"Two guests, this is not your territory, and the consequences of not opening the door are still very serious, do you know?"

The skinny man probably thought of something, and began to say sadly at the other end of the door.

There was inevitably a sense of threat in the tone, so that Gu Chen and Jiang Min immediately understood that their guess had come true.

However, Gu Chen was not too anxious.

On the contrary, Jiang Min's face was a little ugly.

Because at this time, the leading eldest brother on the other side of the screen, Miss Liu, had fallen into silence.

"Brother Gu Chen, I'm a little scared!"

Jiang Min even wanted Gu Chen's hug.

Gu Chen also wanted to comfort Jiang Min, who was a little pale at this time, and silently stroked Jiang Min's head and said.

"Don't worry, I'll call again."

Saying that, Gu Chen called again, this time it was no longer the police station, but a woman who could be regarded as the head snake of Xiangcheng Island.

"Knock knock!"

It's just that at this time, Gu Chen and Jiang Min suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the side.

The two looked back and found that the voice was divided into two levels.

One came from the sound on this wall, and the other came directly above the heads of the two.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min looked up at this top, only to find that behind the previous black corner ceiling, there was actually a small red light that was constantly flickering.

The two instantly judged that this was a thing similar to Bluetooth audio.

"It's really a black shop!"

"Who in a normal century-old store will install any monitoring equipment in the private room, and still monitor the person on the other side!"

The two looked at each other, and felt that a puzzle in their hearts had finally been revealed.

"No wonder we can hear the person on the other side talking so clearly, and the leading big brother and Miss Liu on the other side can't hear what we are saying, it turns out that this is the reason!"

"But why! Why arrange this private room for us, but also let us hear what the person on the other side is discussing, isn't this a joke? Jiang

Min's smart big head immediately began to think continuously.

She also found the answer to the mystery in an instant, but because of this answer, there were more doubts.

Gu Chen also felt quite strange in his heart, but he didn't think of any reasonable explanation.

I can only say silently.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you can't hear us on the other side, it's okay."

"And the owner of this black shop can't enter, and even if he can, he won't do evil in broad daylight."

"So we're very safe now, and when I entered this street before, I saw a police station station at the door, basically it was able to get to us in ten minutes!"

"We don't have to worry about our safety at all, the only thing we have to think about is how it will end when the police come!"

Gu Chen spoke, after all, this is Xiangcheng Island, not Huahai City.

A lot of his power can't be used, and the only estimate he can use is his own network power.

After Jiang Min heard Gu Chen's analysis, he also calmed down a little.

At the same time, she also looked at the call prompt on her mobile phone, which was an unfamiliar number.

Jiang Min immediately blacked out this number in anger!

"Damn, if this guy hadn't suddenly called, Brother Gu Chen and I wouldn't have been exposed!"

After silently complaining such a sentence in her heart, she began to listen to the sound on the other side of the screen again.

As for the thin man's knocking on the door and the constant nagging sound, Jiang Min didn't care at all.

Because Gu Chen also said before, in this busy area, no one will make some impulsive behaviors at all.

So, they can be very relieved.

However, the leading eldest brother and Miss Liu on the other side of the screen, the situation of the fact is a little different from what Gu Chen and Jiang Min thought.

Just after Jiang Min's mobile phone rang, the leading eldest brother gave a look.

Let your little brother go and see what the specific situation is.

Only then did Gu Chen and Jiang Min feel the knocking on the wall.

"Big brother, it's a solid wall!"

"Then we are not exposed! This solid wall can't be so outrageous through our voice! When

Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard this, they actually wanted to laugh a little.

" Indeed, normal wall sound insulation is there, but in the case of being monitored, even if your wall is thick, there is no way to stop us from hearing the sound!"

The voice of the leading eldest brother sounded.

"Rather trust what you have, you can't trust what you don't!" You guys go next door and see what's going on!

After saying this, Gu Chen and Jiang Min were stunned for a moment.

