"It turns out that I want to know my attitude towards Xiangcheng Island, no, it should be towards Li Jiahao!"

"It seems that this Qinghuatang Red Flower Society is still very unhappy with Li Jiahao, and has kidnapped Li Jiahao's son, and these news are all indicating that they are basically in constant opposition to Li Jiahao."

Gu Chen thought of a lot of things in an instant, and at the same time he nodded silently and began to say.

"My purpose in coming to Xiangcheng Island is actually very simple, and I always have only one idea."

"That is to liberate this somewhat deformed Xiangcheng Island that has been played by Li Jiahao!"

After Gu Chen finished saying this, not only Liu Si looked at Gu Chen's eyes fiercely, as if he was distinguishing whether what he said was true or false.

And Jiang Min also silently secretly glanced at Gu Chen, she felt that Gu Chen at this time was too attractive.

"A casual sentence, why does it sound so imposing from Gu Chen's mouth!"

Gu Chen didn't know what Jiang Min was thinking in his heart at this time, because most of his attention was on this Liu Si.

Or that the two of them are now looking at each other madly, and both of them can see something in each other's eyes.

Finally, this Liu Si observed Gu Chen's reaction for a while before he began to speak.

"I think this matter is too difficult, Gu should not be the kind of person who likes to set himself a problem that cannot be solved, and then when he realizes this problem, he will retreat himself halfway!"

Because what Gu Chen said was too crisp, it suddenly made this Liu Si not react.

That's why Liu Si has such doubts.

Then she was affirmed by Gu Chen.

"No, you think too much."

"Although at the beginning, I really wanted to replace this Li Jiahao as the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, but after I really came to Xiangcheng Island, I came into contact with what Li Jiahao did before, and I felt..."

Gu Chen said and suddenly fell silent, he seemed to be thinking about something.

Then it took a while before he spoke in Liu Si's expectant eyes.

"I think some of Li Jiahao's behavior is really a little too unreasonable, too cruel and does not give people a way to live."

"So, how do you say that the wall falls and everyone pushes, I am like the person who pushes the wall first, and it is the person who pushes the wall with a tendency to fall."

Gu Chen's eyes flashed a lot of pictures, and he thought of Tong Zixin's tragic experience, as well as Mia.

Of course, Sun Shulan and the others, who were not so miserable, also flashed in Gu Chen's mind.

It's just that Gu Chen thinks more of the people of Xiangcheng Island who have lived in a family of three and four and five in the pigeon cage forever.

"I'm not a savior, but I happen to have the power to change everything, so why don't I do it?"

"And the most important thing is that this Li Jiahao has already started to attack me when I didn't think of dealing with him!" You may not believe it, but most of my chances to go to Xiangcheng Island were made by this Li Jiahao!

"So from the beginning, this Li Jiahao was a little wrong!" Do you understand what I mean by that?

After Gu Chen finished saying this, he directly looked at Liu Si again.

"I, I really don't know these things very well."

"But I'm willing to believe you."

Although Gu Chen's words made this Liu Si a little confused, subconsciously, this Liu Si fell after Gu Chen's speech-like answer.

This Liu Si looked at Gu Chen's appearance and showed an ideal look, isn't it his favorite one?

Thinking of this, Liu Si's whole person was a little embarrassed, but after Gu Chen finished his purpose.

She still had to return to reality, so Liu Si said while looking into Gu Chen's eyes.

"Since this is the case, then I can tell Mr. Gu very responsibly, you are simply me... No, it's our favorite partner of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club! "

Yes, then I seem to be quite honored!"

Gu Chen silently hehe, the bridge of trust was finally slowly established.

Outside the restaurant at this time.

Li Wan: And this Lang Mingyue was still very serious when she listened to Wu Lan at first.

Both sides are also very active and serious in solving the problem, but I don't know why, Li Wan, and this Lang Mingyue obviously feel that they can almost end the theoretical argument and start the next step of certification to find the two people they are looking for.

As a result, in the end, this Wu Lan actually directly changed the topic and began to talk about other topics.

And this is not the first time this has appeared, in Wu Lan's body, there have already been several such circles.

Even if you go around in circles, the only thing that makes Li Wan, and this Lang Mingyue very incomprehensible.

