
"I hope you keep your promises."

Speaking of this, Liu Si also showed an unprecedented solemn expression.

"First of all, do you know the origin of my name?"


Gu Chen and Jiang Min looked at each other, and they couldn't remember any allusions to the name Liu Si.

"It's not clear..." So

Jiang Min, a person with a heart and mouth, directly searched his brain, determined that he had not heard any allusions to Liu Si at all, and then blurted out directly.

"My side only knows Zhang San and Li Si, and the so-called Liu Si really hasn't heard of it."


Gu Chen asked with a very strange expression.

"I always thought that Liu Si was just your alias, your real name should not be called this, if the secret of building a bridge of trust is your name, I don't think it's necessary."

Gu Chen's words were very straightforward, originally he thought that he could know some secrets about high-level people such as the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club to make himself happy or something, but he actually said the name of Liu Si.

This kind of made Gu Chen not know what to say.

What he was really interested in was the high-level information of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, and why Liu Siah would go against the will of the high-level of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society to contact the kidnappers in advance.

Instead of listening to some gossip that doesn't.

However, soon Gu Chen knew that he almost couldn't help but interject and miss a big gossip news.

"I know you're all wondering why I'm going to start with my name."

"In fact, the reason is very simple, just Gu Zong you said Zhang San Li Si, in fact, has a very big connection with me."

Ignoring Gu Chen and Jiang Min's doubts, Liu Si showed a very indifferent expression and talked about his life back then.

"The Liu Si that President Gu just said is not my real name, and this sentence is both right and wrong, because this name was indeed changed by me later."

"And in the beginning, my name was Li Si."

"That's right, it's the Li of the Li family, and it's also the Li of the Li family."

After saying these short words, Gu Chen and Jiang Min actually did not react for a while.

Jiang Min even showed a pair of doubtful eyes and looked at Gu Chen and asked.

"Brother Gu Chen, what does this mean?"

And Gu Chen, in fact, only when he heard the last sentence did he suddenly wake up.

"Li Si! Li Jiahao's Li, Li's Li's Li!

He frowned and asked this Liu Si or Li Si.

"What do you mean, the farce that Li Jiahao made in the Li family back then..., in fact, it was..." Gu

Chen silently stopped his mouth when he said this, there are some things that he can see through but it is better not to say it.

Even if you want to say broken, you have to wait for the party to tell you to break it.

It's a very basic courtesy and a respectful gesture that makes people feel comfortable.

Therefore, just after Gu Chen finished saying this, Liu Si still sighed and did not show any dissatisfaction.

"Everyone has no way to choose their own origins, nor can they decide their fate as a child."

"I've had that situation of giving everything to someone else, but I definitely don't want a second time!"

She also knew that Gu Chen saw through her own life and knew what happened to her, but she didn't say it, which became the biggest tacit understanding between the two.

In fact, at this time, the bridge of trust between the two of them has begun to slowly build.

But... Jiang Min, who was on the side, still stared at his eyes, not quite understanding what these two people were talking about.

She looked at Gu Chen and then at Liu Si.

"It's not what you're talking about, why I don't understand."

"Brother Gu, tell me!"

Jiang Min even asked Gu Chen very ignorantly, wanting to see what answer Gu Chen had.

But Gu Chen still didn't have any reaction, or a little embarrassed.

"I don't understand this matter

..." "I..."

But Gu Chen didn't know how to talk to Jiang Min, because although he knew Liu Si's origin at this time, in front of Liu Si, he couldn't directly tell Liu Si's origin, it was too disrespectful.

Especially now that Gu Chen probably knew the purpose of this Liu Si, he began to understand that this person was definitely on his own camp.

"Let me do it anyway... What is this sister called?

In the end, it was this Liu Si who saw Gu Chen's embarrassment, and directly took this Gu Chen's words, first asking Jiang Min's name, which can be regarded as a bridge to establish tacit understanding.

"I... My name is Jiang Min.

"Okay, sister Jiang Min."

Liu Si nodded, silently pondered and said.

