The most important thing is that Gu Chen's eyes seem to have a kind of magic power, coupled with his bewildering face, Liu Si is actually difficult to hold.

"Skip this question, in fact, what we did was very simple, that is, we caught the reason why the Li family and Li Jiahao had a feud, and directly told the Li family the news that Li Jiahao was transferring assets through some indirect means."

"What we are looking forward to is that the Li family can take the initiative to jump out and cause a little trouble to Li Jiahao, so we can make one... Well, the strength of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club may not be able to do anything.

"But as long as it can block Li Jiahao, or let Li Jiahao suffer a little, it is best if they can finally start a full-scale war."

Gu Chen looked at Liu Si slightly thickened his breath, and immediately knew that this guy must have fallen into his own fantasy.

"Wake up."

So Gu Chen directly called this guy very quickly, and immediately let Liu Si wake up, but Liu Si looked at Gu Chen with a little sorrow in his eyes.

"Thank you Mr. Gu for waking me up, otherwise I would almost have died drunk."

Hearing this Liu Siyin and Yang strange words, Gu Chen was not angry, but just said with a slight smile.

"You're welcome, you go on, although I also expected the plot later."

As soon as he said this, Liu Si's eyes became a little resentful.

"You really don't know how to tell me about this, or will you come?"

"No, no, there is a specialization in the art industry, or you come."

Gu Chen and Liu Si made a little joke, and immediately let this guy return to normal.

"Okay, then I'll continue, anyway, our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club has already told the Li family about Li Jiahao going to transfer assets and run abroad to live a dashing life, just thinking that when they dog eats dog, we better pick up something cheap behind the ass!"

"As a result, I didn't expect this Li family, it's simply full of doors, no, it's the dead old man of the Li family who is a sluggish!"

"Obviously knowing that Li Jiahao is transferring his assets, his own energy and time are not on Xiangcheng Island, it can be said that Li Jiahao is the weakest time in so many years!"

"At this time, as long as you let your power expand, a wave of financial war or commodity war or something, you can tear a big wound from this Li Jiahao's hand very smoothly!"

"But this dead old man of the Li family, after learning the news, actually chose to stand still! Just so honestly shrunk up when nothing happened! Speaking

of this, Liu Si's voice gradually increased by three points!

"This old thing, all of a sudden, forgot all the things that happened to him, do you say he is still a human!"

Even Liu Si slammed a punch on the table, and the kettle filled with water was slightly offset by this punch, and it can be seen that Liu Si is really angry.

"I didn't see it, does this Liu Si actually have such a high loyalty to Qinghuatang Honghua, it seems to be a good subordinate!"

Gu Chen silently thought so in his heart.

At the same time, I thought of another question.

"But if Liu Si is really so loyal to the Qinghuatang Honghua, then why contact these kidnappers in advance, and it seems that she is also planning something."

"The most important thing is, what does this woman want to do when she is looking for me at this time, and ask and answer, what is this for?"

Gu Chen did not correctly realize how attractive he was.

I just think that Liu Si seems to be a little overly enthusiastic, and it is a little unthinkable to be good.

"Calm down, calm down, it's all gone, isn't it, these things are already in the past."

Therefore, after Gu Chen felt that Jiang Min was startled by Liu Si's behavior and clenched his palm fiercely, Gu Chen began to silently comfort Liu Si.

"Yes, it's all gone!"

Liu Si also seemed to realize how ridiculous his behavior was, and the whole person was embarrassed to smile at Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

"I'm sorry two, I'm a bit of a gaffe."

"It's okay, we're all used to it."

Jiang Min was the first to speak, in fact, she herself had often seen this kind of good speech before and began to become serious, and even made some situations that were completely inconsistent with her appearance and personality.

For example, his parents quarreled and the like, so Jiang Min just clenched Gu Chen's palm fiercely, in fact, he was not scared, but at this time he thought of his parents and thought of the past.

Especially now that his father has left him, and his mother and his feelings have long been indifferent to the limit, which makes Jiang Min very uncomfortable.