When Miss Liu heard this, she directly shook her sunglasses, and she slowly raised her head and said.

"It really needs to be seen, according to reason, the private room here today should be chartered by us, why there is still a phone ringing, this is indeed very important!"

"Your people who follow them also go to see the situation!"

After saying this, a bald head with sunglasses behind Miss Liu immediately said yes!

And he and Miss Liu briefly exchanged glances.

Miss Liu said slowly.

"You know what to do, right?"

"Don't worry, Miss! I have no problem.

After saying this, Gu Chen and Jiang Min really looked at each other this time and didn't know what to say.

"Brother Gu Chen, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, the door has been locked, and this black shop, it should not be with the people next door, let's wait and see what happens!"

After saying this, Gu Chen began to call and text again.

The skinny man tried several more times outside the door to coax Gu Chen and Jiang Min to open the door.

But no one paid attention to him at all, not even a response.

He felt as if he were a man performing mime.

And it's the kind that doesn't have any audience.

Therefore, this skinny man had no choice but to give up the act of opening the door.

Or think of other ways to solve this problem!

For example, use the key directly!

However, he also has no spare key!

After all, today's seafood shop is also using its own high-priced plate, and the handover time with the original store is still very short.

Therefore, many things are not clear or unknown to him, and the key in his hand is actually incomplete, and this thin man has no other key to open the private room where Gu Chen Jiang Min is.

"The most important thing is that I can't break down the door violently, otherwise the big guys find out about the abnormality, won't they tell them that I can't do things!"

The skinny little man almost walked around in a hurry! A lot of cold sweat silently soared on the whole person's head.

At the same time, this guy's heart is also very regretful!

"It's hateful, originally looked at this pair of men and women like stars, handsome men and women thought of tricking in to make the big guys happy, but how come it feels a little wrong now!"

"Are these two too smart, or am I being a little too enthusiastic before?" So the situation that makes this guy feel a little wrong?

"Otherwise, how could the two of them not move at all!" It's terrible!

"Originally, the big guys were still dozens of minutes away, and then they happened to take over Li Jiajun with Liu Si, and now how can I explain that this pair of men and women are inside!"

When the skinny man spun in a hurry, he always felt as if he had forgotten something.

He started thinking like crazy.

"No, according to reason, no one can resist the temptation to take advantage of the wool! How can there be people who do not take advantage of anything cheap in this era!

"Something must be wrong!"

He bit his finger hard, wondering what was wrong with him, so the skinny man remembered the listening devices he had set up in this room before.

"Could it be that the two of them found the listening device, but what about finding it, no one on the other side came, and there was still a period of trading time set by Liu Si, even if they found it, they couldn't hear any sound!"

"Unless..." The

skinny man suddenly thought of a very terrifying possibility.

"Unless this woman Liu Si made a deal in advance, she kept us all in the dark!"

After instantly thinking of this possibility, the thin man's legs began to be unable to lift as if they were poured with lead.

But after pondering for a while, he began to get a little confused.

"Impossible, she has no reason to do this!"

"Yes! I'll check it out now! At a glance, you can know if this woman is doing something!

After thinking about this, the skinny man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

I was very worried in my heart, and at the same time, I was constantly blaming myself.

"Why didn't I come over earlier to see the situation, and I had to come here like stepping on something to plan!"

"If I had come earlier, I would have known if anyone had entered the private room!"

"And there will be no such dilemma!"

When the skinny man thought so, his steps accelerated by three points.

At the same time, the people sent by the leading eldest brother and the people sent by Miss Liu also set off at this time.

In this restaurant that looks big, but is actually crammed with tourists and old people, you are about to meet.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min silently calmed down, because in the phone call that the two had just dialed, someone had already given them a very good idea.

The two calmed down a little, and at the same time, Gu Chen and Jiang Min also began to continue to listen to the situation on the other side of the screen.

I want to hear what else they have to do.

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