Li Wanqi's nose and eyes were all twisted together, but he still felt uncomfortable and continued to kick two feet.

But at this time, Wu Lao coughed twice and said.

"Well, it's okay, it's not worth getting angry about these two scumbags."

"But now things can be considered settled!"

After saying this, the expression on Li Wan's face was still very distorted, and he silently thought of many things.

For example, the way I roared and screamed before was really ugly.

This made Li Wan's anger even more.

The whole person went up again and gave these two punks two feet, not caring about the screams of the two of them.

It directly shows a crazy look.

Lang Mingyue and Wu Lan didn't know what to say.

"This time, it's my problem."

Completely ignoring the screams of the two punks on the ground, Li Wanwan stroked his hair indifferently and said.

"It's okay, people sometimes look away."

Originally, Lang Mingyue didn't want to care about this Li Wan's self-exposition, and didn't want to give this Li Wan's steps.

But Wu Lan, who felt that he was supporting, gently pushed and shoved himself, and Lang Mingyue immediately understood that this was Wu Lan wanting to accept this guy's apology well.

Therefore, Lang Mingyue reluctantly said such a sentence.

The two looked at each other, both felt a little embarrassed, or Wu Lao coughed twice at this time and said again.

"Then this matter is solved, and the rest of the things will be very easy to handle, Li Wan."

Hearing Elder Wu speak, Li Quan did not show any very proud looks, and even silently lowered his body.

Because it was when I met this old man who had just gone out at the police station before.

Li Quan felt that this guy had the temperament of his own old man, how to say.

It was the feeling that belonged to the superior, and it was this feeling that made Li Wanghost, who had never known how to do good deeds, arranged for this Wu Lan to be helped up.

Although at the very beginning, when Li Wan's destination was one place, Li Wan's heart vaguely felt something, but he subconsciously chose to escape.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he thought that he should occupy the side of reason, but in the end, it was this kind of situation that almost made him unable to get off the stage.

This really made Li Wan's little unsure of how to be good, as for Lang Mingyue, he was still a little weak.

Because if Lang Mingyue didn't guess wrong, the two people Li Wan's looking for were Gu Chen and Jiang Min, who had invited him in to eat.

"Actually, logically speaking, I did lie to him!"

"But how could he let him take these two at this time! After all, they already know that we kidnapped Li Jiahao's son, Li Jiajun!

"If something happens in the future after letting these two people go, then all the fault is on me, won't I really be finished?"

After thinking about this clearly, Lang Mingyue and this Li Wandu tacitly did not raise any messy things to find someone.

Only at this time, Wu Lan seemed to be still obsessed with this issue.

He didn't care about the shame in this Li Wan's heart and the weakness in this Lang Mingyue's heart.

"There is only one thing I have to do, and that is to help Liu Si delay time."

That's right, Wu Lan is the rescuer called by Liu Si.

What he had to do now was to temporarily delay this Wu Lan and Li Wan, and give her enough time to solve some things.

"Don't let me down and bet on the wrong treasure, Liu Si!"

He silently muttered in his heart, and then began to chatter with Li Wan, and Lang Mingyue.

"What the hell are you arguing about, tell me about it!"

"Just as the so-called wrongful family should not be solved, sometimes our problem ah, it is a communication!"

"Today is the luck of the two of you, just happened to meet me, otherwise this misunderstanding will become more and more aggravated under your man's self-esteem, and one day in the future, maybe you will become a feud because of this matter!"

"You say how horrible this is! So we must avoid this from happening, so how to avoid it, of course, it depends on our communication!

Li Wan, and Lang Mingyue both nodded continuously as they listened to Wu Lan's words.

There is quite a feeling that listening to a seat is like listening to a table.

But I don't know why in the hearts of Lang Mingyue and Li Wan, I always feel that Wu Lan at this time seems to have pulled a lot closer to the distance between the two of them.

It was as if this Wu Lan had become a feeling similar to them at this time, and then kept talking to attract their attention.

