnapped person."

After Gu Chen and Jiang Min discussed for a while, they immediately went alone to lock the door first.

The other one quickly went to the edge of the screen to continue listening to the situation.

After waiting for a while, Gu Chen and Jiang Min began to monitor the specific situation of the gang of robbers again.

"Now let's make an escape route, we still have to take the waterway!" Otherwise, there will definitely be no way to leave!

"But now there is a question, why have we all arrested the richest child on Xiangcheng Island for so long, and we haven't seen any movement of the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, doesn't he care about his children at all?"

"That's right, Miss Liu, do we want to inspect the goods a priori?"

Gu Chen and Jiang Min looked at each other, and both sides saw the meaning of each other's eyes.

"Finally to know who was so smart and caught."

Both of them silently showed a strong interest and began to listen.

"Okay, then let's see how our invincible Li Jiajun son is doing now, is he already scared to pee his pants!"

They also heard the voice from that Miss Liu, but at this time, Miss Liu said Li Jiajun very obviously with a personal emotion.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard it very clearly.

It's just that they didn't think much about it, but Miss Liu at this time seemed to be a little abnormal.

"This bag is not the right color, you guys beat someone? Who let you guys beat someone! "

Ah, Miss Liu, don't be angry, blame this guy for trying to escape on the way, and he almost succeeded, so we just..."

You guys are crazy! "

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