But before they heard much, before Miss Liu could even speak, Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard a noisy noise outside the door.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min thought that it was Miss Liu who led the eldest brother's person and ran into this skinny man.

The robbers and the owner of the black shop are about to start a robbery war or something.

As a result, Gu Chen and Jiang Min came in and listened, but found that it was not the case at all.

"We sea worm gang is looking for someone, you dare to stop it!" What are you!

"That's it, just now someone said that they are a century-old store, I thought that Duowei Feng, how can you fall down when you touch it!" Isn't this touching porcelain?

In an instant, Gu Chen and Jiang Min suddenly looked at each other.

"What day is it today, I actually encountered robbers, black shops, and now what little hooligans!"

"What's the matter, all of a sudden Xiangcheng Island is back on the streets of the nineties?"

Seriously, in this short period of time, Gu Chen and Jiang Min felt as if they had crossed over.

The two felt very unreal, so unreal that both wanted to get out of here quickly.

"Get out of the way for me! My people said that the person who drove the broken car was here, and they saw the two of them get out of the car and come in! If you tell me again, I'm going to cut you if there is no one!"

"Uncle, we are in a bad mood today, don't make trouble!" Otherwise, we're going to really hit people!"

"What, you ask if we have any arrest paperwork?" Did you eat too much or eat stupidly! Actually ask me such a boring question, do we look like police officers!

"you, can't you find someone if it's not the police, can't those two people be car thieves, this car belongs to our eldest brother!" Don't get in the way here!

"Oh, your uncle has the ability to do it!"

After Gu Chen and Jiang Min heard this, the two of them felt even more about whether they had crossed over.

Both of them were silently in a trance.

Jiang Min looked at Gu Chen and said.

"Brother Gu Chen, didn't we come out this time to see the Huang Li, and we always felt that our luck was too bad?"

"You have a point, but I always feel that it has nothing to do with our luck."

"What does that have to do with us?"

"It may be good looks, handsome people generally have a rough experience."

Gu Chen's words made Jiang Min feel a little speechless.

At this time, the outside world, the bandits and the black shop owner, and the gangsters who suddenly appeared collided with each other at this time.

The younger brother, who took the lead of the eldest brother, reached out with a gloomy face, wanting to take something out from behind him to protect himself.

The man in Miss Liu's sunglasses suit is constantly observing the surrounding environment, or looking for a dead spot for monitoring.

As for the two punks who were all covered in the style of metalpunk, they were a little blinded by looking at the three people who suddenly appeared.

And the most deceived is the skinny man.

His forehead was now full of cold sweat, and while looking at the man in the sunglasses suit and the younger brother who led the big brother, and at the same time looking at the little gangsters who came to make trouble, his heart was crazy.

Because first of all, this skinny man recognized this bald head as the number one thug next to Miss Liu, and he also knew the younger brother who led the big brother, and had done an investigation about them when they were asked to kidnap Li Jiajun.

So, after this short side, the skinny man thought a lot.

The first thing that made his scalp tingle was...

"Liu Si really betrayed the organization and betrayed us! Even modified the time of the meeting behind our back! Trade Lee Jiajun with this gang in advance!

"What the hell does she want to do!"

"And where are these stinky boys!"

The skinny man only feels that he is in big trouble now, so he doesn't want to say anything to the bald man in sunglasses and the younger brother who leads the big brother.

Mainly because the timing of the sudden appearance of these two punks was simply not right.

It happened to be the time for dinner, and the attitude of the two was very arrogant, which just attracted many tourists who were not afraid of things to constantly watch them.

Some people even want to secretly photograph them.

It's just that these two punks seem to be very experienced.

A person who pointed directly at the photos and videos said.

"Eh, that's what you watch, what to shoot! The reason we are here is very justified! You have violated our portrait rights by taking secret photos!

"Don't shoot anymore, otherwise, my brother will film you all the time, and I don't know what will happen then, and I don't dare to guarantee!"

The other sure enough, he raised the camera in his hand and kept recording at those who were taking pictures.