Gu Chen clenched Jiang Min's palm, as if to transmit his power to Jiang Min.

At the same time, he also looked at this Liu Si and said.

"Later, as far as I know, the four major families should know the fact that Li Jiahao is going to transfer assets! Did they never do anything?

Gu Chen also directly threw bricks and jade to say such a sentence, this Liu Si of the province did not know the information he knew, and continued to repeat the information that Gu Chen had known for a long time, saving a little time.

When Liu Si heard Gu Chen say this, his brows furrowed imperceptibly.

She looked at Gu Chen, and her eyes seemed to have a little taste of investigation.

"I didn't expect that President Gu actually knew this, it is worthy of being a business giant who has made so many achievements, but I underestimated President Gu's intelligence network!"

Liu Si first praised Gu Chen, and then did not give Gu Chen and Jiang Min a chance to continue, and began his next round of narration.

"President Gu is right, at the beginning, we only thought of the grudge between the Li family and Li Jiahao, so we only told the Li family the information that Li Jiahao was going to transfer assets, and did not notify the other three major families."

"But just after this Li family is always a shrunken turtle, the high-level members of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society discussed for a while, and felt that this matter definitely could not be delayed like this!"

"Otherwise, it's a waste of time, so we have to make a little change, a little big change!"

When Gu Chen heard this, he directly answered and said.

"So, you gave your exclusive information to the other three major families?"

"Logically speaking, this should be the case, but there is a little problem in the middle."

Liu Si nodded but shook his head again, looking like I agree but don't completely agree, this is very strange for Gu Chen.

"Problem? Could it be that the information you transmitted is not recognized by the other three major families?

"No, it's not the intelligence problem of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, but we have been robbed of a wave of business."

"What do you mean? Could it be the Li family?

Gu Chen instantly thought of a very possible possibility by what Liu Si said, and just after Gu Chen finished speaking, Liu Si actually nodded, which made Gu Chen feel speechless for a while.

"So, is it really this Li family that took your information and then told the other three major families?"

"Is it really so shameless?"

Liu Si also nodded helplessly when he heard this.

"When the dead old man of the Li family wants to make a face, even if something earth-shattering happens in his own family, it doesn't matter how Li Jiahao bullies his family, as long as it doesn't affect his patriarch position!"

"Except for this matter, other things are small things for this patriarch!"

"Therefore, our prediction of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, based on the character of this dead old man of the Li family, analyzed that this guy should be worried that if he makes a random decision, there will be some problems that he cannot predict."

As Liu Si spoke, Gu Chen seemed to see an extremely cunning old man in front of the map of Xiangcheng Island in a daze, or he was thinking, anyway, the pattern of things considered basically covered the entire Xiangcheng Island.

After Gu Chen thought of this, he fiercely expelled this thought, because it was not good for him to think about some things indiscriminately at this time.

It would be better to leave some brains to analyze this Liu Si's words.


"So this dead old man of the Li family spent a large amount of money that he could no longer earn back to investigate the intelligence that our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society sent him."

"As a result, the dead old man of the Li family, after knowing that this Li Jiahao was going to play for real, began to prepare to pull the other families into the water!"

Liu Si didn't know why he was a little angry again when he said this.

Gu Chen actually didn't understand what was happening, until Liu Si said these words next.

"However, the news that our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society will pass on to this dead old man of the Li family is free, just after this dead old man knows the news that Li Jiahao is about to leave."

" He actually sold the information that our Blue and Flower Association gave him to him as if it were a real commodity to other major families."

"Do you say that this is still human, and the intelligence we worked hard to get makes him go for revenge!" Let him have the opportunity to find this Li Jiahao, but as a result, this dead old man not only did not have any reaction, but even used this information to make money!

"The most important thing is that our gang, the people who discovered that Li Jiahao wanted to leave Xiangcheng Island and were transferring assets at the beginning, actually didn't get a penny!"

"It can be said that I lost my wife and broke the army! It's the most loss-making business.

Liu Siyue said more and more angry, and the whole person's head seemed to be smoking, as if to tell Gu Chen and Jiang Min that he was still very angry.

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