A kind of devotion suddenly appeared in Liu Si's eyes.

But I don't know why, Gu Chen had a feeling that she was hypnotized.

However, what does this have to do with me, Gu Chen silently put aside his thoughts and began to listen quietly to this Liu Si.

"Since the beginning of the last century, Li Jiahao's betrayal of us has caused the beginning of the loneliness of the Qinghuatang Red Flowers!"

"Plus some of the representatives we selected are in the ring with Li Jiahao, that is, they lost business."

"Therefore, on the way to losing people and money, Qinghuatang Honghua will continue to shrink its own forces and own manpower, reduce the number of gangs and income, and increase the resentment towards this Li Jiahao!"

"But there is no way, Li Jiahao at that time is simply described as like the sky! Even the four major families that now seem to be able to compete with this Li Jiahao do not dare to breathe under the deterrence of Li Jiahao!

As soon as Liu Si spoke, Gu Chen and Jiang Min felt that they had lifted the veil of history, and a sense of the atmosphere of the times alternating between the old and the new came to their faces.

It was as if they had become experiencers, swimming in this past history.

"But even if this Li Jiahao can cover the sky with one hand, when the century-old covenant is about to pass, the future situation begins to prepare for a big change, and Li Jiahao finally feels the crisis!"

"Because as a businessman, his existence, his wealth, his family property, is too much, too fat! Fat enough to basically fill the entire Xiangcheng Island!

"When there was no return before, there were still British people covering this Li Jiahao, but if he really waited for the return, this Li Jiahao still controlled the entire economic lifeline of Xiangcheng Island, and there was only one end waiting for him."

"That's being slaughtered as a big pig that fattened!"

When Liu Si said this, a very strange smile suddenly appeared, as if he was very yearning for the picture of his imagination to analyze all of Li Jiahao's family property and scatter it.

So much so that Gu Chen and Jiang Min couldn't help but think about it after seeing this guy's smile.

"Is this woman another Li Jiahao victim like Tong Zixin and Mia!"

Based on this thought, Gu Chen and Jiang Min looked at this Liu Si with a little sympathy in their eyes.

Sympathize with this Liu Si's experience.

It's just that Liu Si didn't care about all this, because at this time, Li Si was still trapped in his imagination and couldn't extricate himself.

"Anyway, Li Jiahao himself also realized that his situation at that time was very bad, so he made a bold decision!"

"That is, the law does not blame the public!"

Speaking of this, a disdainful expression appeared on this Liu Si's face.

"After Li Jiahao thought of this method, he directly took out his family base and gave his brothers as support funds, and quickly pulled his brothers up in a short time!"

"This is a manifestation that he does not control all the economic lifelines of Xiangcheng Island on the surface, and it is also his idea to take a step back and open the sky!"

"It is precisely because of his generosity, coupled with the direct donation of nearly 10 billion yuan of money and materials at the beginning of the new century, that he finally exchanged for a safe identity."

"Even for a period of time after that, this guy was very low-key, low-key charity, and constantly used money to enhance his public goodwill."

"It has even begun to vigorously support small companies and small enterprises to enhance the development power of Xiangcheng Island."

"At the same time, I have also continuously joined the development of Xiangcheng Island and built many high-rise buildings."

Speaking of this, Liu Si just sneered.

"However, in fact, everything this Li Jiahao did at that time seemed to be for the good of Xiangcheng Island, but in fact, he was simply planning for himself!"

"With all the expenses and investments at the time, coupled with his ability to speak and dissipate, he obtained a lot of approvals and a lot of land."

"It's all part of his plan, and while he is stepping up to develop the land, selling some of it, but holding some of it and ignoring it, what happens?"

"The supply of buildings on the market is in short supply, the price is soaring at that time, everyone is crazy to grab houses, and as soon as this rising channel is opened, no one can stop it."

"The only thing that can be done is to stop this skyrocketing in housing prices and... join in."

Saying this, Liu Si's face obviously showed a little sad look, Gu Chen and Jiang Min knew that the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club must have done a scene that could not be beaten.

Otherwise, this Liu Si would not be so sad.

