After the manager finished speaking, the five security guards next to him also stepped forward, and the momentum was suppressed.

"Brother Dust, why are you here? Looking for you for a long time? Such

a big movement, a few boxes next to it naturally heard it, at this time, Gu Chen's previous box also looked over, but found that it was Gu Chen in the middle, and Gan Le walked in.

"Gan Shao?"

The manager's face changed, he thought that Gu Chen had no background, so he was unscrupulous, but now it seemed that he was wrong.

"Brother Dust!"

At this time, a few young people squeezed in outside, looking at Gu Chen and shouting.

"Du Shao, Liu Shao, Wang Shao..."

At this time, the manager's head broke out in a cold sweat, and the people he called were all those he couldn't afford to offend, but they all heard them call Gu Chen Brother.

"Manager Ma, what's going on?" Gan Le looked around and counted in his heart, and suddenly asked with a gloomy face.

"This... Misunderstanding, Gan Shao is all a misunderstanding!

Manager Ma quickly laughed.

"Okay, call the police!"

Gu Chen was too lazy to say anything at this time, and ordered directly.

Without saying a word, Gan Le directly took out his mobile phone and dialed 110.

Manager Ma wanted to say something more, but found that he was useless, and he knew that he was the manager of the end.

But there are people who are more afraid than him, that is, Long Shao and Licking Dog Man.

Suddenly, Long Shao directly knocked over a glass of wine on the table.

The movement caused by it naturally attracted everyone.

"Hey, isn't this Ryuuji? What is this doing?

Du Liang instantly recognized it.

"Brother Dust, is this kid offending you? What a death-seeker! Several other people also said.

Just as they were about to go up to teach a lesson, Gu stopped them.

"Forget it, wait for the police to come."

Only then did several people stop.

Time was spent chatting with their group.

At this time, the music in the bar was directly turned off, and Gan Le directly brought several policemen up.

"What's going on?" The policeman asked as soon as he came.

"Officer, I reported that those two brats drugged my friend. Also trying to destroy evidence, you can bring back the wine on the ground to test it!

Gu Chen stood up and pointed to the licking dog man on the ground and Long Shao on the sofa.

Long Shao's face suddenly turned white when he heard this.

"You guys come back with me!"

When the policeman heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he reported to the above, so he sent people to start collecting evidence and information.

Then a large group of people followed the police away, leaving the people in the hall to guess what had happened.

At this time, the general manager of the bar ran over.

"Officer, this is..."

He obviously didn't know what was happening, only that the police came and startled him.

"I received the alarm, someone in your bar was drugged, so let's suspend the business first!"

The policeman said a word and left.

"What!" The general manager's face was very ugly when he heard this.

Looking at the back of the policeman, he coldly ordered an assistant behind him: "What happened, check it for me!" I want specific news! "

Street police station.


"Gu Chen!"



In the review room, Gu Chen answered all questions honestly.

"I heard that you were the first to break in?"


"Then how did you know that the wine was drugged?"

The policeman asked curiously.

At this time, the glass of wine had already been detected as an ingredient, and it contained a large amount of strong aphrodisiacs.

"I heard it in the bathroom, those two idiots don't check if anyone is inside!" Gu Chen replied with disdain.

The two police officers smiled.

"By the way, let me ask, will those two people go to jail?"

After asking, Gu Chen asked.

"Yes! However, this time it is an attempted drug, the circumstances are minor, as long as the parties forgive and compensate, then there is a high probability that it will not!

The policeman laughed back.

"Thank you, officer!"

Gu Chen has the bottom.

"Okay, this time you can be considered a meritorious person, you can go back first, but the phone will keep in touch 24 hours a day."

"Okay, thanks!"

At this time, outside, Qin Xuanxuan had already come out, she was a victim, and naturally she was fine.

"Brother Dust, are you all right?"

Seeing Gu Chen come out, Gan Le and the others surrounded one after another.

"It's okay!" Gu Chen shook his head.

"Mr. Gu, thank you this time! Otherwise..."

Qin Xuanxuan was very afraid and grateful at this time.

Gu Chen reminded with a smile: "It's okay! I just heard it, but don't go to the bar again! "


"By the way, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

After thinking about it, Gu Chen asked.


Qin Xuanxuan didn't know what to do when she heard this.

"Forget it, leave it to me! I'm going to sue them anyway, and it's okay if I want to sue, right? Qin

Xuanxuan was immediately very grateful when she heard Gu Chen's words, and immediately shook her head.

"Well, it's so late, you go back first! I'll look for you again tomorrow! Gu Chen looked at the time and said to her.

The latter nodded when he heard this, and disappeared here.

"Thank you brothers today! Next time I invite everyone to dinner!

Looking at the seven or eight people next to him, Gu Chen apologized slightly.

"Brother Dust, see outside!"

"It is!"

A few people didn't care.

