Jiang Min's comfort was like a clear spring in summer directly covering Liu Si, who was full of heat, which made her mind instantly calm down and said to Jiang Min with a smile.

"Thank you Sister Jiang Min, I'm much better now."

"Where did you just talk?"

Jiang Min actually regretted a little at this time, always feeling that he was a little too ignorant, and he knew that he could avoid these troublesome things.

But now it has caused Liu Si's sadness, which is really a little too much.

Therefore, Jiang Min held this Liu Si's palm, and an unbearable look appeared on his face and said.

"Don't talk about it anymore, Sister Liu Si, I was too willful before."

Although Jiang Min's apology was effective, it did not stop Liu Si from continuing.

Because some things have been held in Liu Si's heart for too long, today I finally found an outlet that can let myself vent, and there are angels like Jiang Min around to comfort him.

If Liu Si didn't tell the previous things today, he would be too sad.

So Liu Si directly spoke.

"It's okay Sister Jiang Min, you should just help me and do charity, can you listen to my story?"

Since Liu Sidu said this, Jiang Min actually had nothing to refuse.

It's just that at this entangled time, she still silently turned her head to look at Gu Chen behind her like a sea god needle.

Jiang Min still silently regarded Gu Chen as a safe haven in his heart.

I want comfort and support from him and pointers.

Gu Chen noticed the worry in Jiang Min's heart, of course, he would directly give Jiang Min's answer.

"It's okay, we're all here, even if something can be solved, don't worry about doing what you want to do."

Therefore, Gu Chen directly said his thoughts.

At the same time, Jiang Min also seemed to be completely comforted, nodded heavily and said.

"Well, Sister Liu Si, don't worry, we are all here to accompany you!"

When Liu Si heard this, the expression on her face stiffened slightly, because she really liked Jiang Min to accompany her.

But Gu Chen's words were actually unnecessary.

However, looking at Jiang Min's situation, it seems that he trusts Gu Chen very much.

Then what else could she say, of course, she nodded directly and silently, not letting Jiang Min see the discomfort in her heart.

At the same time, Liu Si also continued.

"Anyway, the most authoritative and powerful person on Xiangcheng Island at that time is Li Jiahao, and he has always said everything."

"Li Wan'er, as a rising star who suddenly appeared among the younger generation at that time, directly stepped into the eyes of this Li Jiahao!"

"It's just that because Li Jiahao looked at this photo of Li Wan'er before, he didn't realize how attractive such a woman was to him!"

"It wasn't until this Li Jiahao came to Li Wan'er's eighteen-year-old coming-of-age ceremony that he discovered how dazzling and fascinating that Li Wan'er was under the spotlight!"

"That is the beginning of all evil, and the birth of the last tragedy."

Liu Si almost pulled out her palm from Jiang Min when she said this, she seemed to want to hug herself so that she could give herself enough security, but Jiang Min hugged one step earlier.

The warm embrace comforted Liu Si, and also made Liu Si's expression less hideous.

Her emotions were also calmed down at this time, and the whole person silently breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just a little sad, not sad. It's okay sister Jiang Min.

But Jiang Min didn't directly express anything, just silently hugged this Liu Si and didn't speak.

Under such circumstances, Liu Si continued to tell the story or accident that happened that year.

"In short, the most dazzling pearl on Xiangcheng Island was seen by the largest merchant, and the final outcome was actually doomed from the beginning."

"No one can change all this."

After saying this, Liu Si's eyes began to become a little unfocused.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min seemed to return to that night that year with this Liu Si's narration.

They saw Li Wan'er, who had a gentle smile, and was led by people from their own family to recognize Li Jiahao's familiar face.

As a result, in the end, Li Jiahao actually directly ignored that he was enough to be Li Wan'er's grandfather's grade to show favor to her.

Suddenly, the entire Li family panicked, no one would want the most proud and card-faced star in their family to commit to an old man like this.

Even if this old man is the richest man in Xiangcheng Island, he is also the backer of their Li family.

After all, at that time, the Li family, who had just become rich, had not completely corrupted their hearts by money.

They don't think so high as to put their entire family on top, or most of the time on their own family.

