Wu Lan asked, and then he got the same voice from Lang Mingyue and Li Wan.

"Reasonable, very reasonable!"

In this regard, Wu Lan had to shake her head helplessly!

"There's really nothing you can do!"

When she heard the last sentence, Liu Si had already stood up silently, and she looked at the door with wide eyes and incredulity.

"I forgot Uncle Wu! But Gu Chen and I haven't talked about the idea yet! I haven't reached a cooperative relationship with Gu Chen yet! How does this put people in! "


Liu Si glanced at the meal he had called to the table, and suddenly had a little headache.

"I actually forgot to do a scene later!"

"Oops! All blame, all blame Gu Chen!

Liu Si looked around anxiously, and finally her gaze fell on Gu Chen's handsome face, and then she put all the problems on him.

It is directly Gu Chen, who is a little inexplicable.

"What do you want me to do at this time?"

While thinking about Gu Chen, he analyzed why this Liu Si's reaction was so big all of a sudden, according to reason, she was the hall master of this Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, and the official should still be very big.

As for being so afraid of Lang Mingyue?

However, although he thought so, Gu Chen silently prepared to take out the thing that Liang Sixing gave him.

"Hope it works."

Gu Chen said silently in his heart, and at the same time he suddenly thought of the three voices he heard before, and there seemed to be a very familiar voice.

"Mr. Lang, Elder Wu!"

At this moment, the voice of the bald man with sunglasses came loudly from outside the door.

The three people outside the door who were supporting Wu Lan on the left and right were immediately stopped by this big man.

"Yes, the big man who followed Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu is inside, right?"

Wu Lan silently let go of Lang Mingyue's and Li Wan's support and asked such a sentence.

At the same time, Wu Lan's heart was also thinking.

"Four girls, it's not that your Uncle Wu doesn't give you enough time to delay, it's these two young people, if you continue to talk about it, you will pass out from heat stroke, and I, an old man, can't eat this sun!"

"Although I didn't exercise less when I was young, I didn't exercise less and plant seedlings in the field, but now I'm old after all!"

"But my mouth seems to be very strong! These two little guys have no temper at all when I say so! I think that if you run into the meeting, I can give you enough opportunities to quibble! Wu

Lan thought that it was his three-inch uncorrupted tongue that said that Lang Mingyue and Li Wanzhi did not have a little temper.

But actually, it's a different story.

"Uncle Wu is really old and strong, no wonder every time the Qinghuatang Red Flower Association holds a major meeting, Uncle Wu is taking notes, I thought at first that such an old man could complete such a boring task?"

"It turned out that I was naïve!"

"Life under the sun is so painful, if I hadn't been witty and finally pretended to be persuaded, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get out now!"

"It's terrible, it's terrible!"

Lang Mingyue smiled on her lips, but her heart was not as good looking as her own face.

Li Wan, in fact, was similar, at the beginning, he was based on the weakness in his heart, so he silently listened to Wu Lan.

As a result, I didn't expect that I didn't understand anything at all, and I saw another Lang Mingyue, who listened to Wu Lan's speech, and kept nodding and saying that something was right, indeed, it was such words.

A very understandable look, which made Li Wan's very unhappy, and he had a feeling of being compared to others.

So the man's strange competitiveness rises, no matter what Lang Mingyue does, this Li Wan's step ahead said okay, understand, it turns out to be like this.

After some operation, Li Wan, who even learned this Lang Mingyue, showed an expression of great understanding.

In the end, things became like this, and the two seemed to have become Wu Lan's professional favorites at some point.

Saying that, he also said that Wu Lan was hi.

I've never met a child who likes to listen to his nagging and can understand it.

And it doesn't come all at once, one comes is two.

There was a feeling that Wu Lan felt that he was succeeding someone, and in an instant, just when Li Wan's proposal was that he was too hot here and was afraid of heating him, or go directly back to this restaurant, Wu Lan said okay without thinking.

Then, he felt that his crutches disappeared instantly, replaced by two humanoid crutches, directly supporting or lifting this Wu Lan and began to run towards the hotel.

This brings us to the present situation.

And when the bald sunglasses man stopped this Wu Lan, he kept drumming in his heart.