After all, this is a trick that Li Jiahao came up with, but Qinghuatang Honghua will not want to fight Li Jiahao, and also learn behind Li Jiahao's ass, which is equivalent to the dragon slayer has not yet slaughtered the evil dragon and become the evil dragon, he has already become a bad person first.

Gu Chen said with a sigh.

"Some things are really the trend of the times, there is no way, and you don't have to care too much."

Liu Si raised her head and looked at Gu Chen, she knew what Gu Chen was talking about, and she knew that what Gu Chen said was very reasonable, but she was still very angry.

"You don't know that since the last century, the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society has always wanted to re-subdue Li Jiahao, and has been constantly failing, in fact, there have been many voices and ideas among us."

"On the one hand, there are the surrender factions that constantly want to submit to Li Jiahao, and on the other hand, there are the fighting factions like me who want to fight Li Jiahao."

"But the people of these two factions should have maintained their respective attitudes, but when Li Jiahao's means of buying land and building buildings appeared, they actually chose to cooperate to learn this Li Jiahao's methods. It's a bit uncomfortable!

Liu Si sighed helplessly, always feeling very tired.

"Although these things happened a long time ago, when the old man of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club talked to me about these things, I was still very angry!"

"Even if our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society has decayed after more than half a century of fighting with Li Jiahao, it is good to have confidence, we are all some mud legs huddled up!"

"As a result, in our two generations, we actually have to learn the money of Li Jiahao, which is indeed very unacceptable."

Gu Chen and Jiang Min nodded when they heard this.

"This is equivalent to harming your own compatriots, which is indeed a little difficult to accept."

"But there is no way to do this, he does not do it, this is backwardness, and it is still a large-scale backwardness, and there is no way to lag behind the economy!"

Gu Chen comforted this Liu Si, causing Liu Si to sigh.

"You're right, but I'm just very uncomfortable."

Liu Si began to sigh silently as if he had thought of something, and Gu Chen and Jiang Min didn't know what to say.

He could only silently wait for this Liu Si's follow-up.

After Liu Si was slightly emo for a while, she continued.

"I'm sorry I just lost my mind, it seems that my topic seems to be getting more and more remote!"

She smiled embarrassedly, but Gu Chen and Jiang Min liked this state of showing their true feelings.

At least it feels very real.

Therefore, Gu Chen and Jiang Min were silently smiling in the face of Liu Si's apologetic words.

"It's okay, just go ahead."

"Yes, we also want to know more about the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, no, it's the history of Xiangcheng Island."

Liu Si looked at Gu Chen and Jiang Min very happily, nodded very happily, and continued.

"Anyway, our Qinghuatang Red Flower Association just has an irreconcilable problem with Li Jiahao."

"This kind of problem has also caused a lot of unnecessary bloody incidents, but in recent times, the education of law popularization has made people know what can be done and what cannot be done!"

"So, the loneliness of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club is really about to begin! But just as the so-called mountains and rivers are exhausted, there is no way, and there is another village!

"Just when we Qinghuatang Honghua Club felt that we couldn't hold on, our leader finally found our backer and injected us with a lot of money!" In an instant, we saved our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society!

"At the same time, it was also after our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club regained its capital, we discovered a problem."

"That's this, Li Jiahao's defense against us has almost dropped to the limit! It can even be said that there is no defense!

Liu Si said that she seemed to be really thirsty here, and Gu Chen and Jiang Min once again stopped her desire to drink some moisture from the teapot.

"I'm sorry, but I forgot about this when I was excited."

Liu Si scratched his head embarrassedly and continued.

"Anyway, because our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club has arranged manpower in some small places before, once this Li Jiahao has something to use the foundation, we can detect it at the first time."

"So after our undercover agents discovered Li Jiahao's abnormal behavior, we found out that Li Jiahao, this guy, actually wanted to transfer assets and run away!"

When he said this, Liu Si's expression became a little eyebrows, but his voice was several degrees lower.

As if she was telling a big secret, she even expected Jiang Min and Gu Chen's surprised reaction.

However, Gu Chen and Jiang Min both looked like this, which made this Liu Si a little embarrassed.

"Eh, do you already have... Got it? "

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