"But it's okay, you don't see it and nothing, let's help you see it now!"

The two punks who glanced at each other understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

The two of them were so prepared, one after the other, while stopping Lang Mingyue, they entered several private rooms behind Lang Mingyue, to see if Gu Chen and Jiang Min were there.

But Lang Mingyue didn't want to give way at all.

He said directly to the two people next to him.

"Look what, don't hurry up and help!"

After saying this, the younger brother who took the lead and the man with bald sunglasses were a little stunned.

As if wondering why I wanted to help.

But just when the younger brother who led the big brother was hesitating, the bald sunglasses man hesitated or directly stood up and said in a muffled voice.

"Two of you, this may not be the place you should be coming to, so hurry up and leave!"

After speaking, he stayed so quietly in front of the punk who was walking in the front.

With a height of nearly one meter nine and a sense of oppression, this little gangster suddenly did not dare to move!

Not to mention that the younger brother who takes the lead also understands that these two punks want to check the private room behind them.

"Big brother and Miss Liu are behind, if someone finds out that we are engaged in kidnapping, and we are still the son of the richest man in Xiangcheng Island who kidnapped!" If this is spread, what way will we survive! The

younger brother who thought clearly about this and the leading eldest brother immediately came to Lang Mingyue's side.

Although it is not clear what the relationship between this Lang Mingyue and Miss Liu is.

But if you think about it a little, you can know that the two of them will not be the kind of unrelated anyway.

"Otherwise, we wouldn't have chosen this store to meet and trade!" And we made a lot of noise in this private room, but there was no waiter to ask us!

"What does this mean, it means that Lang Mingyue must be with this Miss Liu!"

After pondering these things, the little brother who took the lead directly hugged the little gangster who was pushing and shoving Lang Mingyue.

"Oh mom, isn't this my fellow countryman, why haven't we seen each other for such a long time, you all look so good!" I don't even dare recognize you! Hahahaha ! The

little brother who took the lead in the big brother directly shocked Lang Mingyue's words with a single sentence, and also made the little gangster's whole person feel a little blinded.

"No, who are you, indiscriminate recognition!"

After the initial blindness, the punks slowly recovered their state.

He directly began to yell at the little brother who was the leading big brother, but soon the little gangster found out that he had done something wrong.

Because he felt a little pain in his chest.

When I looked down, it was actually a sharp knife with only a pointed tip exposed against my waist.

As if as long as you say more nonsense yourself.

This knife will immediately give itself a hard blow.

Therefore, the whole person of the punk fell silent, his eyes were terrified and his lips were constantly trembling.

It was as if the next moment was about to start roaring wildly.

But at this time, the younger brother who took the lead in the big brother shushed.

"Eh! What the hell, don't talk! Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you! The most you can do is to see how bold you are! Why are you so nervous!

Saying this, the punk in front seemed to have sensed something and looked back.

I saw my brother being suppressed.

As a result, the whole punk was much more honest.

"Dear big brothers, I didn't expect that our two little sea worms collided with your big brothers, today is our fault! The person we are looking for is not here, so can you big brothers let us go for the sake of us being blind!

"We promise there won't be another time!"

"Please, big brothers!"

Without the slightest hesitation, this guy directly began to beg for mercy at Lang Mingyue.

And the sound is very small.

So small that no one who is eating will notice.

Lang Mingyue was having a headache at this time, and she didn't want to deal with these two punks at all.

Therefore, he said directly to them.

"You really don't know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth, and you have to suffer a little to know repentance! What a!

"Forget it, I won't think about anything with you today!"

"Let's go here! Get out! "

If it weren't for Lang Mingyue having other things to do, he would never have let these two punks go so simply today.

"Thank you, thank you big brother!!"

"Thank you big brothers!"

Lang Mingyue looked at the two frightened punks and was a little angry at their grateful and loving looks.

Because they waste their precious time.

Now I have to speed up my pace.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min have a very clear division of labor in the private room.

Gu Chen went to listen to the situation of Lang Mingyue and the punks outside the door.

Jiang Min continued to stay on the edge of the screen wall and listen to the conversation between the leading eldest brother and Miss Liu.

