It's just that what Li Quan doesn't know is that the idea is very beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

He didn't know that the people he was looking for were Gu Chen and Jiang Min, nor did he know that his two younger brothers did not report his name at all.

He didn't even know that his eldest brother had disappeared at this time, and the person who kidnapped his eldest brother was the person he was about to target.

Everything is full of variables, which is the reason why Li was beaten after this Li was finished.

And on the way, Li Wan, silently received a call from his father.

"What, big brother is gone? How could the impossible big brother disappear! "'s gone, isn't it Dad! What do you mean, what does this have to do with me! Woman what woman! Oooooooooooooo I remembered that the eldest brother was indeed obsessed with a woman in the past two days, but the eldest brother was not there!

"Ask me why, I just came out of that woman's side!" Yes! No, Dad! What do you think, how can I have the audacity to compete with my eldest brother for a woman!

"Anyway, the eldest brother should be busy with his own affairs at this time!" That's why there is no kung fu.....what, it was the patriarch grandfather who looked for him, but he disappeared on the road! It can't be! Li

Wan's relationship with him was indeed a little anxious at this time, after all, Li Wenquan and his relationship were indeed good.

He also hoped that his good eldest brother could become the real ruler of the Li family in the future, and he could continue to cover himself and make himself a fool.

Now that his wish has not been fulfilled, his good big brother has actually disappeared?

"Don't worry, dad, maybe the eldest brother has his own ideas and wants to temporarily stop seeing us!"

In order to comfort his father, Li Wan, in order to relieve his father, began to make excuses for the disappearance of his good eldest brother Li Wenquan.

But what Li Wan's did not expect at all was that after he said this, he was directly scolded by his father.

"No, are you lacking in heart and eye, I told you this thing to make you pray to your eldest brother!"

"When I tell you the meaning of this sentence, don't you still hope that you can stand up directly at this time, this critical time, and then take advantage of the void?"

"Do you know what I mean, you have to behave well in front of the old man, just take advantage of the absence of your eldest brother Li Wen to give you this good opportunity!"

"As long as you can seize this opportunity, you can!"

However, before Li Wan's father finished speaking, he heard this Li Wan's words directly.

"Dad, you don't need to say it, I won't agree to these things!"

"Okay, just agree, anyway, now I have already formulated a set to fight more and less...wait a minute, what did you just say?"

"Dad, I said you don't need to say it, I won't agree, what should my eldest brother say if he sees it!"

Unexpectedly, this guy actually contradicted his father.

This made Li Wan's father feel surprised.

"You have always been an obedient child, but why are you so disobedient when you grow up! Is it a deception for me to let you take over the seat of your eldest brother Li Wenquan, I am all for your good!" "

Okay, okay, I know, let's hang up first"

This kind of kind of moral kidnapping is good for you, so that Li Wan, all of a sudden, does not know how to refute.

His last choice was to silently hang up the phone to show respect for his father.

Of course, in the end, even if his father grunted his name, Li Quan didn't have any reaction.

Because in Li Wan's heart, he has always firmly believed in his eldest brother Li Wenquan.

I believe that he will never suddenly disappear for no reason.

It's just that what Li Quan didn't know was that after he hung up the phone, his father also hung up the phone.

But his side was not empty, but there were many middle-aged men in formal clothes or some elderly people in Tang clothes.

They looked at Li Wan's father and watched him shake his head gently.

"I said it all, he can't be, just a fool without ambition, rule it out and replace the next one!"

Hearing this, the elders or elders of the Li family present showed an angry expression on their faces.

"This is not that, no, who did our Li family offend, they will actually be attacked and ambushed, and there is still a situation of family thieves!"

"If it's not our own, then we can only check on other people."

"You mean people out there? Then only Zhao Qiansun and Li Jiahao have the ability to do it! "

Then start with them, the heirs of our Li family have disappeared, and I don't allow them to stay out of the matter!" Anyway, if I don't overturn Xiangcheng Island, I will definitely not give up!

"Yes, unless it is this time, let our Wen Quan come back quickly, otherwise we will definitely pursue it to the end!"

These old men of the Li family, one by two, burst out with endless passion under the leadership of the patriarch.

