"Why is it 80 million now!"

After listening to the explanation of the leading little brother, Lang Mingyue immediately became angry.

Of course, except for the first roar, Lang Mingyue's remaining words were all suppressed in his voice, and used a very fast tone, so that people could not hear what he was saying at all.

In this way, the impact of this matter can not be expanded.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, I'll go!"

But who knows, just after this leading little brother listened to Lang Mingyue's words, he directly roared.

It was this roar that directly made the foodies who ate in the store raise their heads one by one, because the sound was too loud and it really made them feel uncomfortable.

The departure of the punks before did not cause much reaction from them.

After all, after feeling that Lang Mingyue and the bald sunglasses man were not easy to mess with, the departure of the two punks was still very interesting, and it was simply quiet.

But now, the voices of Lang Mingyue and this leading little brother were too loud, and it really quarreled with them.

It also made Gu Chen understand, it turned out that the person who opened the black shop was actually with the robbers!

"Good fellow, it's going to be bad... I hope Liang Sixing doesn't frame me!

Gu Chen silently muttered in his heart.

At the same time, I also continue to listen.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, the shop is closed today, so I have to rest early!" If you want to continue eating, you can just take it away!

"If you feel that this meal is not happy, then there is nothing to pay, just go!"

"Of course, if you are very upset and feel frightened and want to compensate, then I'm sorry, although the little shop doesn't like to cause trouble, but it is never afraid of trouble!" You better figure it out!

"That's it, please leave within two minutes!"

Then Gu Chen heard this Lang Mingyue directly say such a thing with great courage.

Anyway, in Gu Chen's ears, he heard that just after Lang Mingyue finished saying these words, everyone began to move around frantically, some noisy, and some people were banging tables and chairs.

Anyway, soon, Gu Chen heard that the place that was originally a little noisy instantly became quiet.

"Good fellow, at this time, they should all run away and escape!"

After thinking silently for a while, Gu Chen suddenly thought of something, so he called the police station again.

But this time, no one connected.

Suddenly, Gu Chen's face showed a look that was indeed like this.

"Kind of interesting, the police station should be fake!"

Hearing Gu Chen's muttering, Jiang Min looked at Gu Chen curiously and said.

"Ah, why, Brother Gu Chen, why do you say that the police station is fake?"

"No reason, it's just a feeling!"

Gu Chen did not want to talk more shady with Jiang Min, but only pinned all his hopes on the method that Liang Sixing said at this time.

And Gu Chen is also reflecting.

"From the beginning, the person they want to arrest is the richest man in Xiangcheng Island, that is, Li Jiahao's son Li Jiajun, and the amount prepared should be more than 80 million, Miss Liu is directly in the middle to make a crazy difference!"

Gu Chen couldn't help but admire this Miss Liu's courage.

"If I'm not mistaken, no matter what the personal energy of these two people, Lang Mingyue or Miss Liu, they must still be organized, and the strength of this organization is definitely not small!"

"Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to take out 120 million at once as a fee for kidnapping Li Jiajun."

"But what is their purpose? Li Jiajun is just a small waste, even if he is caught, Li Jiasheng can top it!

"So, Lang Mingyue, they don't know that there is still Li Jiasheng's existence!"

Gu Chen always felt that he seemed to be a detective who liked to decrypt at this time.

At this time, stand on the puzzle and uncover the answer to the riddle little by little.

It's a very addictive feeling.

So much so that Gu Chen simply wanted to know more about Lang Mingyue and Miss Liu.

Of course, other information is actually what Gu Chen needs very much.

In this regard, Gu Chen's surveillance of Lang Mingyue became a little more profound and rigorous.

"What do you know, tell me all quickly!"

Lang Mingyue grabbed the leading big brother who jumped out at this time and kept asking.

And the most important reason is because the people in this store are gone.

So Lang Mingyue finally dared to speak loudly.

But at this time, the leading little brother seems to have a feeling of lack of qi.

"You let go of me first! Let me go! Saying

that, he was still pushing and shoving Lang Mingyue.

In the end, Lang Mingyue had no choice, and indeed saw the younger brother who took the lead showing a red face that lacked oxygen.

He can only quickly put this guy down.

And the first moment this guy was put down was to go to the big man behind him, that is, the bald head with big sunglasses on his face.

