Of course, Gu Chen knew this truth, and he had long known that the end had long been doomed.

But there is still a little sadness in my heart.

This kind of empathy is rare in Gu Chen's body.

But for Gu Chen, he had experienced Tong Zixin's narration before, plus the experience of Sun Shulan, Lin Wanxiang and others.

At this time, after adding this Liu Si's narration, Gu Chen had already completely placed himself on the opposite side of this Li Jiahao.

"So how exactly did this end up being resolved?"

Gu Chen directly asked such a very crucial question.

But Liu Si didn't know how to answer, she slightly cocked her mouth, revealing a very mocking smile.

"Solved? How can it be solved? Although the Li family said that they were very crazy to ask Li Jiahao for explanations, there was no explanation.

"They didn't even see Li Jiahao, they were completely dragged down by Li Jiahao's use of procrastination, and they still didn't have the slightest way."

"This continued until... My birth. Although

Gu Chen and Jiang Min had already guessed the tragedy after this story, they also knew what the identity of this Liu Si was.

But when they listened to this Liu Si personally say it, they still couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

"They, that is, the Li family, took me to find Li Jiahao and wanted to take Li Jiahao's hair or blood for DNA testing, but Li Jiahao still did not appear, and even directly let his people pass a word out."

"Where did Zhang San and Li Si come from, the child of the wild species can be said to be the daughter of our Li Jiahao and President Li? Give me all the! The

expression on Liu Si's face when he said this was still very grim.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min are different.

"But do you know that in the end, the Li family actually named me Li Si to take revenge on Li Jiahao."

Because this is what they think of and the only means they can do!"

"In the year that they were dragged on, all the careers of the Li family were stopped, and it was impossible for the whole family to drink the northwest wind."

"Originally, Li Wan'er, that is, my mother, if she didn't self-mutilate, there were actually many people willing to help the Li family, but when her former admirers and suitors saw her mother at that time, they ran faster than rabbits one by one!"

"Under such circumstances, the Li family can only choose to give up and give up Li Wan'er."

"Even after that, licking his face to kneel and beg Li Jiahao's forgiveness, this person is so shameless, and finally Li Jiahao also chose to get back together!"

"After all, in the face of true interests, there is no absolute hatred, and there are no absolute friends! But this action reached my mother's ears, she didn't say anything, but after that, she asked someone to send me out of the Li family! And


herself..." When

she said this, Liu Si couldn't say any more, and Jiang Min hugged her even more fiercely.

Gu Chen sighed silently, feeling more and more that he should probably speed up the sanction against Li Jiahao.

In this way, Liu Si was not talking, but silently holding Jiang Min, and Jiang Min was not asking.

Everyone seems to have formed a tacit understanding, as if there are some lies that they can use to deceive themselves as long as they never break.

It's really pathetic and very dreamy.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Liu Si Jiang Min also thought that he could never face reality again.

But the applause coming from outside the door directly brought the three of them back to reality.

Hahahaha! Uncle Wu That's what a good thing he said!

"Yes, yes, I've never heard of such a wonderful life!"

"Although I don't have any culture, I still admire and envy the old gentleman!"

Lang Mingyue, Li Wan, and the voice of the leading little brother kept coming, only the bald man with sunglasses still did not speak.

Because although he was also admiring this Wu Lan's eloquence in his heart, he still did not overshadow the task given to him by Liu Si.

I was still very vigilant and didn't want people to enter the private room.

Although Wu Lan was also very happy to talk at this time, there were such little fans around him, of course he was willing to continue talking.

However, the long time of speaking caused Wu Lan's throat to burst into flames at this time.

But there was no glass of water around him that could solve his problem.

Coupled with the thought of what Liu Si asked him to give him, Wu Lan could only complain in his heart.

"Hey, if it weren't for Li Wan'er's decisiveness back then, I really wouldn't be willing to continue to help you little guy!"

Thinking so, Wu Lan silently began her new round of speeches again, only this time her voice was more low, and with a faint sadness.

But neither Lang Mingyue nor anyone heard it.

Only Liu Si Guchen and Jiang Min, who knew the truth of everything, discovered the situation in the outside world.

