"Special? Where is it special? Gu

Chen didn't understand what this guy said very well, and felt that Liu Si was not honest, and his mouth was always running trains.

Or some information that he has known for a long time, and all kinds of signs are very clear that this person is not a righteous person.

Liu Siqu did not realize at this time that his image here in Gu Chen had been damaged a lot.

Still chattering non-stop.

"Mr. Gu, you are special, in the four major families, I probably found out your identity and your origin."

"Plus I don't know who spread the news of your crossing the river, all of a sudden, whether it is the four major families or the other top forces on Xiangcheng Island, they all closed their mouths one by two and converged their minions."

"They all want to see what kind of moths are going to come out between you and Li Jiahao, so no one will take the initiative to provoke you."

"It feels like I'm a bad person."

Gu Chen silently complained, and immediately let Liu Si refute.

"Hahaha, of course it won't be like this, Mr. Gu, everyone is taboo about your identity, your capital, plus the cooperative relationship between you and Li Jiahao on the surface, naturally it has scared off many forces and many people."

"And the remaining four major families dare not start because they know your way too well."

"So Mr. Gu, of course, you are not a bad person, but someone who everyone feels that they can't afford to provoke or can't pay the price after provoking you."

Hearing Liu Si say this, Gu Chen just shook his head and smiled.

"But do you know that the news that I am crossing the Jianglong was transmitted by Li Jiahao, and his purpose is also very simple, that is, to drag the attention of your Qinghuatang Red Flower Society and the four major families to delay time for himself."

Liu Si nodded and agreed with Gu Chen's statement.

"In fact, we also thought of this possibility at the beginning, and we agreed that you are likely to become our enemy, but the high-level members of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society finally judged that you are definitely not that kind of person."

"What do you mean?"

From the beginning, Gu Chen heard Liu Si say about the high-level of their Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Society, and he began to be curious in his heart.

"It means that you have been recognized by the high-level of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, so that you have gained our trust."


Gu Chen didn't quite understand what this Liu Si meant, but he only felt that why the high-level of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society knew him so confidently, knowing that he would definitely not become their enemy.

"Yes, I don't know why, I can only say that maybe the high-level of our Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Club has their own ideas."

Saying that, Gu Chen saw that a little inexplicable smile seemed to appear on the corner of Liu Si's mouth, and Gu Chen was inexplicable.

"Okay, okay, back to business!"

But just when Gu Chen was about to knock on this Liu Si to see if he could squeeze a little more information from this Liu Si's body, this Liu Si probably thought that Wu Lan behind him and the bald man with sunglasses were still helping him buy time.

So this Liu Si directly clapped his hands and said.

"Mr. Gu, in fact, I already had the idea of cooperating with you before, this time we happened to meet in this place, and you bumped into our transaction, do you say this is fate?"

"Fate? I think all these coincidences are sometimes a little too much, like being arranged.

"If President Gu has to say so, then I can only tell President Gu that all this is a divine arrangement."

After saying such a sentence with a smile, Liu Si stared at Gu Chen's eyes as if he was transmitting some news, and his eyebrows involuntarily shrugged.

"Then Mr. Gu, are you willing to work hand in hand with me?"

When Gu Chen heard this, he did not reject this Liu Si, who was a little anxious, for the first time, but silently thought about his current situation and then asked a question.

"Hand in hand?"

"Yes, hand in hand."

Liu Si retold this idiom, and Gu Chen seemed to understand.

"However, to some extent, there is also some emphasis on working together, for example, the status of your side is not equal to mine at all, how can you work hand in hand with me?"

"Am I working hand in hand, or am I unilaterally helping you poorly?"

Gu Chen's words were very clear and very uncomfortable.

"President Gu, what you said is a bit boring."

But who is Liu Si, she is a person who never hides her emotions, but she will not be affected by the emotions of the outside world.

Therefore, even after hearing Gu Chen's words, Liu Si still didn't have any reaction.

All she did was silently lower her head and thought for a while before looking up and saying to Gu Chen.