And the fact is that this is indeed the case, but because Wu Lan's grade is here, her status is different.

My own experience is also different, so the feeling of speaking is also different.

How to say it, it is as if listening to a sage speak.

Hearing this, Lang Mingyue and Li Wan, both of them became attentive, and they had a feeling that they wanted to worship the teacher immediately.

At this time, what were Gu Chen, Jiang Min, and Liu Si doing in the private room.

After Liu Si finished introducing himself, he really scared Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

Let the two of them look at each other, and they don't quite understand why Liu Si suddenly blew himself up.

Therefore, Gu Chen and Jiang Min did not speak, still waiting for this Liu Si to continue.

Liu Si observed the expressions of Gu Chen and Jiang Min and found that both of them were very calm.

So Liu Si became curious in his heart.

"Aren't you both surprised, aren't you surprised?"

"I'm the hall master of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, do you know what the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society is?"

"Or did neither of you actually go to see our Xiangcheng Island movie?"

Liu Si said that her face became strange here, because she always felt that the reaction of Gu Chen and Jiang Min was a little too indifferent.

So much so that the idea of directly exposing her identity at the beginning shocked Gu Chen and Jiang Min, all failed.

So that's what to do now, and she doesn't know what to say.

Just looked at Gu Chen and Jiang Min with a very expectant look, hoping that they really didn't know what the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club was, and they didn't know the weight of the name Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

In this way, she can explain to these two people how powerful the old force of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club on Xiangcheng Island in the last century really is!

However, the idea is indeed very good, and the reality is completely different from what I imagined.

Gu Chen didn't even want to say anything to this Liu Siduo.

It's a very simple statement.

"You know, isn't it the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, which was the hottest in the last century, and can even be said to be the first supporter of the four major families of Xiangcheng Island today, who doesn't know this."


After Liu Si heard Jiang Min say such a sentence very lightly, the whole person felt a little stunned.

She looked at Jiang Min as if she had known Jiang Min for the first time, but in fact it was.

However, after Liu Si listened to Jiang Min's simple introduction, or summarized the Qinghuatang Red Flower Meeting, she always had a very unreal ethereal feeling in her heart.

It's like you're fighting a kid, and you've even brought a hammer to surprise the kid in an instant.

Unexpectedly, this child instantly took out a faster and fiercer spear and pointed it at your nose and said.

"Look who is more vivid now, see who surprises whom!"

This surprise turned into a frightening feeling, which really made Liu Si unexpected.

"Me, me."

So much so that Jiang Min's suddenly opened his mouth to engage Liu Si didn't know what he should say, and could only keep repeating his own me.

Then Gu Chen coughed and said.

"Okay, okay, Xiaomin, don't do this to Miss Liu."

"Since she wants to explain the Qinghuatang Red Flower Association to us properly, let's listen to our Miss Liu's opinion on the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society."

After saying this, Gu Chen also glanced at this Liu Si, Liu Si understood that this was Gu Chen giving himself steps, but I don't know why, Liu Si felt very embarrassed at this time.

"Damn, I originally wanted to sell a name to scare this Gu Chen, let him know how much origin and energy the hall master of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society has, how come this time in turn was directly broken by him, not by her!"

Thinking of this, Liu Si very unconsciously glanced at Jiang Min who seemed to have done nothing wrong with his own eyes, but Liu Si looked at her innocent appearance, but his heart was a little chilled.

"No wonder Gu Chen would bring such a guy who looks like a child with him, it turns out that he is all dressed as a pig and eats a tiger!"

"This woman really can't be measured by appearance, I almost was, well, I have already fallen a head!"

"It seems that there is no way to convince Gu Chen with the name of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club, so let's talk well."

Liu Si, who had thought about this clearly, could only sigh silently and said.

"President Gu, since you are all aware of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, then President Gu must also know that our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society has not had a very good time in recent years!"

I really don't know this, Gu Chen thought in his heart.

But he can't tell the truth.

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