"But if there is any hidden secret, I think the little brother can enjoy his face and sit down to have a drink with my old man, which can be regarded as atonement and thank you for helping me over, how about it?"

Uncle Wu He is worthy of being a man with rich knowledge and a very broad reserve of knowledge, but he just said it in just a few words The anger in Li Wan's heart has decreased a lot.

I even feel like I can put down my sleeves.

It's just that this change made the faces of the two punks beside Li Wan's face change greatly, and the two of them even wanted to escape.

However, it did not escape the eyes of Lang Mingyue, who felt very aggrieved at this time.

"What are you two doing, don't think about leaving, confront me one fifty ten and understand before leaving!"

Lang Mingyue directly called out to these two punks.

Li Wanwan looked back at them in surprise and said.

"What are you running at this time, what are you doing to lose your heart!"

At this time, Li Wan, too, felt a little that something was wrong, but the words came to this.

He can't let himself get off the stage at this time, so he can only see what the real situation is.

Just when Li Wan's two younger brothers were in a crazy cold sweat on their foreheads at this time.

On Gu Chen's side, he still felt a little confused.

"This is not the place to talk, do you want to go to another private room with me?"

Liu Si probably saw Gu Chen's embarrassment.

At the same time, she also looked back at the situation in the outside world, and she said this sentence.

Immediately, the bald man with sunglasses on Liu's side all raised their attention.

Several people silently looked at Gu Chen, as if expecting Gu Chen to say a word.

But Gu Chen was not so ignorant, but he did not show any immediate and happy agreement.

Just silently looked to his side.

Liu Si followed Gu Chen's gaze and just saw the screen.

"It turns out that Gu is always worried about eavesdropping. It doesn't matter, we have removed all the bugging equipment, no, we can't say all of them, but we have temporarily shut them down!

"So President Gu can rest assured."

After saying these words, Liu Si looked at Gu Chen again, and the meaning in his eyes seemed to be an invitation and a threat.

Gu Chen even found that between Liu Si's words, the tongue that was exposed was just like a poisonous snake, and the front section naturally forked out and turned into a snake letter,

"Poisonous snake."

Gu Chen was really uneasy, because he always felt that this Miss Liu Si was too enthusiastic.

If he didn't bring Jiang Min with him, Gu Chen would definitely not mind going with this Liu Si.

But now, Gu Chen still has to consider Jiang Min's personal safety.

So, he said silently to this guy.

"No need, it's good to be here, and I like people to be more lively, just now Lang Mingyue also told us a long time ago, soon there will be a group of people here, right?"

After saying this, Gu Chen's eyes stared at this Liu Si like an eagle.

As if trying to find something in this guy's eyes.

But Liu Si was not only unmoved, but even nodded and said.

"It is indeed such a truth, anyway, we will really have a showdown with them later, and now this is fine, with President Gu pressing the battle for us, our chances of winning will be greater!"

Saying that, Liu Si finally released Gu Chen's palm and slowly sat beside Gu Chen.

She looked at the seafood dinner on the table with a look of disgust on her face, and then shouted at the door of the private room.

"You Tan, change us a table of hard dishes that we can eat!"

Before the words fell, Gu Chen, Jiang Min, the bald head sunglasses man, and even the leading little brother all looked at the door.

A person familiar with Gu Chen and Jiang Min appeared, but wasn't it the clerk who had a very bad attitude towards Gu Chen and Jiang Min before, and wanted to drive away Gu Chen and Jiang Min?

He said a little impatiently towards Liu Si.

"What, you really don't want to live, right, Liu Si, do you know that I took the risk to arrange for you to make this transaction in advance, not to let you do things!" It's for you to grab Li Jiajun out of anger first!

"As a result, you are good, now you plan to appear with swagger, what do you mean, do you want to pull me to die with you!"

"I'll tell you, you can't bully me just because I like you!"

As he spoke, he even leaned in to talk.

However, just when Liu Si turned his head to look at this You Tan, he silently shifted his direction again.

It was directly to slowly serve the food on Gu Chen and Jiang Min's table.

He said as he walked.

"Really treat me like a husband, make me do this and that, is there any mistake!"

Jiang Min almost laughed when he heard this, and the original tension disappeared.

Gu Chen also felt that this person was quite interesting.

"Thank you before!"

