Liu Si converged his expression and said with an embarrassed expression.

"We have long known about Li Jiahao's preparation to run!"

Jiang Min said directly in front of Gu Chen this time, he had too many places he wanted to complain about before.

However, because Liu Si's state has always felt very unstable, Jiang Min has no possibility of interjecting at all.

I finally found such an opportunity.

How could she give up.

It's just that speaking so bluntly really made Liu Si feel a sense of embarrassment.

Or Gu Chen said in a circle at this time.

"Miss Liu, we do know about Li Jiahao's transfer of assets, and even we know a little more news than you think."

"So you can safely and boldly say more news to bombard us, and we accept it."

When Liu Si heard Gu Chen's words, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he didn't know what to say.

"If that's the case, then okay!"

It's just that Liu Si is not an ordinary person, and after quickly retracting her emotions, she began to continue to tell.

"Anyway, after we spent a lot of means within the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club to determine the news that Li Jiahao wanted to run, we discussed some decision-making matters!"

"Some people think that this is a good opportunity, as long as Li Jiahao transfers all the assets, then the mountain that pressed on the head of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club will completely disappear!"

"Some people also feel that since Li Jiahao is transferring assets now, it can be said that it is the weakest defense against our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, why not take this opportunity to bite down on Li Jiahao's body!"

"But after three days and three nights of intense discussion, the high-level of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club discovered something very tragically, that is, after all these years of suppression and tragic encounters, if we want to do something to Li Jiahao, the capital required is an astronomical amount!"

"But just watching Li Jiahao transfer his assets and prepare to go abroad to enjoy retirement, to be honest, none of the high-level of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club will serve."

"So we made a decision."

When Liu Si said this decision, I don't know why he felt a little twisted, or embarrassed to speak.

Anyway, Gu Chen and Jiang Min seem to be very unsmooth.

"What a decision."

So in order to help this Liu Si smooth a little, Gu Chen took the initiative to ask a question and said.

Liu Si just said something about the situation.

"In short, it is very embarrassing, because even if Li Jiahao is constantly transferring assets and consuming his own capital, but the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, even if Li Jiahao casually allocates a little asset, it is much higher than the total assets of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club!"

"We can't take out all our heritage to compete with Li Jiahao, because there is no need, Li Jiahao may suffer a little damage, but it is absolutely harmless, but what about us."

"Our Qinghuatang Red Flower Association is very likely to lose our lives!"

"Anyway, after some discussion, we came to this bad conclusion, some things we are indeed inferior to Li Jiahao, this is a fact that there is no way to change!"

Liu Si said with a very uncomfortable expression on his face, Gu Chen knew that there was a way to solve everything but he couldn't really do it without scruples.

Completely different from the pathos of powerlessness, this choice that appears after a period of deliberation is even more painful.

Therefore, Gu Chen was very able to understand the high-level members of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Association at that time, as well as the sorrow in Liu Si's heart.

"So, what kind of choice did you make?"

So Gu Chen directly incarnated a humorous existence, and continued to speak along with Liu Si's words.

"What we do is very simple, this Li Jiahao has been a blessing on Xiangcheng Island for so many years, and the enemy family is not us, his number one enemy should be the Li family!"

"After all, our Qinghuatang Red Flower will be lonely, and it will no longer be seen in the eyes of this Li Jiahao, naturally the threat level is greatly reduced!"

"And when Li Jiahao first started, in fact, the four major families were still able to control the death they controlled."

"It's just that after arriving, this Li Jiahao found that his control was gradually out of control with the wings of the four major families, the most conspicuous of which was Li Jiahao's fellow countrymen and the Li family!"

Speaking of this, Liu Si showed a very strange smile, and Jiang Min, who was listening intently like a story, was startled.

She subconsciously held Gu Chen's palm tightly, and she couldn't wait to throw it directly into Gu Chen's arms.

But after seeing Liu Si's stiff expression, Jiang Min realized that she was still here, so in the end, she abruptly stopped her actions.

But silently holding Gu Chen's palm did not let go, Liu Si coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.

