"What? Phone ringtones? Lang

Mingyue immediately turned her head to look at the private room where Gu Chen and Jiang Min were.

In an instant, it seemed to understand a lot of things, and the horse buzzed in his mind.

"Wait, wait, wait! Let me take a slick!

"First of all, this guy directly didn't fight himself, and Liu Si really made an appointment in advance for this gang of robbers to come here to meet with him!" So here's the problem!

"How the hell did they bypass me! Although I came late, there is no reason to bypass me completely! Lang

Mingyue felt that she had a headache and couldn't understand too many things.

But no matter what Lang Mingyue thought, he couldn't imagine that anyone else could unknowingly let so many people enter the private room without any reaction or notice.

But after thinking about it, Lang Mingyue felt that she couldn't think of an answer and reason for thinking so much.

So Lang Mingyue could only silently jump to the next question.

"Then now Liu Si has actually connected with this gang of robbers, and this guy who doesn't seem to be a good person is the person in that gang of bandits."

Lang Mingyue set her sights on the leading little brother.

"However, what good is Liu Si doing this, what does she want Li Jiajun to do, even if she wants to operate, leave us, leave the organization, what can she do alone!"

I don't know what this Liu Si thinks.

Lang Mingyue could only let this problem go for the time being, and then think about the next one.

"At first, I thought that there was no one coming and going in the private room next door, and it was still in the innermost and most hidden private room, which can be said to be very quiet and safe, so I directly turned on the recording equipment!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to take those two beautiful men and women into the private room!"

"I originally thought that the big guys would give them a little money and let them leave after enjoying them, but now it is estimated that the two of them have listened to all of Liu Si's conversations!"

"In that case, then you can't keep them at all!"

"Damn it, didn't this Liu Si hurt me to destroy flowers!"

Thinking of this, Lang Mingyue will feel very angry, angry at his momentary carelessness, and even more angry that this Liu Si has engaged in such a messy thing!

"No wonder I served them so many meals, these two people not only did not eat, did not pass out, and even directly locked the door of the room, it turns out that there is a reason!"

"I said why did this kind of thing come out for no reason! Feelings, or Liu Si, this guy made a mistake!

"And there is another question, if this man and woman already know about the transaction incident where Liu Si and the robbers met, and also know that Liu Si kidnapped Li Jiajun, the son of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island!" Did they call the police?

Lang Mingyue's face became very ugly, and she regretted why she didn't install a signal jammer or something in the room.

In this way, many problems can be avoided.

But now it was too late to say anything, Lang Mingyue could only silently pray that Gu Chen and Jiang Min had only discovered some abnormalities, and after discovering Liu Si's behavior, they were scared and did not dare to open the door, and they were too frightened to call the police.

But for Lang Mingyue, these are all a kind of luxury.

The only thing he can do now is to quickly go to this room and solve Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

Otherwise, what awaits him will be a trial that he dares not predict.

Therefore, after Lang Mingyue thought about this clearly, she said directly to the bald man with sunglasses.

"Okay, then let's go and catch these two people first, and then go and see what your eldest lady Liu Si is doing!"

After saying this, Lang Mingyue obviously saw that the bald sunglasses man's expression seemed to be a little loose.

It seemed that he also realized that his previous words were somewhat self-defeating.

But now there is no way, his words have already been spoken, even if he doesn't want to admit anything, he will break his teeth and swallow his stomach.

"Got it, Mr. Lang, please first!"

"What do I please!"

It's good that the bald sunglasses man doesn't speak, and when he speaks, he makes Lang Mingyue very angry.

"Since I didn't even know you were in the next room, I arranged two fun games in advance to enjoy...enjoy!" As a result, you arrived at the private room early! Let these two fun discover the situation!

"They probably listened to all of your conversations in the private room, so when I just went to open the door, they had already locked the door, locked it, understand!"

The bald sunglasses man looked at Lang Mingyue's suppressed but very angry words, and the whole person was stunned, and even asked a rhetorical question.

"Mr. Lang, don't you have a key?"

Hearing this, Lang Mingyue was angry, and he carefully thought about whether Liu Si would have discovered that they had arrived if Liu Si had not made such a move by contacting this group of robbers without knowing it.

As for arranging Gu Chen and Jiang Min to this private room, did they accidentally let them discover the secret of the private room next door?

