When Gu Chen saw this leading little brother, he found that he basically had no way out from what he imagined.

It's just that he is not very tall, and his shoulders are even a little high and low.

But the cross flesh on the face can still let people know that this guy is not something to mess with.

"Lang Mingyue?"

Gu Chen didn't pay attention to this guy who looked very vicious.

Instead, he found Lang Mingyue, who was still hesitating.

The bald sunglasses man glanced at Gu Chen in surprise, and Lang Mingyue, who was still a little blinded beside him.

He didn't know why Gu Chen knew Lang Mingyue.

But the bald sunglasses man's gaze fell on the screen.

"This screen is exactly the same as we saw in the room! And the upper circle of devices should be listening! The

bald sunglasses man's eyes were suddenly filled with a killing intent, not only aimed at Gu Chen, but also looked at Lang Mingyue beside him.

"We were actually ready to listen in for a long time, and this guy didn't believe us from the beginning! What the young lady said is indeed true!

At this moment, the bald man with sunglasses suddenly calculated in his heart how to be silent and silent, and there would be no other consequences to kill this guy.

"Ah, what."

When Gu Chen called Lang Mingyue, he reacted and looked at Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

"You guys, why don't you eat!"

Having said that, Lang Mingyue felt a little blamed for the two.

The tone suddenly became a little weak, and the leading brother and the bald sunglasses man all looked at this guy with a strange look.

"Are you a mother?"

Even the leading little brother also asked a very classic sentence, and Lang Mingyue didn't know what to say.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min also showed a strange expression.

"This person has a bit of a brain problem, and he has to pretend to be at this time."

"But normal people wouldn't do what they do now."

Lang Mingyue probably realized that she had said the wrong thing, so she immediately changed her words.

"You two are faint, I entertained you with good intentions, and you ended up treating me like this! I don't know if I'm alive or dead!

"My thug will clean them both up!"

Lang Mingyue's whole person seemed to be angry, but in fact, he also felt very nonsensical in his heart.

Because Gu Chen and Jiang Min's attitude at this time was too calm, the two of them were too upright.

It's as if you don't put him in your eyes at all.

The appearance of this situation made Lang Mingyue very worried.

"Shouldn't I really have called the police, then wouldn't I..." His

heart was very panicked, so that after he finished speaking, Lang Mingyue did not find that the leading little brother and the bald sunglasses man next to him did not move at all.


After Lang Mingyue discovered this, she directly said this to the two of them.

Inadvertently, the waist plate he had just lifted shrank by a point at this time.

"What, which one are you!"

But the leading little brother was originally sanctioned by the bald sunglasses man for a wave of a wave of a little unhappy, seeing that this Lang Mingyue and the bald sunglasses man did not deal with it, he knew that he did not need to please this Lang Mingyue at all.

Maybe because of currying favor with Lang Mingyue, the bald man with sunglasses will hold a grudge against him.

This kind of brainless thing, he will not do it.

As for the bald sunglasses man, not to mention, he didn't deal with this Lang Mingyue at all, plus his own young lady Liu Si did have his own ideas, so he secretly planned something in advance.

As Liu Si's most loyal subordinate, the bald sunglasses man is now most concerned about how to protect his young lady, instead of listening to Lang Mingyue's words and paying for his mistakes.

"But it can be a threat."

Sensing the panic in Lang Mingyue's heart, in fact, the bald sunglasses man already had an immature idea in his heart.

"Since this is a man and a woman, you can completely arrest them all and use them to threaten this Lang Mingyue to cover for the young lady!"

"Otherwise, if you let those old things know that two innocent people were involved and heard about the secret incident of kidnapping, even if these two innocent guys are solved later, then Lang Mingyue will still be punished!"

"It's better to let this coward know that we control these two innocent people, so be honest after that!" Even this time we can completely let this guy cooperate with us! Simply perfect!

After thinking about this, the bald sunglasses man counted in his heart.

At the same time, looking at Gu Chen and Jiang Min, his gaze also became a little unbearable.

"It's going to be hard, these two people are going to be controlled by us for the time being!"

The bald man with sunglasses, who had thought about this clearly, decided to make a move, and his action of taking a step forward made Gu Chen and Jiang Min alert.

"Yes, catch them both for me!"

Lang Mingyue didn't know what this guy wanted to do, and thought that the bald man with sunglasses finally listened to his words.