Just a few laps of effort, this punk has already taken pictures of everyone in the store on the scene.

Who doesn't worry about saying this kind of words that look like they will take revenge in the future.

Immediately at the scene, someone kept getting up and leaving.

Of course, most of these people are tourists from other places, and as for the real Xiangcheng Island locals, they are both honestly sitting in their places without speaking.

Just eat and drink while watching the performance of these two punks.

The little gangster was also not worried at all, and after cleaning up the strong people who wanted to secretly take pictures, he also withdrew his mobile phone and began to salute these people who were still staying.

"I'm sorry, young and old, there is indeed something to deal with today, we will invite everyone to tea later!" Rest assured that we will treat you and will never waste everyone's money!

After saying these words, the two punks also turned their heads to look at Lang Mingyue.

Lang Mingyue has now somewhat retracted his previous thoughts.

He also felt that these two punks should be the kind of people who were very good at sending off, but after hearing and seeing the methods of the two of them.

Lang Mingyue knew that these two guys must belong to the more troublesome type.

Therefore, he also decided to send these punks first, otherwise there is no way to achieve some of his words and some means in front of these people.

After figuring this out, the thin man said directly when the three parties were a little overwhelmed.

"What do you want to do, I'm the manager of this store, Lang Mingyue!"

"Tell me if you have a problem, don't mess around here!"

Probably suddenly, the attitude shown by the thin man Lang Mingyue, and that kind of aura, was really a little powerful.

So much so that these two punks were suddenly shocked.

The two looked at each other.

"You're the store manager! Good come, we don't want to disturb your business, it's just our side! I have something to ask you about!

"It's not to inquire, it's best if you cooperate!"

"To put it bluntly, I want you to help us find out where the owner of this car is?"

Saying that, the two punks brought up a chapter of car photos from their mobile phones.

Lang Mingyue frowned, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in these two people's gourds, so he asked first.

"Who knows! Don't you both know that this is a pedestrian street, even if these two people actually enter our restaurant to eat!

"Who of us can recognize who is right to whom?"

When he finished saying this, he actually represented Lang Mingyue's attitude.

But the two punks did laugh directly and said.

"Today is a task from the eldest brother that the two of us got with great difficulty, how could we not make all the preparations in advance?"

"There has been our eyeliner for a long time, no, our good friend has seen the two people who got off this car! If you don't believe it, you see!

Lang Mingyue saw this little gangster swipe up on his mobile phone again.

Two men and women full of youthful atmosphere appeared.

Lang Mingyue took a closer look, and her face was very stiff.

Because Lang Mingyue recognized it, weren't the two people who got out of the car Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

Instantly, Lang Mingyue, who sensed the truth, silently used his super face control ability for many years to directly soften his facial expression and said.

"You have such a blurry picture of a man and a woman for clairvoyance!"

"Anyway, I didn't see such a person in our store, you two go to other stores to find it!"

Saying that, this Lang Mingyue issued an eviction order to let these two punks get out.

Because at this time, Lang Mingyue's heart was anxious about many things.

The first is that their big guys are coming, and they are still entangled in so many trivial matters.

The most important thing is that now that Liu Si has betrayed, Li Jiajun may have been killed! The worst is coming! If Li Jiahao went crazy because of this matter, he would definitely be the first to be cleaned up!

And the man and woman who moved in their minds and wanted to catch them for their bigwigs to enjoy.

It was also at this time that he played a clever trick and directly locked the door, resulting in the current situation that he couldn't enter the private room!

At this time, someone came to the door! What a painful experience!

Lang Mingyue only felt that he was unlucky, open the door to unlucky, and unlucky to get home!

As for the two punks who came to look for Gu Chen and Jiang Min, they are also the kind of people who don't hit the south wall and don't look back.

Even at this time, Lang Mingyue said that he had never seen Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

The two of them also did not believe Lang Mingyue's words in the slightest.

"Oh, it may be that your boss is too busy, so you accidentally forgot that you have received such a guest!"

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