"Okay, I'm done."

Therefore, even Liu Si, who no longer wanted to face reality, could only say such a sentence silently.

Immediately, it made Jiang Min feel a little more distressed.

"I'm sorry, Sister Liu Si, I really didn't mean it!"

"It's okay, say these things, my psychology is really much better, I have been suppressed by these things for too long before, and today I have been released, it feels really good."

Liu Si was unimpressed by Jiang Min's apology, and even reached out and rubbed Jiang Min's hair so that she didn't have to care about these things.

Gu Chen said at this time.

"So, your real name is really Li Si, and then you changed it to Liu Si now, in order to take revenge on Li Jiahao?"

Liu Si was not surprised to hear Gu Chen say this, but Jiang Min looked at Gu Chen with his eyes a little angrily, as if he was a little blaming Gu Chen for why he said such cold words.

However, Gu Chen didn't care at all, and just looked at this Liu Si, hoping to find something from this guy.

"Yes, and I am also showing my attitude with the Li family."

"Mr. Gu, do you know that although my mother Li Wan'er said that she chose that path, she still prepared a future guarantee for me!"

"That's why I can bravely not be attached to anyone, that is, this is the case, and the Qinghuatang Red Flower Association was able to accommodate me and accept me at the beginning, and let me achieve the position of the hall master."

When he said this, Liu Si actually had a little pride, as if his superpower had reappeared.

Gu Chen ignored this guy's strange reaction and just said.

"In this case, in fact, at the beginning, you cooperated with this gang of kidnappers, in fact, you wanted to catch Li Jiajun and take a breath?"

"You want to punch this guy hard? Is that right?

"Still... You want to kill this Li Jiajun? Gu

Chen's initial speculation did not make this Liu Si have any reaction, and it was not until the last sentence that a suspicious unnatural look flashed in this Liu Si's eyes.

"That's true, but have you ever thought that even if you kill Li Jiajun, you won't have any chance to inherit Li Jiahao's estate?"

After these words came out, Liu Si immediately showed an expression that seemed to be in his hands with victory.

"President Gu, are you trying to say that Li Jiajun was not caught by us this time? It doesn't matter, as long as this guy is still on Xiangcheng Island, we have a way to catch him!"

But Gu Chen shook his head at this time and said.

"No, no, no, you're wrong, you're wrong!"

"I didn't mean that."

"I just want to tell you that even if you kill Li Jiahun, you have no way to obtain the right to inherit all the property of Li Jiahao, why?"

"Because above you, in fact, Li Jiahao also has a son called Li Jiasheng."

"What! He actually has a child!

After saying this, Liu Si suddenly showed an incredible look.

"I've never heard of that! Why is this!

"Because Li Jiahao hid this son well, he is now working in the Wanhao Stock Exchange, and he is completely like an ordinary worker."

"Or just an ordinary winner in life, there is not much unusual."

Gu Chen's explanation made Liu Si feel that his head was very painful, and the whole person seemed to have received a strong blow.

In an instant, his body slowly slipped a little, and Gu Chen was thinking about whether he was talking too fast.

Maybe you should slow down a bit?

But after thinking about it, I feel that what I did is right, otherwise this Liu Si really became a murderer, which is a little ungood.


Liu Si..."

Jiang Min seemed to think that Liu Si at this time looked a little too soulless, or it looked very distressing, so she hugged Liu Si at this time.

Listen to Liu Si's muttering.

"Since I was a child, I have been having the same beautiful dream, that is, I directly inherited all the inheritance of this Li Jiahao, and then I kept squandering and squandering every day!"

"I want this Li Jiahao's business empire, the foundation of the century-old family and the thousand-year family he laid down before his death to be crushed!"

"To make this bastard thing live uneasily even under the ground, let him know what it is to be decades of assets that will be destroyed in three years!"

Liu Si's retaliation was indeed very terrible, but Gu Chen and Jiang Min did not react at all.

Just silently feel sorry for this Liu Si.

"But now, you actually say that I am not the first heir in line to the throne, I am the third, so if I kill the kidnapped Li Jiajun today, won't I speed up this Li Jiahao choosing an heir?"

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