Therefore, Li Wan'er's father at that time, Li Tianer, directly left with his daughter with a very ugly face.

He didn't want to have a son-in-law in his twenties who was older than his own grade in the future.

It's a shame to say it, he's not the kind of guy who sells women for glory!

However, throwing his face on the spot like this did make Li Jiahao a little uneasy.

Fortunately, Li Wanyi, who was about the same age as Li Jiahao at that time, directly explained it to Li Jiahao, and finally took this matter over temporarily.

"Since that day has passed for more than half a year, we: No, the people of the Li family have been carrying out a kind of close protection for Li Wan'er 24 hours a day.

"Whoever wants to get close to Li Wan'er will be subject to a very serious investigation, which also led to a lot of Li Wan'er's work being delayed at that time, after all, the network back then was not as developed as it is now."

However, just when everyone felt that this matter should pass, Li Wan'er felt that she had been staying at home for too long, and her whole body was going to be angry, so she ran away from home alone."

"It is for this reason that future tragedies will occur."

The next story is very simple, Li Wan'er's disappearance makes everyone worry.

The Li family mobilized all their forces to find their daughter, but for a whole week, they did not find any trace of Li Wan'er.

In the end, the Li family had to find a way to beg Li Jiahao to find their daughter.

After all, the only one who could directly affect the whole city at once was him, the sky of Xiangcheng Island at that time.

"In the end, Li Jiahao did agree to make a move, that's right."

"But who would have thought that it wasn't long before Li Wan'er left her home, and she was directly caught by Li Jiahao's people!"

"From the beginning, this Li Jiahao's evil thoughts about Li Wan'er have never stopped, never!"

"In the end, I shamelessly agreed to the Li family to find Li Wan'er, in fact, it was just to delay time!"

"If not finally! At last!

When he said this, Liu Si's emotions became more and more excited, and the whole person seemed to be unable to bear it.

Jiang Min felt the premonition of sobbing from the person in his arms.

Hurriedly, he kept patting her back with his hand, comforting Liu Si constantly.

"It's okay, it's all gone, it's all gone!"

But the effect was not very good, and Liu Si also found that he was about to be unable to hold on.

Therefore, Liu Si directly endured his emotions and quickly finished what he had not said in one breath.

"In short, this Li family thief shouted to catch the thief, and when the Li family found Li Wan'er on the edge of the street more than half a month later, all of them went crazy."

Because Li Wan'er at that time looked dull, her eyes were blank, there was no clean skin on her body, and a huge wound appeared on her face that started from her eyes to her nose and mouth, and the whole person who broke her face looked very terrible!"

"When the Li family took her home, a lot of things happened in the middle, I won't talk about them all here, I'm really afraid that I can't help it....do something!"

Anyway, in the end, after Li Wan'er regained a little sanity, she cried and told her father, Li Tianer, about her being kidnapped and imprisoned by Li Jiahao during this time.

"I finally got away by self-harm, but what has happened, the damage I have suffered has been left forever! The most hateful thing is that Li Wan'er's belly is still getting bigger day by day! Speaking

of this, Gu Chen couldn't help but close his eyes, and it seemed that he couldn't bear it.

Jiang Min also stopped slapping Liu Si's palm when she came here, and she seemed to realize something.

Therefore, Jiang Min directly asked subconsciously.

"Sister Liu Si, you are Li Wan'er's daughter."

The silent Liu Si lowered the atmosphere in the entire room to the limit.

Jiang Min did not feel any guilt this time, but felt as if something was brewing in his heart and was preparing to erupt.

Liu Si closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he had already regained his calm.

"Yes, I was the child in Li Wan'er's belly at that time, and Li Wan'er was my biological mother."

With Liu Si's narration, Gu Chen and Jiang Min were re-entered into the world at that time.

"After that, the Li family found Li Jiahao and wanted to ask for an explanation, and the matter was very troublesome, and even many of Li Wan'er's suitors and admirers went to Li Jiahao and wanted him to pay in blood!"

"But no amount of ants can pose a threat to an elephant, but for a lion, for a tiger, it has no effect at all!"

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