"I really don't have a way to prove myself now, but I can promise you that when we take down Li Jiahao in the future, I will definitely be able to give you everything you want."

"Whether it's wealth or status or whatever."

When she said the last sentence, the woman silently looked at Jiang Min who was beside Gu Chen, and the meaning in her eyes was very strange.

Anyway, Jiang Min who watched it was very uncomfortable, and it also made Gu Chen immediately wave her hand to ask her not to think about anything more here.

At the same time, listening to this Liu Si's words, Gu Chen felt that this woman was simply drawing a pie for herself.

"What the hell are you trying to say."

Therefore, Gu Chen directly continued to ask about this Liu Si.

"What I'm trying to say is that we need a little bit of trust between us."

Liu Si also did not have the slightest politeness or face, even if Gu Chen was no longer good-looking, she still had to silently show a look that was difficult to refuse.

This kind of change is a little bit Gu Chen, and he doesn't know what to say.

I can only secretly admire the psychological quality of this person in my heart.

"But in order to build a bridge of trust, all this requires a certain foundation, can't it be because you and I met for the first time today, and finalized our cooperative relationship in a few words, right?"

"Don't you think this is too hasty, and I don't like it and get used to it."

But on the surface, in fact, Gu Chen really didn't want to cooperate with this Liu Si, according to her own words, the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society was already a sunset red organization.

A person who has held an important position in the Sunset Red Organization is actually nothing according to reason... Serious people.

Gu Chen knew that this was a bit of a stick to death, but be careful to sail the 10,000-year ship! Gu Chen didn't want to give his trust, and what he ended up reaping was an empty loneliness.

So Gu Chen finally said something similar to giving an ultimatum.

"I ask again, what exactly are you trying to say, and what is your purpose."

Gu Chen felt funny when he looked at Liu Si's somewhat flustered look, he really wanted to know what else this guy had to say.

Or just look at how she quibbles.

But I didn't expect that this Liu Si didn't say anything more.

She seemed to have thought of something that gave her a headache, opened her mouth but closed it, and the whole person was filled with a tangled look.

It seems that Liu Si, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, also has something to fear.

"It is clear that he can plan a kidnapping, and he dares to come and trade with this kidnapper, but now he shows a look of embarrassment."

"What the hell is it that worries this guy?"

Gu Chen was a little curious, and at the same time, he also thought of the sentence that Liu Si had been hanging on his lips.

"Our high-ranking members of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society..."

"Whether they are a whole or an individual is unknown."

"But vigilance must not be reduced."

Gu Chen pondered that he should calm down a little to explore the reality behind this Qinghuatang Red Flower Club.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want to do?"

"We? You mean the Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Club?

"Yes, wait, you mean you and the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society have different ideas?"

"You heard me wrong."

Liu Si directly refuted Gu Chen's words at the first time, and at the same time said silently.


Gu Chen didn't force this guy to say anything more, but he already had the idea of wanting to fish.

"Why did you choose to work with me?"

Gu Chen asked a doubt in his heart, because he felt that since he had become the target of the four major families, it was also the best choice for this Li Jiahao to attract the attention of others.

Then why, Liu Si, who knows all this, still has to cooperate with himself, is he so confident in himself?

Gu Chen knew that he would definitely win, but this Liu Si's reaction would still make Gu Chen feel inexplicable.

"Because Mr. Gu, you are strong and confident, and everyone will want to cooperate with you."

"But you haven't touched me at all, why are you so sure that I am such a person?"

I don't know why, Liu Si always felt that he had been enduring something in the face of Gu Chen's aggressive questioning, but now it seems that he really can't bear it, so Liu Si said directly fiercely.

"Gu Chen, I advise you not to go too far, sometimes I let you don't mean I'm afraid of you, I just don't want to lose you as a potential teammate!"

Liu Si's words were still very interesting, at least in Gu Chen's opinion, he wanted to be a successful person, but he didn't want to pay any price.

This situation still feels very awkward.

And the most important thing is that Gu Chen knows that this Lang Mingyue also has an old man in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club just outside the door, so it is actually this Liu Si who is anxious, not him Gu Chen.

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