The answer is no! So at this time, Lang Mingyue will be even more angry when she hears the words of the bald sunglasses man.

"Eh, if not, no, as for being so angry?"

Looking at the anger on Lang Mingyue's face and tone, the bald man with sunglasses didn't know what to say.

He could only say such a sentence in Lang Mingyue's angry eyes.

"Then I'll figure it out."

"Of course it's up to you!"

Lang Mingyue directly said this sentence angrily, and the bald sunglasses man coughed and did not speak, and directly turned his head to look at the private room behind him.

At this time, Gu Chen and Jiang Min had already taken two steps back very keenly.

Gu Chen pondered whether to move all the tables and chairs around him to block the door or something.

But after a little glance, Gu Chen found that the tables in this room were very large, and secondly, they were basically fixed on the ground for stability.

The other chairs don't weigh much, and basically even if they are moved, they have no effect.

Therefore, Gu Chen and Jiang Min can only silently return to their position and go to a safe position at this time.

The two sat in their places and waited for the bald man with sunglasses and Lang Mingyue.


At this time, Gu Chen turned his head to look at Jiang Min, and took the initiative to stretch out his hand to hold her palm.

Jiang Min, who originally had a cold palm, felt Gu Chen's warmth, and suddenly said with a safe smile on his face.

"As long as Brother Gu Chen accompanies me, I won't be afraid!"

"Okay, then we'll face it together."

The bald man with sunglasses came to the door of this private room, first observed the locked door tactically, and pondered how he should operate this situation to be able to bring Gu Chen and Jiang Min out.

"Mr. Lang, there is only one way now."

After observing, the bald man with sunglasses silently turned his head to Lang Mingyue, who was constantly observing the situation at the door behind him.

"What do you want to say?"

"I'm going to kick him away!"

Lang Mingyue looked at the resolute expression on the bald sunglasses man's face and knew that this guy must be planning to be genuine.

At this time, Lang Mingyue, who was already very anxious to solve the problem in his heart, could not care so much.

Since this bald man with sunglasses is willing to be this coolie, and his big guys have not yet arrived, Lang Mingyue did not say anything more at this time.

A little more time wasted is a little more variable, and if you have more time for yourself, the more repairs you can make!

So at this time, after Lang Mingyue heard the words of the bald man with sunglasses, he nodded silently to this guy.


After saying this, the bald man with sunglasses no longer hesitated, and directly raised his big foot and kicked the door fiercely.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min immediately heard a loud clanging sound.

"Brother Gu Chen!"

Jiang Min held Gu Chen's palm fiercely, and he twisted fiercely in his heart.

Gu Chen said with a backhand pat on Jiang Min's palm.

"It's okay!"

Jiang Min slowly took a deep breath and calmed down Gu Chen.

The two sat in their places and waited for the arrival of Lang Mingyue and the others.


Finally, under the violent kicking of the bald sunglasses man, Gu Chen and Jiang Min's door was directly slammed open.

Jiang Min and Gu Chen sat silently in front of the door and waited quietly.

Lang Mingyue took the lead in throwing off the bald sunglasses man, and rushed in directly to check the situation.

He saw Gu Chen and Jiang Min very calmly staying in their positions, looking coldly at these people who broke in.

Lang Mingyue was actually a little blinded when she saw this situation.

This is completely different from what he imagined.

There was no panic, no reaction, and the quiet appearance really made him have a bad premonition.

"You, you..."

So much so that this Lang Mingyue didn't know what to say for a while, just staring at the two of them in place.

However, the bald sunglasses man and the leading brother also came in at this time.

The leading little brother immediately said after seeing these two people for the first time.

"There are really two people."

He glanced at Lang Mingyue beside him, and felt that this thin man was really ink, some things were obviously very simple, and it became so vague in this person's hands.

"Grind and chirp, I'll come!"

When he said this, he also glanced at the bald man in sunglasses beside him, and found that he was a little bolder if he didn't react.

"You two, sit there for me, see that the masters are coming, don't hurry up and stand up for me!"

The tone is very harsh, but the surprisingly bald sunglasses man and Lang Mingyue obviously chose a way of watching at this time.

As the saying goes, it doesn't matter to oneself and hangs high.

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