"Well, not bad! But since I don't know how to do business, the business in the factory has plummeted, and you must not have heard of my brand. Father

Qin nodded when he heard this, and then said with a bitter mouth.

Gu Chen was overjoyed when he heard this, I was afraid that your business was good, although he was a little guilty of thinking so, but he was still replaced by happiness: "Ahem, I wonder if Uncle Qin has ever thought about selling that factory?"

Who knew that Father Qin shook his head like a mechanical cat when he heard this, "Even if I go bankrupt, I won't sell it!" Hearing

this, Gu Chen was disappointed.

"Hmph! What are you still doing with that factory? Are you trying to drag the family down? Now that in addition to the house, the car deposit has been filled in for you, do you have to let our mother and daughter stay in the wilderness to be willing? Who

knew that Qin Mu suddenly became angry when she heard this, and she didn't care about outsiders, and directly scolded her face.

Father Qin was guilty, and Qin Xuanxuan also lowered his head and did not speak.

For a while, the atmosphere froze, causing Gu Chen to touch his nose in embarrassment, and he didn't leave or stay.

If you know it earlier, you won't come.

"By the way, I heard Uncle Qin say that the current technology is not supported before, what technology is it?"

No way, in order to ease the situation, Gu Chen thought about finding a topic and asked.

"Chip technology, Mr. Gu, I tell you, the performance of this mobile phone I studied exceeds any mobile phone on the market, not me blowing, if there is enough powerful chip support, then my mobile phone can really beat any mobile phone!"

Father Qin heard Gu Chen talk about his area of interest, and the smile on his face did not stop, and it was really gushing.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Gu Chen was stunned, wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Suddenly, a strange expression appeared on Gu Chen's face, which made Father Qin think that Gu Chen didn't believe it, and he was suddenly anxious: "Mr. Gu, don't believe it, it's because my mobile phone lacks a chip, so that the mobile phone has a fatal problem, so that it can't be sold."

Gu Chen came back to his senses and quickly explained: "No, Uncle Qin, you misunderstood, I don't know if you have paid attention to the recent news, I heard that the domestic Longteng Group has developed an epoch-making chip technology, and the chip technology they have studied exceeds the current chip performance by more than a thousand times!" "

What?" Father Qin instantly stood up in shock when he heard this.

Then he showed ecstasy, looked at Gu Chen and said excitedly: "Is what Mr. Gu said true?"

Gu Chen looked at Father Qin, who was like a child, and wanted to laugh for a while, but he still held back and nodded in agreement.

After that, Father Qin quickly took out his mobile phone to search, and saw that it was true, and there was a detailed introduction.

Immediately addicted, Qin Xuanxuan was embarrassed to watch.

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, my dad is like this!" Qin Xuanxuan suddenly looked at Gu Chen and said embarrassedly.

Gu Chen shook his head and was fine.

After reading the message a few minutes later, Father Qin put down his mobile phone and was immediately very excited in his heart.

"Haha, wife, there is salvation in the factory, as long as there are these chips, then my factory can not only be brought back to life, maybe it can also be sold!" Father Qin looked at Mother Qin and said happily.

"Are you happy too early, although the information about the chip has been passed out, but people have not produced and sold it? Even if Ren Aki produces and sells, but can your factory last until then? Mother

Qin directly poured a few scoops of cold water, instantly sobering up Father Qin.

"yes!" Suddenly, Father Qin withered.

Gu Chen, who watched it, shouted interestingly.

"Ahem, Uncle Qin, it's not a secret, the chairman of Longteng Group is me!" Gu Chen thought about it and said truthfully.

Hearing Gu Chen's words, Father Qin and the three looked up at Gu Chen in unison, their faces incredulous.

"Gu... Mr. Gu? Are you really the boss of that chip company? After

tens of seconds, Father Qin still asked in disbelief.

Gu Chen bowed his head slightly: "That's right!"

Suddenly, Father Qin's breathing was rapid, and he looked at Gu Chen expectantly and said, "I don't know if Mr. Gu can cooperate with me and provide me with chips, rest assured that the price will not disappoint Mr. Gu!"

Gu Chen shook his head, much disappointing Father Qin, and when Qin Xuanxuan was about to ask Gu Chen, Gu Chen spoke.

"Uncle Qin, I'm still finished!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

Father Qin suddenly looked at Gu Chen, could it be...

"At present, although my chips have been researched, my company is newly founded, so there are currently no factories other than chips, and I am always looking for suitable factories."

Seeing that Father Qin still didn't understand, Gu Chen was depressed, no wonder Father Qin couldn't drive anymore, so he could only continue: "So, I want to buy Uncle Qin's factory!" When

Father Qin was about to say something, he was pulled by Mother Qin.

"Of course, I also know that Uncle Qin is reluctant to sell, so my acquisition method is that I will give Uncle Qin 2% of the shares of Longteng Group."

Gu Chen just saw Qin Mu's movements and continued.