Gu Chen glanced at Jiang Min helplessly, and then said to Liu Si.

"Miss Liu, please continue."

Liu Si nodded and continued.

"Eh, but where did we just talk?"

Gu Chen was a little stunned by this sudden question.

"Is this woman's memory so bad?"

So Gu Chen directly said to Liu Si

: "Okay, okay, Miss Liu, don't joke, haven't we already talked about the Li family and Li Jiahao?"

A little reminder of this Liu Si, Gu Chen can also be regarded as a good person....

"Well, anyway, on Xiangcheng Island, all of us are not only members of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, but we can often hear the news from this Li family and Li Jiahao."

" President Gu, you don't know how dangerous the situation was at that time, as long as there was really a real fire between these two sides."

"Just some of the Li family's business destroyed by Li Jiahao can make the people of the Li family want to kill Li Jiahao now!"

"In short, during that time, everyone was still talking about when the Li family would collapse, and when would they fight with Li Jiahao!"

"But in the end, guess what?"

Gu Chen and Jiang Min felt that this guy was about to say the end, and the result was actually such a set, which was simply deliberately provoking the curiosity of Gu Chen and the two!

"What's wrong, say it quickly!"

So, in order to give this Liu Si a step down, so this time the cheer is Jiang Min.

After hearing the words of this Liu Sihang person, Jiang Min was directly curious, as if someone was constantly tickling.

In this case, it is natural to ask Liu Si curiously, wanting to know the stories that have happened before.

Liu Si smiled, but shook his head and did not speak.

It's just that under Jiang Min's curious questioning, Gu Chen also silently looked at Liu Si, looking forward to her story.

However, after seeing Gu Chen and Jiang Min coming over, this Liu Si instead withered.

"How to say this matter, but big or small, anyway, it caused human life... As for whose family, no one is unworthy!"

"So you'd better stop asking."

It was probably because Gu Chen saw sweat on Liu Si's forehead.

After Gu Chen realized that this guy really showed his feelings, he was even more curious.

"Didn't Xiangcheng Island already return at that time, and why did this still happen?"

"Because what I mean by human life is not human life as you understand, but just a person from the 20s came to this world!"

Hearing this, Gu Chen suddenly felt a pang in his heart.

Because he always feels that this sentence has a lot to complain about.

Therefore, Gu Chen directly put his big face in front of this Lang Mingyue and said.

"That is to say, Li Jiahao at that time was actually in love with someone from the Li family? Even two people have a child!?

"Isn't it?"

But after watching it closely, Gu Chen seemed to feel the tension in Liu Si's heart.

But all of a sudden, Gu Chen immediately understood.

That's why Gu Chen said again to this Liu Si.

"Okay, I know, today this matter is rotten in our hearts."

That's what he said.

If you don't say I don't say it, things can be busy for a while.

After Gu Chen looked at Liu Si with a satisfied expression on his face, he nodded and said.

"Aside from this, what else?"

"What else has this Li Jiahao done?"

The simple two sentences seemed to open the chatterbox of Liu Si.

Or because this Liu Si has not surfed the Internet for a long time, he usually has no good friends who can listen to his description without any scruples.

Or in other words, it was not easy to catch a handsome guy like Gu Chen who could listen to her whine.

This Liu Foura must have behaved well, and the whole person kept talking here, as if he had drunk fake wine.

"In short, it is unlikely that the things at that time will be finished even if it is said for a day and a night!"

"Then skip the question!"

In fact, Gu Chen didn't have the slightest meaning to understand about the grievances and grievances of Li Jiahao and the Li family in this Xiangcheng Island.

The only thing he wanted to do now was to find out what the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society had done at that time.

Therefore, Gu Chen said directly to this Liu Si.

"So what exactly did you do? What is your role in this show? He

came up with a set of silky little combos, which immediately made this Liu Si not know what to say.

Especially Gu Chen urged himself while constantly observing his expression.

This kind of psychological change came too quickly and too quickly, and suddenly this Liu Si did not know what to say.

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