That's why Gu Chen has enough patience to wrestle these things with this Liu Si.

Anyway, he is not in a hurry, when Lang Mingyue and Liu Si quarrel or something, he can fish in troubled waters and leave.

And if Gu Chen heard correctly, Li Wan's current place is the same.

"If anyone on both sides of Lang Mingyue or Liu Si is persuaded to kill me first, I will directly shake out the fact that Li Wenquan was kidnapped by them!"

At that time, even if Lang Mingyue and this Liu Si wanted to control the scene, I am afraid that they also needed this Li Wan's consent! As long as Li Finish makes a big fuss! I have enough chances to get out of here!

"And I can see a good show, but if I call the police station to arrest these people, I always feel like I have to leave this neighborhood."

After such a long period of time, Gu Chen has been close to an hour or so after making the call, but now there is still no one here to check the situation.

So Gu Chen can tell himself very clearly that there is a problem with the police station here.

After bringing in this idea, Gu Chen's thinking was very clear.

Especially thinking about why the people of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club dare to choose the address in such a lively pedestrian street, is it not because the territory here is theirs?

What's so hard about doing your own business on your own turf.

"So, this time the situation is still a bit anxious!"

Gu Chen couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this.

"Obviously dissuaded us and Jiang Min, why didn't we listen to what the man outside the door said at that time!"

"In this case, in fact, this man is a good person, but I don't seem to have seen him."

Gu Chen felt that this was a little embarrassing, obviously there was a good person in this store, but he and Jiang Min actually regarded him as a villain who couldn't do business before, which was a little embarrassing.

"If you have the opportunity to meet again, but you have to apologize to him."

Gu Chen, who wanted to understand this, found that he didn't seem to have heard the man's voice before.

"Did you suffer because you wanted to let us go?"

"Wouldn't that mean we are the culprits?"

When Gu Chen thought of this, he immediately said something to Liu Si.

"Do you know the waiter who was here to solicit guests in the beginning, is he a member of your Qinghuatang Red Flower Club?"

Liu Si didn't expect that Gu Chen actually chose not to answer her question head-on.

Instead, I asked about someone who he had forgotten.

"He, he should be in the front desk now, no, it seems that I haven't seen him before, so to speak, is President Gu very concerned about the guy?"

"Then I can introduce you two to Mr. Gu."

Liu Si did not have any hesitation, and when he saw Gu Chen, he seemed to be a little curious about this man.

Then she should quickly strike while the iron is hot to make this guy more curious about him, or to satisfy Gu Chen's ideas, and then accidentally choose to cooperate with herself?

Liu Si, who had already arranged everything at once, said.

"Well, you think too much."

"I just think this guy is a bit interesting, and doesn't have that many ideas, you may have misunderstood me."

Liu Si was immediately disappointed, and the thought he had just burned up was instantly annihilated.

Gu Chen expressed his intention to cooperate at this time.

"In fact, cooperation is not impossible, but bridges of trust must be built."

Liu Sibrush turned his head to look at Gu Chen and asked.

"A bridge of trust? How to say? "It's

very simple, tell me what you think, why do you have to meet with this gang of robbers first and take Li Jiajun first."

When Gu Chen asked this, he was very obvious when he saw this, and the smile on Liu Si's face suddenly collapsed.

"Why is this the case, can't you change it, don't you want to know why the high-level of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society knows your news so well?"

"Don't you want to know who the high-level members of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society are?"

"Why do you have to know these things?"

When Liu Si spoke, the whole person felt very sad, and Gu Chen thought that this Liu Si had something to do with this Li Jiajun, so he had such a reaction.

It's just that looking at the expression on Liu Si's face that didn't look like a grievance, Gu Chen knew that everything was different from what he thought.

"Because I was curious, from the beginning I heard you say about the high-level of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, and it was very obvious that you still have great respect for the high-level of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society."

"Therefore, it must not be easy to be able to do things that allow you to violate your own respect and your loyalty."

"I was thinking, you must have some unspeakable reason."

"And the best way to build a bridge of trust is when one party holds the handle of the other, such as a secret."