When chatting before, he probably knew the scale of Father Qin's factory, and although it was on the verge of bankruptcy, the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse.

From mobile phones to computers in various production workshops, from parts to finished products have mature production lines, this is what Gu Chen values, so after calculation, he gave this share.

Although it sounds like Father Qin has lost, in fact, it is actually Father Qin who has earned.

After all, Gu Chen didn't have to be him, but he had to Gu Chen.

And the future development potential of Longteng Group is infinite, how can it be comparable to a factory?

"Good! I agreed! Father

Qin's face turned pale, but Mother Qin directly agreed.

"Wife, this..." Father Qin was suddenly anxious.

However, Qin's mother took out the majesty of the head of the family, and Qin's father could only agree in the end.

"Alright! I agreed! Father Qin could only agree sullenly.

Gu Chen shook his head when he saw it, no wonder the huge factory before was now in debt, just by Father Qin's eyes, he still glanced up at Mother Qin.

"What do you know, the performance of that chip is so strong today, the chip market in the future is estimated to be occupied by Longteng, and then Longteng Group can be compared with your bankrupt factory!" Mother Qin glanced at Father Qin, and said with hatred that iron is not steel.

Father Qin's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Good! Believe me, Uncle Qin will be glad of your decision today! Gu Chen assured with a smile.

"Good, good, good! Then thank you Mr. Gu!

Since he agreed, Father Qin no longer twisted and shouted directly.

For a while, several people were laughing, especially Qin Xuanxuan, she didn't expect that in the end, it was Gu Chen who helped her father, and suddenly a wonderful emotion filled the bottom of her heart.

At this time, Father Qin's mobile phone suddenly rang.

He took a look, and the smile on his face directly faded, replaced by a look of anger.

"Huang Hai, you still have the face to call me? I really didn't expect your son to do such a brutal thing! In the future, we will not communicate with each other! I

saw Father Qin shouting angrily into the phone.

"Ahem, Old Qin, I'm also sorry for this, I didn't expect that bastard thing to do such a thing, I will definitely teach him a good lesson when I turn back!" Let him come over and kowtow to apologize!

"No thanks! Let the law handle it! Father Qin also finished venting at this time, and replied with an expressionless face.

"This... Old Qin, this matter is that the bastard kid did not do it right, but do you see if you can withdraw the lawsuit? Rest assured, I should have a lot of compensation, aren't you short of money in that factory? I invest, invest three... Not fifty million, how? Hearing

Father Qin say this, the head suddenly panicked and immediately begged.

Father Qin was unmoved: "Hmph! If you do something wrong, you will be punished, Huang Hai, you don't need to persuade, I will fight this matter to the end! The

phone was silent for a moment, as if he knew Father Qin's determination but did not move, just as Father Qin hung up the phone.

"Okay, Qin Zhao, since that's the case, then we'll see you in court!" Forgot to tell you, the Long family will also make a move, don't regret it then!

"I won't regret it!"

Father Qin hung up the phone angrily.

"What's wrong?" Qin Mu asked;

Father Qin explained; "It was Huang Hai who called, wanting to intercede with her son, but I didn't agree, so I started threatening!"

"Uncle Qin, rest assured, I won't let go of this matter!" Gu Chen whispered when he heard this;

"Good! Mr. Gu, please give this one to you! Qin Mu said gratefully.

"Don't worry!"

Then several people chatted for a long time, and on the way, Father Qin was a thank you!

After eating, Lawyer Lin, whom Gu Chen called, also came over.

Not only brought yesterday's case authorization, but also brought a share agreement.

Father Qin's family naturally did not have any problems and signed it happily.

"Okay then! President Qin, I will have a detailed information on the situation in the factory tomorrow, and I will send a financial officer over for a while, and you can arrange the work.

After signing, Gu Chen was not polite and ordered directly.

Father Qin nodded and agreed: "No problem, I have long wanted to find a steward to manage the affairs of the factory."

Next, Gu Chen, accompanied by Father Qin, visited the factory, while Lawyer Lin went to the police station with the plaintiff's confession.

"Mr. Gu, in fact, the factory was also very famous in the past, but I can't manage and have no commercial talent, I can only watch the factory gradually decay, and even on the verge of bankruptcy in the end, but I have the equipment that a big factory should have here!"

Father Qin introduced the situation in the factory, and finally even said with a proud face.

The factory has a total of nearly 10,000 workers, covering an area of tens of acres, and there are no shortage of various lathe machines, but the factory is dull, and Gu Chen frowns.

"President Qin, how many debts do you owe in the factory at present?"

Gu Chen asked Father Qin, who was following next to him.

"Ahem, at present, the factory owes a total of more than 80 million yuan to various raw material suppliers, as well as more than 90 million yuan in bank loans, plus two months' wages of workers, nearly 200 million."

Father Qin replied awkwardly when he heard this.

Gu Chen couldn't deny it, after knowing Father Qin's leadership talent, he was no longer surprised, and thought for a while: "Let's go and have a management meeting!" "

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