"This matter is very difficult to look back on, so after I said it, I hope that Sister Jiang Min will keep it a secret for me."


Jiang Min saw the serious expression on Liu Si's face, as if she noticed something in her heart, her heart had already begun to retreat, but the words had already come to this, how could she retreat at this time.

"You should remember what I said earlier about what happened between the Li family and Li Jiahao."


Jiang Min recalled the reason why Liu Si said that the news of Li Jiahao's transfer of assets would be passed on to the Li family first.

Only then did she think of the faint expression of unwillingness that appeared on Liu Si's face when he said these things.

So, Jiang Min nodded a little embarrassed and said.

"I remember."

Just remember, the next words may be a little cruel, you listen!"

Liu Si nodded and talked about the incident that made everyone feel very painful at that time.

"At that time, the Li family had just waited for Li Jiahao's help to rise for a while, but it had not yet reached the height of today's four major families, and it can be said that the foundation was very unreliable."

"Therefore, basically everyone in the Li family is very obsessed with Li Jiahao, and some people are even willing to be a licking dog in front of Li Jiahao!"

Speaking of this, a trace of disdain and hatred flashed in Liu Si's eyes, as if he was feeling angry about the things of that year.

Gu Chen glanced at her and didn't say anything more, but Jiang Min didn't notice this and continued to ask very naively.

"Aren't these people very humble?"

This sentence was originally an unintentional move, but she said this Liu Si's sore spot, and she nodded silently and said.

"It is true that these people are very humble, and they can even shamelessly say that although they are the Li family, they are not the Li of the Li family, but the Li of the Li family."

"It's the same surname, but it's a completely different family and different identity."

"It is the existence of such a person who is willing to change his appearance to be someone else's seed, so that the Li family at that time had this evil atmosphere!"

When Liu Si was speaking, he felt that his emotions were slightly excited, so under Gu Chen's cough, Liu Si woke up.


Her gaze fell on Gu Chen's body very naturally, and Gu Chen's slight bend made Liu Si follow his gaze and fall on Jiang Min's body.

Liu Si immediately understood, Gu Chen let himself pay a little attention! After all, Jiang Min is still a child!

After understanding what Gu Chen meant, Liu Si silently blinked his eyes, which was telling Gu Chen that he already knew what he meant, and he would pay attention immediately!

Gu Chen was slightly relieved at this, he didn't want too many black miasma things to pollute Jiang Min's ears, let her, the snow-white white lotus, feel the dirty things between the dirtiest people in the world.

Therefore, Liu Si precipitated his emotions a little, silently took a deep breath and continued.

"Anyway, the situation at that time was very complicated, and it was not something I could clearly say in one sentence or two."

"What I can tell you is that most of the capitalists who have grown up without their own abilities carry other people's money and blood in their pores, and the means are even more ... Well, it should be unscrupulous!

"Of course, except for President Gu."

Speaking of the capitalists on this Xiangcheng Island, this Liu Si did not forget to have a close relationship with Gu Chen here.

"Yes, yes, Brother Gu Chen is the best!"

And this trick is even more real and effective for Jiang Min.

It directly made Jiang Min show a happy look.

"Yes, then, when these capitalists have not yet risen, they are actually very submissive to their superiors, to what extent."

Liu Si said this, I don't know why, the mood that had been smooth suddenly got a little stuck.

"I'm sorry."

Silently said an sorry word to Gu Chen and Jiang Min, Liu Si directly took the water cup on his table and drank it, and the whole person showed a very distressed look.

Gu Chen didn't speak, but Jiang Min seemed to realize his mistake at this time.

She directly showed a somewhat guilty look and said.

"I'm sorry, Liu Si... Sister, I really didn't know you would be so sad!

"Or you better not say it!"

"I see you are so sad, and I am very sad."

Although Gu Chen knew that this was Jiang Min's heartfelt true speech, he didn't know why Gu Chen still sounded like a scumbag girl talking with green tea.

And the average otaku straight woman is afraid that he really eats this set.

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