Gu Chen and Jiang Min also wanted to go out to see how the situation was, but the bald man with sunglasses stopped a little at this time because of what happened before.

But after hesitating for another second, he decided to deal with Gu Chen and Jiang Min first.

"The night is long and dreamy! You better honestly come with me! The

bald sunglasses man took a step forward directly, and he had to catch either Gu Chen or Jiang Min.

Who knew that a voice actually came from the doorway.


Immediately, as if he had turned on some switch, the bald man with sunglasses immediately stopped his movements.

The whole person called out in place very honestly.


After saying this, the bald sunglasses man also looked at the speaker-like thing on the wall.

"It's not the sound coming through the next door, it's ... Behind you? The

bald man with sunglasses seemed to understand something and looked back directly.

Sure enough, he saw Liu Sizheng looking at him.

Before he could understand what was happening, the bald man with sunglasses asked.

"What's wrong, Miss?"

"Get down!"

Liu Si walked directly to the bald man with sunglasses and said.

Although he didn't know the situation, he still obeyed his young lady's words and directly gave up a position.

But he was still very confused in his heart, especially when the bald sunglasses man saw his young lady, he actually walked to Gu Chen and Jiang Min's side, stretched out his hand to Gu Chen and said.

"Hello, Mr. Gu, I'm Liu Si, I'm embarrassed to meet you here."

"But you should have heard everything here before, you must know that the person I am dealing with is Li Jiahao, to some extent, we are actually a gang!"

Not only the bald sunglasses man was stunned at this time, but Jiang Min and Gu Chen were also stunned.

The leading little brother frowned as if he wanted to say something.

However, he noticed with his afterlight that the bald man with sunglasses, who was still very majestic before, was all wilted at this time.

The leading little brother silently closed his mouth, quietly planning to see what direction the current situation would develop.

Gu Chen looked at Liu Si, looking at her short lean hair and the resolute expression on her face, as well as the look in her eyes that Gu Chen couldn't explain clearly, I don't know why Gu Chen felt that such a person was very credible.

So Gu Chen let go of the hand holding Jiang Min, stood up, and began to shake hands with this Liu Si.

"Hello, Miss Liu!"

At the same time, after a pause, Gu Chen also admitted very generously that he had indeed heard some words in this room before.

"We mean no offense, and we didn't build these recording devices."

"Hearing your conversation is not our subjective will."

After saying this, the bald sunglasses man fortunately did not react, after all, his boss Liu Si appeared at this time, which shows that she has absolute confidence to convince Gu Chen and Jiang Min to keep secrets.

So the bald man with sunglasses didn't have any reaction.

But the leading little brother doesn't think so.

He always felt that if what he did was known, he would have to eat prison for the rest of his life.

"And although the person kidnapped by us is not the son of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, the Li family sounds very terrible."

"It is estimated that it is not a character to mess with, originally both of us knew about this matter, and now these two people have jumped out, no, the two of them must be killed!"

The leading little brother was fierce in his heart, and silently pumped between his waist plates, as if he was ready to do something.

However, because the bald sunglasses man gave up his position, he was able to see the movements of the leading little brother in a sideways position.

"What are you doing!"

Therefore, in order to deter this leading little brother, the bald sunglasses man directly roared.

It's just that this roar didn't get out of anything.

Because the bald sunglasses man knows the current situation, his young lady must have something important to say to Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

Therefore, after yelling at this leading little brother, the bald sunglasses man silently walked to his side.

The strong sense of oppression came directly to the surface, and the shocked leading little brother did not dare to say anything or move.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min both glanced at their actions curiously.

Liu Si still said with the same face.

"I didn't expect that the person next door would be Mr. Gu, what is this? Don't fight and don't know each other! Saying

that, Liu Si and Gu Chen's hands were finally held together at this time.

Gu Chen smelled a hint of danger in her smile.

At this time, there was also a roar from the outside world.

"You're the manager of this shop!"

Just after handing over the old man who was called Uncle Wu by Lang Mingyue, Li Wanwan retracted the smile on his face that he called doing good deeds and looked at his two dull-faced punks and said.