But I don't know why, just after Jiang Min's mobile phone ringtone exposed their tracks.

No matter what the leading eldest brother said, then Miss Liu was silent and silent.

The whole person seems to have become a senior monk who practices closed-mouth meditation.

Therefore, Jiang Min's feeling here is quite boring,

but Gu Chen's side listens to it with a bit of relish.

"Someone is looking for whom?"

He first heard these two punks say to find someone, although he didn't know who these two punks were looking for, but Gu Chen had a feeling that these two people were looking for themselves.

"So, someone found my car, no, it's Li Wan's car!"

"Then this person must be the countess!"

Gu Chen's heart knew that there was no one who was so attentive to him except the countess.

After all, this countess had fought with herself at that time.

It is also very possible to memorize your license plate and find it.

"It's just that I always feel a little strange, isn't this countess afraid that Li Wenquan knows what she is doing?"

"If it weren't for Li Wenquan's power, then who else could this guy rely on and use, in this Xiangcheng Island, not everyone can find us by following a license plate!"

Gu Chen was very strange, and he always felt that this countess was like the fox spirit who was left and right.

No matter where you go, you have a very personal relationship with yourself.... People in healthy relationships help her.

This made Gu Chen a little impressed by this countess's personal ability.

Especially Gu Chen wanted to laugh when he thought of the way Li Wenquan, as the heir of the Li family, one of the four major families of Xiangcheng Island, licked the dog in front of this countess.

"So, the biggest charm of women lies in this!"

Gu Chen sighed, in fact, now that he was found by the countess's people and then taken away, it may be less dangerous.

But after seeing that the two punks were expelled very simply, Gu Chen silently didn't want to think about those things.

He began to wonder if the method that the woman had taught him had worked before.

At the same time, I was thinking that almost ten minutes had passed since I called the police station.

Why haven't I seen any police coming?

"Is it really until the last moment that the hero will appear?"

Gu Chen shook his head thinking so, always feeling that things were a little troublesome.

At the same time, Gu Chen also continued to listen, wanting to see what Lang Mingyue was going to do next.

"Now that the fierce first collision between the three parties has ended, the gangsters directly left the scene one step ahead of schedule."

"Then all that remains are the manager of the black shop and these two robbers!"

But what Gu Chen didn't know was that after these two punks left the storefront, they immediately dialed their eldest brother's phone.

"Brother Finish, when will you arrive! We've blocked one of the shops here with the people you're looking for!

"Yes, it's that somewhat famous pedestrian street, okay, okay! We're waiting for you here!

"Why don't you go in!" Oh my big brother! You don't know, we almost couldn't get out just now when we went in to find someone! Speaking

of the phone, these two punks directly added fuel and vinegar to tell what they had encountered in Lang Mingyue's store before.

The eldest brother who heard the phone on the other end of the phone frowned directly.

"Didn't you say you were doing something for me!"

"Brother, of course we said it, but what is the name of this shopkeeper Lang Mingyue, he said that he doesn't know you at all!" And say which onion are you! What does it have to do with him! When

the eldest brother heard this, he immediately accelerated his speed and stepped on the accelerator sharply.

"Well, now anyone really dares to bully my head! You two give me a good look at this store, and that Langmingyue store manager! Show me everything!

"I have to let these people know what the anger of the Li family is today!"

After Li finished saying this, he directly hung up the phone, and finally the little gangster's face only left a weird smile.

"Hehe, there is a good show to watch now!"

The more Li Wan's thoughts on the road, the more he felt angry, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was really unlucky during this time.

"First Tong Zixin, then my eldest brother, and finally even a woman will climb on my head to make a blessing!" It's so infuriating!

"I'm going to let these people know today that I'm not easy to mess with!"

"And a bunch of people who don't know who my Li Wan's is, I think they are a bunch of scum who can't get in touch with the top society of Xiangcheng Island!"

"It seems that I can vent the evil fire in my heart today!"

Thinking of this, Li Wan's speed was a little faster, and the whole person began to fall into the fantasy of pretending to be more than hitting his face.

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