"What? Aren't you hungry?

Tong Zixin asked silently again.

Mia's whole person was still very confused, and she didn't understand why Tong Zixin suddenly said this.

But looking at Tong Zixin's expression, Mia seemed to know something incredible.

In the past, when Tong Zixin wanted to let herself do something, or cooperate with her, she would show such an expression.

So Mia knew that Tong Zixin must be asking herself to answer an answer that she was satisfied with.

"Yes, I'm hungry!"

After hearing Mia say such a sentence herself, Tong Zixin still had no reaction.

Chen Yu seemed to have sensed and looked at the dog head chao beside Mia.

The dog's head was super and immediately raised his head and brushed, stood up and said to Mia.

"Mia! You're hungry, you're hungry, tell me, I'll go buy you food now!"

"Eh, by the way, what do you like to eat!"

The dog's expression looked very excited, and the whole person's eyes were on fire.

It seems that at this time, Mia only needs to say something she wants to eat, and the dog will immediately buy it.

Even if Mia just wants to eat the simplest thing, he is willing to run out and buy it instead of ordering takeout.

Mia was startled by the dog's reaction, but soon she reacted and said tremblingly.

"Eat, what to eat, I have to think about it."

"Right, Sister Tong?"

As she spoke, Mia set her eyes on Tong Zixin's body.

Tong Zixin looked at Chen Yu with a smile, as if to say more.

"I'm already out of the horse, why are you still grinding here."

Intimidated by Tong Zixin's eyes, Chen Yu seemed to understand something, and he said directly to Mia.

"Mia, didn't you just say that what you want to eat most is seafood noodles?"

"Don't you want to eat it now?"

After Chen Yu's words came out, Mia suddenly seemed to understand something, and she looked at Tong Zixin.

"Right, Sister Tong?"

Tong Zixin looked at Mia's appearance, nodded very teachably and said.

"Yes, you just want to eat this, don't you?"

Mia, who heard this, immediately nodded very obediently, indicating that she agreed very much.

"Yes, I just want to eat seafood noodles!"

When Dog Tou Chao heard this, he immediately became excited.

"I'll go buy you seafood noodles!"

"Got it! Good!

Although Mia didn't know why suddenly Tong Zixin and Chen Yu would let herself say such things, she still chose to comply.

It was only after obeying that Mia seemed to have thought of something again.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be something wrong."

Just after Mia thought of this, Tong Zixin and Chen Yu both said such a sentence.

"No need to go, have you forgotten, President Gu has already prepared a meal for us outside!"

A word suddenly slowed down the footsteps of the dog head chao, and he said with a shocked expression.

"Yes, I almost forgot about this situation, President Gu has already gone to buy it!"

"Then, when will President Gu be able to come back?"

The dog head looked at Tong Zixin and Chen Yu silently.

But Tong Zixin and Chen Yu also looked at each other and said.

"You see it's useless for us, and we don't know when President Gu will come back!"

"Would you like to call and ask?"

When these words came out, Chen Yu and Tong Zixin had already understood that their plan had taken effect.

So the last words of the two that fueled the situation immediately made the dog's head overcook.

"Yes, I have Mr. Gu's phone, I'll make a call and ask!"

"You wait for me, Mia!"

Saying that, the dog head chao silently turned his head to look at Mia, as if to comfort her and let her not worry.

But at this time, Mia didn't look like a hungry person at all.

Facing the eyes of the dog head chao, Mia did not know how she should respond to the dog head chao's words.

The whole person could only nod silently and said.


A simple sentence seems to give the dog head super great courage.

Sun Shulan, A Yue, Lin Wanxiang and the others were about to laugh out loud on the side.

But thinking of this time, they were indeed a little hungry, and it happened that this Tong Zixin and Chen Yu also joined forces.

So what do they have to block.

Even if they were blocked, who could stop the two of them from merging their swords?

"But..." However,

just as Gou Tou Chao dialed the number he got from Sun Shulan.

Dog Tou Chao said to Chen Yu and Tong Zixin with a very sad expression.

"Mr. Gu's phone can't get through!"

As soon as these words came out, whether it was Sun Shulan or Chen Yu Tong Zixin, the faces of both of them changed silently.

Everyone felt a little panic in their hearts.