"Why are you two wasting time here, and don't you hurry up and take me to the arrogant owner of that shop!"

But who would have thought that just after Li Finish said this, their two younger brothers silently pointed behind Li Wan.

Following their direction, Li Wan's face stiffened very naturally.

Because he saw Lang Mingyue, who was holding Uncle Wu and constantly shushing and asking for warmth.

"Oh, I really didn't expect you to come over today!"

"Hmph, did you not expect it, or did you deliberately not notify me! If someone hadn't sent me a tip-off, I wouldn't have known that you guys had done such a dangerous move this time! But

the old man who was called Uncle Wu couldn't listen to this Lang Mingyue's shhh

In a word, Lang Mingyue had not yet figured out how to refute it, or to say cunning, when he heard Li Wan's roar.

Lang Mingyue was suddenly stunned.

It wasn't until his gaze looked at the two punks beside Li Wan, that Lang Mingyue knew that it turned out that this guy had been seduced, no, it should be that this guy was the backer of these two punks.

Because Li Wan's own is not a good product, even if his good big brother is Li Wenquan, Li Wenquan likes his little brother very much, but he himself is not angry.

No matter what kind of business can't be done, this leads to even Lang Mingyue can't think about who this old figure who can fight with his own old hero is.

"It's me, what exactly is this brother called, is there any misunderstanding between us?"

With his parents by his side, Lang Mingyue's attitude is also very gentle.

And Lang Mingyue's meaning is very obvious, what happened before was because everyone didn't know each other.

Now everyone knows each other, so some things are just a misunderstanding!

When he said this, Lang Ming was also very polite, and did not show any special delicateness.

But Li Wan, he was completely different, and he didn't have any mind to understand the meaning of Lang Mingyue's words.

He even started to say directly to Lang Mingyue.

"There is no misunderstanding between us, and I dare not say anything, right? After all, you are a big man!

"A big man who can put my Li family in his eyes!"

"So you don't need to say anything at all, you must give me an explanation for this matter today!"

As he spoke, Li Wan, even silently rolled up his sleeves.

Lang Mingyue helped Uncle Wu and looked at his movements and suddenly became anxious, he was injured and nothing.

But if you accidentally hurt the big guy next to you, it's over!

"Wait, little brother has something to say!"

At this critical moment, the guy known as Uncle Wu finally opened his mouth to say such a sentence.

"Well said? It's not good, this person doesn't even give my Li family's face, and I'm just looking for two people!

"He didn't let my people look for it, and he was ashamed to say some trash talk!"

"This uncle, I advise you not to be nosy, you just get out of the way, I want to teach this guy a good lesson!"

"If I accidentally hurt you, I will be embarrassed, I just saw you on the road to the police station and I was very tired to help you, we can also be regarded as the same people once, I don't want to delay our relationship because of this junior of you!"

However, Li Wan's breath of rivers and lakes at this time was very heavy.

He directly separated himself from Uncle Wu and Lang Mingyue, becoming individuals who seemed related but completely separated.

"I treat you as an uncle and a grandson, is this reasonable, very reasonable!"

Even, Li Wan's words were very classic.

Lang Mingyue didn't know how to answer or what kind of move to make.

However, just when Li Wan, he was about to make a move, and the two punks behind him were also ready to do something.

Uncle Wu slammed his crutches against the floor with a bang.

"Okay, what are you two doing!"

"Is there anything you can't say in the face of this old man of mine?"

"This little brother, I grew up watching this kid next to me, his personality belongs to the kind of timidity and caution, if you want to say that he dares to say something that looks down on you, I don't believe it at all."

"Among them, there must be a misunderstanding that we don't know, I don't think we should jump to a conclusion and fight so rashly, right?"

"Moreover, I think ah, you are not relieved to fight ah, and you may even not find the person you are looking for!"

"In this way, listen to the old man's advice, let's break things up and make it clear, if there are more mistakes on our side, then we should admit the punishment, and we will definitely not be merciful!"

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