"God, it's Uncle Wu! I'm actually stopping Uncle Wu from helping, Miss! If you don't come out again, I really can't hold it!" He

shouted madly in his heart, but he was still very serious on the surface.

Therefore, Liu Si's bald sunglasses man completely bluffed Lang Mingyue, Li Wan, and Wu Lan by relying on his own appearance.


Wu Lan actually knew that in this private room, Liu Si had not finished what he had to do in this private room.

Therefore, he put away his laughing expression without moving, and then prepared to help Liu Si delay a little more time here.

"Hehe, this little brother, don't you know me! Let me introduce myself to you!

When he heard this, the bald man with sunglasses suddenly felt that his heartbeat missed a beat.

In the Qinghuatang Red Flower Meeting, who would not know this Wu Lan, the bald sunglasses man wanted to explain it to Wu Lan at this time.

But thinking of his young lady, the bald man with sunglasses silently put away all his emotions.

So very indifferently nodded towards this Wu Lan, meaning that you can start.

It was this nod that made Wu Lan's heart suddenly count.

However, Lang Mingyue and Li Wan, who were beside Wu Lan, had a bad feeling that something was wrong.

Because at this time, Wu Lan's state was exactly the same as when she was reasoning with them in the outside world before.

All of a sudden, these two people knew the good guys, and it was another super long preaching.

Just after Wu Lan's words were finished.

Liu Si, who was in the private room, immediately understood that Wu Lan was dragging the bald man with sunglasses, this was to buy himself a little more time!

"I love you so much! Uncle Wu!

After realizing this truth, Liu Si immediately put down his chopsticks and turned back to Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

"Where did we just talk?"

"Forget it, let's say it quickly first! As for why people from the mainland were used to kidnap Li Jiajun on Xiangcheng Island this time.

"It's Li Wenquan."

But halfway through this Liu Si's words, Gu Chen directly interrupted the woman.

"What, you heard? Forget it, it's the same after these things! These fools kidnapped the wrong person, and now the most important thing is not this!

"What about the important thing....well, there is actually a little festival between me and this Li Jiajun, and what I want to do in advance this time is very simple, that is, cut off this gang of robbers in advance!"

"Then directly control this Li Jiajun in my own hands, I want to beat him first, but I didn't expect so many problems to arise this time."

Jiang Min and Gu Chen looked at each other and asked directly.

"You said what you want us to do, right? Or what do you want to do here! Gu

Chen didn't want to waste time on indifferent explanations because there were Lang Mingyue and others in the outside world at this time.

So he began to urge the woman.

"Good question, worthy of President Gu!"

"I originally thought of solving the eavesdropper, but I thought that before solving it, I had to see what these two people were like, and I didn't know how to look at it, and I was shocked, isn't this our crossing?"

"At that time, I thought of the lively rumors that have been stirred up recently, and at the same time, our Qinghuatang Red Flower Association has long made a simple analysis of Mr. Gu."

"Coupled with the previous contact with Chen Mouren, although he did not reveal much about you, we still analyzed the general goal of your coming to Xiangcheng Island this time based on what you did, just to deal with Li Jiahao!"

"That's why, so what we learned about the Qinghuatang Honghua Association is that some high-level people on Xiangcheng Island are very concerned about you, the river dragon, but no one has taken action against you!" Do you know what the reason is Mr. Gu? Speaking

of this, Liu Si directly asked Gu Chen.

Gu Chen also answered very cheerfully! Just say.

"It's not because they found out who I am and know what I'm going to do this time on Xiangcheng Island."

"At the same time, their group of capital businessmen, the super rich also feel that they are not very suitable to be a leading bird, or the four major families and other large enterprises do not want to be this leading bird."

"But they can't watch Li Jiahao transfer all his assets abroad to enjoy, so I, the dragon who crossed the river, has become a very perfect bird!"

"So although these top forces, the four major families and so on said that they found me, it was with this idea that no one or force made a move against me."

"Am I right?"

As Gu Chen spoke, he silently raised his head and looked at Liu Si, who was slightly out of his mind, and asked.

"...yes, you're absolutely right. I really haven't realized that yet.

"What I analyzed here is that the four major families know that you are a Jianglong and are only here to cooperate with Li Jiahao, which is actually their enemy in essence!"

"But you enemy is very special!"

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