However, Tong Zixin was still relatively calm, and she directly took out her mobile phone again and dialed Gu Chen.

After getting the news that it was still unreachable, Tong Zixin silently showed a worried look.

"It really didn't get through."

Chen Yu also took out his mobile phone very unbelief.

However, the result is still the same.

Everyone's faces were not very good-looking.

Or Sun Shulan said more calmly.

"Didn't President Gu go out with Jiang Min together? Call her phone. After

Tong Zixin and Chen Yu heard this, they immediately gave Sun Shulan a big thumbs up.

Chen Yu quickly wanted to call Jiang Min's phone, but Tong Zixin's speed was faster.

So, in the century-old store not very far away, Jiang Min's phone, which was still leaning against the wall, suddenly rang.

Because no one looked for her on Jiang Min's mobile phone before, Jiang Min always turned on his phone ringtone to the maximum.

It was in this situation that Jiang Min's whole person was stupid.

She wanted to press her ringtone immediately, but because the first time the phone's ringtone suddenly rang, she was already stupid, so she dropped the phone on the ground in a trance.

The crazy bells keep ringing.

And the most important thing is that Jiang Min's mobile phone ringtone is actually a little penetrating.

In addition, the space on the side of the leading big brother is really very quiet.

Therefore, at this time, their original saber rattling attitude completely disappeared.

In its place was a very dazed look.

Miss Liu also turned her head, as if looking for the source of this suddenly remembered voice.

"It's not me, it's not me!"

"What's the case, I never bring a mobile phone!"

"Don't look at me, how can I have a mobile phone, my wife doesn't have one!"

Everyone looked at each other and found that there was no mobile phone on their side, and the people on Miss Liu's side also probed their mobile phones.

Found that they also did not have the phone ringing after .

The leading eldest brother and Miss Liu's gaze silently shifted to the screen in their room.

It seems that the voice came from there.

It's just that when everyone went up to check, the mobile phone ringing stopped abruptly at this time.

"It scares me to death! What to do, Brother Gu Chen!

Jiang Min picked up her mobile phone, still very flustered in her heart, she was asking her mastermind Gu Chen.

But Gu Chen was also busy at this time, and he didn't know how to answer Jiang Min at all.

I could only silently point to the phone in my hand and signal myself to think of a way again.

On the other side, probably after hearing the bell in the room, the thin man's action attached to the door suddenly brushed back.

A look of astonishment appeared on his face.

"No, is it because the effect of the medicine has not risen yet?"

"No, this drug has been tested by me many times, even a fat person with more than two hundred pounds will pass out within ten minutes after taking this medicine."

"Can't say that these two people didn't eat a bite of food for ten minutes!"

"That means they have already found the problem, should not, if they find the problem, then they should leave here directly or call the police quickly."

"But now there is no movement, what is the situation?"

The thin man was full of doubts in his heart, and after pretending to have a face, he began to slowly knock on the door again and said.

"Two distinguished guests, I have come to ask you what else you need, you can talk to me!"

"I guarantee we can do everything you want!"

When Jiang Min heard this, he directly glanced at Gu Chen.

But Gu Chen still called unmoved, and at the same time consulted their addresses while talking.

"Yes, we are here now, and safety can be guaranteed for the time being, but in a moment... Well, then you guys come on!

After finally saying these words, Gu Chen hung up the phone and met Jiang Min's line of sight, and immediately was pointed by Jiang Min and looked at the door.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, there should still be a disguise."

Gu Chen comforted Jiang Min, and then heard the skinny man continue to shout.

"Guest, if you don't need anything, then I'll go first!"

Hearing the skinny man say this, Jiang Min suddenly felt relieved.

However, Gu Chen heard the sound of the doorknob turning.

Although this skinny man's mouth sounds good, he is leaving.

But in fact, it is paralyzing Gu Chen secretly unlocking.

This change suddenly made Jiang Min cover his mouth, as if he could perfectly cover his tracks without making a sound.

But what about the effect... It simply can't stop this skinny man's moves.

But fortunately, maybe the skinny man came without a key when he came.

So this anti-lock directly excludes this skinny man.

It was this situation that bought Gu Chen and them time.

Fight for an even more chaotic situation is coming!

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