"This secret must be known by a very small number of people, and both sides will hide it."

"This is the case that it is easiest to build a bridge of trust, do you know what I mean?"

Liu Si frowned and listened to Gu Chen's words, although she vaguely felt that something was not quite right, but she couldn't say it, she could only nod silently as if she agreed, and seemed to be pondering something.

"I feel... It's kind of weird.

"Then why can't I know your secret?"

Jiang Min couldn't listen to this when he heard this, and said it directly.

"I think you are a little bit embarrassed, obviously you yourself came up to ask for a cooperative relationship, why do you still show this idea at this time, don't you feel ashamed?"

"And asking me like this to Brother Gu Chen makes people think that you are not a good thing!"

"Brother Gu Chen, if I want to say that I shouldn't say anything more with such a guy, let's go directly!" Looking at her, I thought of some boxing.

Jiang Min didn't know why there was such a big anger, maybe as long as it involved something that was harmful to Gu Chen's interests, she would become a little impatient and irritable.

At the same time, what she said was also very logical, since it was this Liu Si who took the initiative to seek cooperation with Gu Chen, it was indeed a good attitude.

Otherwise, according to the current personality of taking care of the dust, you can actually not deal with this guy at all.

Instead, he just patted his ass and left.

Although Gu Chen always feels that it is not easy to go now, as long as he really does not think about other things, he can still get out by relying on some Gu Chen's means, but it is just a matter of time and difficulty.

Jiang Min thinks very, very comprehensively, so her confidence is also very sufficient.

Liu Si was immediately a little blinded by what Jiang Min said.

She didn't know what to say.

In the end, Jiang Min directly stood up and was about to frantically pull Gu Chen away, which directly scared Liu Si.

She said quickly.

"Oops! I said I said I said I said it wasn't okay?

In the end, Liu Si thought of the trouble in the outside world, and this time it was really hard to meet Gu Chen, and she definitely couldn't give up this opportunity.

That's why Liu Si finally grabbed Gu Chen's arm and said so.

Jiang Min suddenly looked at Gu Chen and grimaced at Gu Chen on the back that Liu Si couldn't see.

It's like inviting credit.

Of course, Gu Chen gently scratched the tip of her nose and said.

"Just you're smart!"

Then he said to this Liu Si.

"That's true, and if you still don't say it, I don't think we really need to waste time here, do we?"

Gu Chen also showed his attitude, and in an instant Gu Chen and Jiang Min's both forced the palace.

All of a sudden, this Liu Si's expression became very tangled.

"Okay, okay, I said, I said it's okay?"

It's just that even if this Liu Si is smart, and then face the joint efforts of Gu Chen and Jiang Min, that is, there is only one word, kneel!

Therefore, at this time, Liu Si sighed and said.

"Let me say, yes, but do you know what it means to sometimes be unhappy when you know too much?"

Gu Chen and Jiang Min looked at each other, how did this good suddenly become a big poet, or a modern philosopher?

Anyway, no matter what, Gu Chen and Jiang Min all looked at this Liu Si.

Liu Si also continued without the slightest mystery.

"I mean really, most of our troubles come from ourselves, sometimes thinking too much, knowing too many things is easy to become troubles, and ah, you may not help me keep the secret, then am I..."

Before Liu Si finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Gu Chen.

"You think too much about this, our psychological quality is still very strong!"

"Even if you say that Li Jiahao is actually an alien, I believe it!"

It looked like a joke, but Liu Sibu didn't know why he said it.

"But what you said, anyway, you have to keep a secret for me, once I find out that there is any strange news circulating in the outside world, then I will be sure that it is you who spread it!"

"If I have to face these words, you know what I will do!"

Liu Si said and threatened Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

But the effect is very small, or even none.

If it weren't for Liu Si's eyes and the expression on his face being more serious, he would have laughed out loud with Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

"Well, since that's the case, I'll promise you!"

However, although Gu Chen and Jiang Min said that they didn't care, the two were in tacit understanding of looking at each other.

They all understood each other's choices

and made them

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