Therefore, in order to express his gratitude, Gu Chen said this when this You Tan came to serve the dish for the second time.

"Ah, no need..." You

Tan seemed to be a little blinded by Gu Chen's sudden appearance.

He scratched his head embarrassedly and said.

"And in the end you guys came in, you could have avoided the past..."

It's okay, it's a very good arrangement now!

Gu Chen didn't say anything, but silently showed an optimism.

"Forget it, you guys are also a blessing in disguise, being able to meet our Liu Four beauties, cough, I mean I'll go get the dishes first."

"Eh, but are you really sure you want to continue eating here, I just saw that Elder Wu has arrived."

You Tan heard Gu Chen's words and couldn't help but say two more words.

"Don't worry about Elder Wu, he was called by me! I have my own plans, if there is nothing to do, you can go and get busy first!

However, You Tan soon received negative words from Liu Si.

What he didn't want to think about was to say such a sentence silently.

"Oh, Elder Wu is yours...."

But seeing his goddess Liu Si looking like she was not afraid at all, it reminded You Tan of the rumored gossip that Liu Si and Wu Lan had a very high relationship, and immediately let this You Tan close his mouth very wisely.

"Not really! Hahaha, I'll go get the food first hahaha! After

that, this guy took the last seafood without looking back.

It's just that this is not over, Liu Si directly looked at the bald man with sunglasses again and said.

"Go and help."

After speaking, the bald man with sunglasses who had been following Liu Si for many years still did not understand what his young lady meant.

This is something to tell Gu Chen and others alone.

So, the man with nodding bald sunglasses directly pulled the leading brother out of the room.

Even at the end, he very intimately reopened the door.

Although the door lock is a little damaged, this does not prevent the door from being closed.

Finally, only Gu Chen, Jiang Min and Liu Si were left in this private room.

Gu Chen really wanted to know that this Liu Si wanted to say something earth-shattering to himself, so that he wanted to clear the scene like this.

Even, Liu Si silently looked at Jiang Min beside him.

It means that he wants Gu Chen to take Jiang Min away.

However, Jiang Min directly grabbed Gu Chen's palm, the meaning could not be more obvious, she didn't want to leave Gu Chen.

"It's okay, my own people, you say."

Of course, Gu Chen wanted to give Jiang Min a sense of security, and he directly said this sentence.

Liu Si nodded without any surprise and said.

"Well, in that case, then I'll get straight to the point!"

Gu Chen made a gesture to signal her to start.

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Liu Si, and I am a hall master of the Red Flower Society of Qinghuatang."

"What? Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Club? It's

just that what Gu Chen and Jiang Min didn't expect was that this woman directly stunned the two of them as soon as she spoke.

"Yes, it's the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, you heard it right."

Probably Gu Chen and Jiang Min's reaction was a little bigger, so Liu Si said his origin again.

This opening statement ah, but it is really directly different.

On the other side, Li Wanwan took a breath of his own, or controlled his temper.

He looked at Lang Mingyue and asked.

"Is everything you said true?"

"It's true, if you don't believe it, you can look at the expressions of these two people next to you!"

Lang Mingyue directly said such a sentence at this time, which instantly made Li Wan's expression change.

He looked directly back at his two younger brothers and asked.

"Is what he said true?"

"Are you really not talking well, rushing directly to people's stores to find someone!" And the name of the report is what broken sea worms you two set up, no, what kind of pest gang! "

It's all false to say that the name of my Li family has no effect, and it is also false to say that my Li Wan's name is insulted, you just want to do things with the sense of security that I guarantee you, right!"

"You guys talk!"

Lang Mingyue looked at the two little guys who were originally invincible, and silently lowered their heads under this Li Wan's angry roar, and it was a little funny to look like a defeated dog not fighting himself.

"If you know this, why bother!"

He muttered in his heart, but when he saw the eyes of Uncle Wu beside him, Lang Mingyue silently converged the corners of his mouth that rose unconsciously.

"You two waste stuff!"

In an instant, because Li Wan, because he saw the appearance of his two waste little brothers, he didn't know that he was being pit by the two of them.

The heart was suddenly full of anger, kicked one of them, and the two punks immediately fell to the ground directly in response, making a cry of pain.

But no one would sympathize with the two liars, and even Lang Mingyue felt that this was not very relieved, and he wanted to go up and kick the two of them again!

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