Both of them had anger on their faces.

Only Li Wan's father was still relatively calm at this time, even if the corners of his mouth made the same emotions as his elders.

But in his heart, it is full of luck.

"Fortunately, fortunately! Fortunately, my stinky boy is an unmotivated gentleman, otherwise I am afraid that it will be me and you who will be sanctioned today! "


after Jiang Min didn't answer the phone, and it didn't even take long to blacken the dog's phone.

Everyone in the audience, Sun Shulan, Chen Yu, and Tong Zixin, fell into silence.

In the end, it was Lin Wanxiang who suddenly came to such a sentence.

"I think it may be that the signal is relatively poor, or that President Gu is busy with other things, so he didn't have the effort to deal with us, and even Sister Jiang Min didn't want to talk!" So it's normal for us to hang up so quickly!

"Otherwise, who would hang up the phone and hang up so quickly!"

Lin Wanxiang's words were still quite convincing, so Chen Yu and Tong Zixin both looked at the dog head chao.

"Try another call!"

After saying this, the dog head super directly began to call back the previous call without any hesitation.

However, this time, the dog's phone did not even get through to Jiang Min's mobile phone, and it was directly in a wave of calls.

Tong Zixin, who is very experienced in pulling black people and deeply understands the reasons for this situation, suddenly became ugly.

"Where Mr. Gu said to go, do any of you remember it?"

Because of the silence of Miss Liu on the other end of the screen, even the leading eldest brother also fell into silence.

"Brother Gu Chen...,"

Jiang Min called Gu Chen, his voice very quiet.

Gu Chen knew that Jiang Min was very worried at this time, so he didn't say anything more, but directly beckoned her to come over.

So the two of them enjoyed the next confrontation at the door about the black shop owner and the robbers.

After driving away the obstructor, Lang Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief, but instantly looked at the bald man with sunglasses.

"What's going on, why did you guys come so early, didn't you say, the next stage of the time of trading!" Why are you all here all of a sudden! What do you, or Liu Si, that woman want to do!

After saying this, the first person who reacted was the little brother who had just put away the knife on the side, but took out a sharper knife from his butt pocket and was not easy to detect.

"It turns out that Miss Liu's name is Liu Si! I said why I have cooperated for so long, why don't I even dare to tell us the name of the other party, the feeling is my own name is indeed a little off the table! "

I don't know why, the younger brother who thinks of the leading big brother here really wants to go back and tell everyone about his discovery.

Because they were relatively close, Gu Chen and Jiang Min could hear it clearly.

Especially when he heard Miss Liu's identity, Gu Chen felt that he didn't know whether to laugh or laugh.

"No wonder you don't tell your name to others, it turns out to be like this!"

"But to think about it, this kind of name similar to a house servant is indeed very difficult to say!"

After thinking of this, Gu Chen continued to listen.

"Why don't you talk!"

Lang Mingyue silently looked at the bald man with sunglasses who did not speak, and the danger in his eyes became a little heavier.

Because he seemed to feel something.

Moreover, Lang Mingyue also found that the leading little brother around him seemed to be full of curiosity about himself.

"But who is this person, who can actually drink to this bald head, and let him have no temper at all and know Miss Liu, which means that he is also a buyer?"

"Isn't that rich?"

As soon as he thought of the money, another fawning look suddenly appeared on the face of the leading little brother.

He silently came to Lang Mingyue's side and gently pulled Lang Mingyue's arm and said.

"Boss, Lang Mingyue... Boss bar! We are the people you hired this time, you should have understood the current situation, we really didn't deliberately arrest the wrong person, this Li Wenquan and Li Jiajun I don't feel much difference!

"You can't say that we don't have merit or hard work, so you can talk to our Miss Liu, it's okay to take away the deposit of three million, after all, for the remaining 80 million, this is simply a drop in the bucket, right!"

In order to coax a wave of Lang Mingyue, this guy's face was full of smiles.

It's just that I didn't expect that what I honestly said in exchange for Lang Mingyue's angry eyes.

"What do you say! What is it called catching the wrong person, why did Li Jiajun become Li Wenquan!

"What other eighty million, what three million deposit, the appropriation we discussed at the top is 120 million!"

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