"Give me death!"

But this bald sunglasses man has long been professionally trained, and this leading little brother directly mentioned the iron plate at once.

This caught him off guard.

So just here the leading little brother was ready to give the knife in his hand to the gloomy-faced bald man to let him be honest.

As a result, I didn't expect that at the moment when this leading little brother made a move, this bald man with sunglasses had already discovered this guy's thoughts.

It was directly facing the direction of the leading little brother's shot, and the man who had just had a fierce expression on his face.

At this time, his face was full of doubts.

Because he didn't even pull out his knife.

Suddenly, someone pressed it back. And there was a strange noise.


It was the sound of a knife and a scabbard and together.

Gu Chen also heard this crisp sound.

"It's a fight, so do we have a chance to slip away?"

Gu Chen thought so, and felt that there was not much chance, because the two sides were too close.

Close to the door apart, directly face to face!

So there is no chance to escape!"

After thinking about this clearly, Gu Chen sighed silently again.

But in the world outside the door, there is no possibility of escaping is the leading little brother who is now controlled by the bald man with dark glasses.

"Wait, wait, big brother has something to say!"

"I'm not trying to do anything to you, I just like to joke with people like that!"

The leading little brother silently said that he had no malice.

But the bald man with sunglasses didn't want to let go of this guy.

Lang Mingyue was the same, and did not want to let these two people go.

"Take me to Liu Si, since you don't want to answer my words!"

Lang Mingyue's expression looked a little serious, so the bald man with sunglasses glanced at Lang Mingyue and didn't say anything, just shook his head lightly.

"No, the young lady asked me to come out because there are other tasks, and I won't go back until the task is completed!"

"And don't you want to trouble or disturb the young lady."

Although the expression on the face of this bald man in sunglasses is mostly covered.

But Lang Mingyue can still feel this guy's perfunctory.

So the whole person was very unhappy.

"You're just a little dog cub following Liu Si! You dare to disobey me! Lang

Mingyue directly pointed at the bald man in sunglasses without saying a word and scolded.

But the bald man in sunglasses didn't react at all, and just looked at Lang Mingyue very indifferently.

Lang Mingyue was a little strange by this guy's gaze.

Or a little longing in my heart.

After all, the height advantage of the bald man in sunglasses, the body size advantage placed here is simply not something that Lang Mingyue alone can deal with.

If he forcibly made something out of the ordinary, Lang Mingyue did not know that he could rely on the coercion of the superior to subdue this bald man with sunglasses.

Or will he be suppressed by force by the bald man in sunglasses.

So in order to avoid his own appearance, in order to avoid further exceeding his expectations, so that he really has no way to avoid embarrassment, Lang Mingyue stared at the bald man in sunglasses and said.

"Forget it, some things are estimated to be unclear to you, so you make way and I will find Liu Si to understand it myself!"

Saying that, Lang Mingyue was about to directly push away the bald man with sunglasses and walk to the box inside, but he immediately stepped on the brakes when he opened his legs.

Why, because this bald man in sunglasses actually directly blocked in front of Lang Mingyue, and the meaning expressed by the posture was very obvious.

I just didn't want Lang Mingyue to ask this Liu Si clearly, which made Lang Mingyue feel a little anxious.

"What are you doing! You don't really think I'm afraid of you!

"I'll tell you! Although Liu Si is not my downline, but I can still manage her somewhere, you stop me today, tomorrow I will calculate all the accounts to her Liu Si's head, believe it or not! Just

as the so-called hitting the snake hit seven inches, Lang Mingyue's words directly said that the bald man in sunglasses hesitated.

It's even a bit of a feeling of really wanting to get out of the way.

However, before this Lang Mingyue could be happy or break through this bald man in sunglasses, he actually straightened his figure and said.

"Tomorrow's things will be talked about tomorrow, and the current things are even more important!" I want to complete the task assigned to me by the young lady first. The

corner of Lang Mingyue's mouth twitched, looking at this bald man with sunglasses unable to speak.

But because of the strong body of this bald man in sunglasses, Lang Mingyue weighed his physique and asked again.

"Then you should talk about it first, what Liu Si is going to do when you let you come out!"

"Miss said, let me check if there is anyone in the private room next door, just suddenly there is a mobile phone ringing, which makes the young lady very concerned!"

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