Why did Wu Lan pull a few of them to say these things outside, even if they like to preach, they don't have to stay outside at noon!

Li Wan, as well as this Lang Mingyue, silently noticed that in the sky, the sun that was enough to dry people was a little flustered.

Finally, Wu Lan didn't know how many times he was preparing to turn around the peak to bring Li Wan's and this Lang Mingyue's topic over.

Or when delaying time, Li Wan's words finally spoke.

"O my old man! Can't you just say what you want to say all at once?

"Every time we have to go around after the key meeting, we really can't eat, this sun is too fierce, aren't you hot?"

This is also a thing that Li Wan, and this Lang Mingyue are very unbearable, and it is also a thing that they do not understand.

Under the big August sun, the two young men were a little unable to bear the direct gaze of the sun, but Wu Lan seemed to be a nobody, just holding his crutches and standing there chattering non-stop.

And it didn't look like he was a little sleepy, and there wasn't much sweat on his body.

This change really made Li Wan, and this Lang Mingyue feel strange.

"You are young, how can you not even compare to me as an old man! It's just that if I do this, I really can't help you! "

Originally, Li Wan, and this Lang Mingyue were a little ashamed to hear Wu Lan's words at first, after all, from a certain point of view, they really lost to this Wu Lan in terms of endurance.

But hearing what Wu Lan said, Li Wan, and this Lang Mingyue felt that they could finally stop and return to the embrace of the air conditioner.

As a result, Wu Lan actually changed his style and said.

"If that's the case, then old man, I'll talk about the next thing slowly!"

"No, no, it's a good and quick finish!"

Li Wan, as well as this Lang Mingyue's eyes follower, Wu Lan's words, the meaning changed and changed.

At first, the eyes of both of them couldn't help but stand out a little, but only after Wu Lan's next words comforted them a little.

"Uncle Wu, or let's go to the store first!"

"yes, isn't it fun to say no?"

But the fierceness of this sun still made Li Wan, and this Lang Mingyue feel overwhelmed.

Therefore, these two people kept implying in their words that Wu Lan would change places first.

However, Wu Lan did not receive news from Liu Si this recycling.

The mission is in the body, where will it fail Liu Si, of course, he directly ignored Li Wan's request and this Lang Mingyue, silently stayed in place and continued to talk to himself.

Then what else can Li Wan, and this Lang Mingyue, of course, continue to honestly listen to Wu Lan say some very useful big truths, but it is not helpful to the current life.

This situation did not last long, because Gu Chen in the private room was just after saying his purpose.

Liu Si's whole person seemed to have changed, and the smile on his face was overflowing.

"Mr. Gu came to drink tea!"

She picked up the tea on the table and was about to continue chatting with Gu Chen, but at this time, Gu Chen directly stopped Liu Si's behavior.

"Your problem is over, my problem has not yet begun."

"And the channel of trust between us has just opened, Miss Liu Si doesn't have to be so enthusiastic!"

"However, the most important thing is..."

said Gu Chen's eyes on the teapot in Liu Si's hand.

"The water in this teapot is likely to have been touched by Lang Mingyue, Miss Liu Si will not know it!"

After hearing Gu Chen's two words, Liu Si's brows suddenly locked, and the smile on his face disappeared.

She looked at Gu Chen and then at the teapot in her hand, put it down with a strange face and said to Gu Chen.

" I really didn't know that the teapot was touched by Lang Mingyue."

"Even at the beginning, I didn't know that this Lang Mingyue would let you in for dinner at this time."

"Everything was beyond my expectations and arrangements."

"But for now, things haven't gotten out of our control."

Gu Chen looked at Liu Si saying these words, a little confident expression on his face, and asked with a slight smile.

"Is this the opening statement that Miss Liu is going to explain to us in the ins and outs?"

"If President Gu wants to understand it this way, it's okay."

Liu Si did not deny Gu Chen's question, and at the same time, he also began to tell the story that the high-level officials of the Red Flower Society in the Blue and Flower Hall from the beginning planned to make the idea of kidnapping Li Jiahao's son.

began to paint a picture for Gu Chen and the modern and evolved Xiangcheng Island that he saw now, which is completely two styles of world scene.

"Although it may feel a little old-fashioned, there are some things handed down by our ancestors that we have never forgotten!"

"It's always obeying and guarding."

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