While directing the bald sunglasses man, he looked at the wooden door of the mountain and wondered how he could repair the half-damaged wooden door that was kicked open by the bald sunglasses man.

"It's annoying!"

It's just that what Lang Mingyue doesn't know is that his orders did not make this bald sunglasses man obey very much, and even made him feel that this Lang Mingyue was very inky.

"Brother Gu Chen!"

Jiang Min clenched Gu Chen's palm and said that it was fake that he was not nervous.

However, Gu Chen was still very calm, but the other hand had silently reached into his pocket, and he seemed to be groping for some killer weapon.

However, at this time, there was a sharp knock on the door of the restaurant that had been gone.

Lang Mingyue's face suddenly became nervous, and her palm was accidentally scratched by the barb on the broken wooden door, and the whole person grinned in pain.

But this guy didn't have time to bandage his big wound at all, but immediately stood up and said to the bald man with sunglasses.

"You two, hurry up and take them away! The estimate is... They're coming! "

They? Who are they?

Gu Chen and Jiang Min were puzzled in their hearts, but it was such a fork, Gu Chen had silently taken out the golden badge that Liang Sixing gave him one night.


The fire in the center of the ring is smelted with the word astronomy, repeatedly indicating what it represents.

Just now, Gu Chen first called the police, but he always felt that it was not safe, so Gu Chen thought of Qian Bupei.

So, Gu Chen called the number of the Astronomy Club.

As a result, what Gu Chen did not expect was that it was Liang Sixing who answered the phone.

"Mr. Gu, do you want to come back for dinner when you call at this time, or do you want to invite us to dinner?"

Gu Chen still remembered Liang Sixing's ridiculous voice on the phone, and he didn't care about breaking with her at all.

"Qian Bupei is not there!"

"She's really not there, if there is something, you tell me first, I'll tell her!"

But he didn't expect that Qian Bupei at that time didn't know what was temporarily absent, and Gu Chen had no way but to tell Liang Sixing what he encountered now.

Who knew that this Liang Sixing actually told Gu Chen after falling into silence.

"Our astronomy club is actually a little famous in Xiangcheng Island, after all... it is also the company and industry covered by Li Jiahao! All basically our coat of arms has spread throughout most of Xiangcheng Island. "

As long as you don't run into some low-level punks who are unorganized and uninformed, they should all know this badge."

Finally, Liang Sixing also reminded Gu Chen.

"Remember what I said, as long as this deters others, run quickly, don't stay on the scene."

Liang Sixing's words made Gu Chen feel very surprised.

Therefore, Gu Chen actually did not have much confidence in his heart, and could only hope that Liang Sixing did not lie.

But just when Gu Chen was about to try Liang Sixing's method, a familiar voice that suddenly appeared at the gate made Gu Chen's eyes light up.

"Hey, you guys give me out! Have the ability to scold people, have the ability to see people low, have no ability to come out and confess?

"Just said where did my eldest brother's spirit go! Don't hurry up to open the door for my eldest brother, kneel down and kowtow to apologize! When

Lang Mingyue, who had just panicked and had no wounds bandaged, left the private room and looked at the door, Lang Mingyue's face suddenly turned crotch.

"Who is your eldest brother! I'd rather see who has so much energy to make you two cowards go and return!"

Saying that, Lang Mingyue took a deep breath and restored his body to his best state.

He was really angry.

Before I was really going to be scared to death, I thought that the big guys were coming, but I actually came out to see it at the end, but the two punks didn't know why they were obviously scared out by themselves before!

Why do you dare to come back now, and make such courageous arrogant remarks.

But after Lang Mingyue finished speaking, the two punks showed a strange smile.

"If you want to know who our eldest brother is, then you really have to find out for yourself!"

"Why, because I'm afraid that you will be directly frightened after I finish speaking!"

Lang Mingyue, who heard this, was indeed a little scared, not because of what these two punks said.

Instead, Lang Mingyue saw that not far away, there was an old man with a half-beard on crutches who was actually slowly walking towards his side.

Lang Mingyue looked at him and the man who was supporting him talking and laughing towards his side.

"Oh, Uncle Wu! How did you come first by yourself! Gu

couldn't help the two punks who were talking to him now, Lang Mingyue walked directly towards this old man.

He also had a very bright smile on his face, and he stretched out his hand to replace the guy who was called Uncle Wu who was holding him on his left hand.

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