"All right! It's so late, all the brothers have also counted, and I will thank you when this matter is over!

"Good! Then let's go first! Hearing

Gu Chen's words, the other people were also not polite, and after saying a few words, they dispersed.

Only Gan Le remained.

"Let's go, let's go back!"

Gu Chen took the lead and walked outside.

"By the way, I saw that you all knew that person before? What is the way to go? Gu Chen asked on the road.

"You said Ryuuji, his family, yes, Brother Dust, his family is made in electronic products."

Gan Le suddenly thought about it and looked at Gu Chen excitedly.

Gu Chen was stunned, he didn't expect such a coincidence.

"His family is in the mobile phone industry?"

"That's not it, his family makes home appliances!"

"Then you get excited with a hammer!"

Gu Chen rolled his eyes, very speechless.

Then he sent Gu Chen back.

Of course, he did not tell his family what happened tonight.


Gu Chen went out early in the morning.

"Brother Chen, where to go today, to the police station?" Gan Le asked after seeing Gu Chen get into the car.

Gu Chen shook his head: "No, go to the Canghai Office!"

So Gan Le took a dozen steering wheels, changed direction directly, and went straight to his destination.

An hour later.

Cai Hai Law Firm Lin Lawyer's Office.

"That's probably how it happened! Lawyer Lin, how long will those two people be sentenced?

Gu Chen sat on the chair and finished talking about what happened last night.

"Well, this situation, has broken the law, constitutes a criminal offense, and also tried to eliminate evidence, etc., can let him stay in it for two to three years!"

After listening to it, Lawyer Lin thought carefully and replied to Gu Chen.

"Good! Lawyer Lin, I will leave this matter to you! Gu

Chen was very satisfied when he heard this.

"Mr. Gu, don't worry! I often fight this kind of case! Lawyer Lin assured confidently.


Then Gu Chen left directly.

"Brother Chen, I didn't expect you to know Lawyer Lin of Canghai Office! This time Ryuuji is planted! Gan

Le was very surprised, he knew the power of the Canghai Office, and basically did not lose the case!

"Hmm!" Gu Chen nodded and did not say that Canghai was his own.

That's when his phone rang.


It was an unfamiliar call, he thought about it, but still connected.

"Hey, Mr. Gu, is that me? Qin Xuanxuan! "

Teacher Qin? What's going on? "

I... My dad wants to treat you to dinner, thank you for saving me.

Qin Xuanxuan said in a low embarrassed voice.

"Huh? It's okay, Teacher Qin is too polite. Gu Chen said indifferently.

Qin Xuanxuan was anxious and begged, "Mr. Gu, my father really thanks you for saving me, so you just promise to come down, right?" "

Eh! All right! There, I rushed right away! When Gu Chen heard this, he thought about it and agreed, after all, he still wanted Qin Xuanxuan's authorization.

"Good! It's in the ****

" "Well, I'll come right over!" Gu Chen knew as soon as he heard it, and then told Gan Le.

Half an hour later, a low-key but artistic restaurant.

Gu Chen sat on one side, and opposite sat a young woman and a middle-aged couple.

It was Qin Xuanxuan and her parents.

"I didn't expect Mr. Gu to be so young and promising!"

Father Qin glanced at Gu Chen, very surprised, and then laughed.

Gu Chen smiled and did not speak.

"Thank you Mr. Gu for last night's incident, otherwise I really don't know what would have happened!"

Father Qin raised his glass and thanked Gu Chen.

There was also a look of fear on his face.

"Uncle Qin is serious, I think anyone will stop it at that time, not to mention I still know Teacher Qin!"

Gu Chen waved his hand.

"Yes! This girl is really too daring, and she actually conceals us from going to that kind of place, alas, it's all my father's lack of ability, and my daughter is blindly worried! Father

Qin glared at Qin Xuanxuan fiercely when he heard this, and then said with self-deprecation.

Qin Xuanxuan shrunk her neck.

Gu Chen was very curious when he heard this: "Oh? I wonder what difficulties Uncle Qin encountered? Maybe I can help?

"Alas, don't mention it, I'm not suitable for business, only suitable for research in the factory!"

Uncle Qin smiled bitterly when he heard this, took a sip of wine and said depressedly.

"Oh he! Originally the first technician in the factory, and finally inherited the old man's factory, he began to do business, invested all the funds in the factory into producing a batch of mobile phones, but did not expect that none of them were sold! Seeing

that Father Qin did not speak, Mother Qin directly exposed his old base.

Speaking unceremoniously, Father Qin's face turned red.

"Didn't I think it would sell well?"

Father Qin retorted.

"The result?"

"Hmph, that's not supported by the current technology, otherwise my phone is definitely better than any phone!"

Father Qin said angrily;

Gu Chen, who listened, was greatly shaken: "Uncle Qin opened a mobile phone factory?" "

After looking for him for so long, he ended up with one in front of him!

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