As if understanding something, Liu Si began to give up his killing intent towards Li Jiajun.

This made Gu Chen very gratified, otherwise it would be very difficult to accept that Liu Si, who was crazy and only wanted to live for money and revenge, did something stupid after realizing his dream.

"If you understand it this way, there is nothing wrong, but none of us know how many children Li Jiahao still has."

"I don't even know why, I just have a premonition in my heart!"

"Don't mind if I say this, I always think that Li Jiahao's heirs or his children are not only Li Jiajun, but also Li Jiasheng and you."

" Think about the message that Li Jiahao asked people to come out to the Li family at that time, Zhang San Li Si, this is not just and obviously conveying a message, saying that you are likely to be the fourth ah."

"Just between you and Li Jiajun, Li Jiasheng, and Li Jiahao, I don't know where to give birth to the child! And we don't know if there will be any Li Li after this.

"So the road of killing people I can tell you very responsibly and very clearly, heartbeat is absolutely impossible!" It's the same with those daydreams, don't go again, the province starts dreaming in the broad daylight! Perhaps

Gu Chen's words were too blunt, so after this Liu Si listened to Gu Chen's words, the whole person silently showed a sluggish look.

Mainly from the very beginning, this Liu Si felt that he had planned everything for a long time.

It has finally pushed the power of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club to this step.

As a result, it is right that people kidnap and kidnap, but kidnapping is wrong.

After that, if you want to arrest people again, you have to consider not just grabbing one.

It's a one-time kidnapping of both people and killing them.

Otherwise, as long as another thing happened, Li Jiahao's vigilance would immediately explode, and even if Liu Si used the power of the entire Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, I am afraid that he would not pose a threat to the other person.

Even will take the initiative to expose his identity, what will the situation be like when the time comes, no one can guarantee that this Li Jiahao will not frantically kill his daughter because of this matter.

"I need to calm down!"

"Wait, my money hasn't been put away yet!"

"Hey, forget it, it's all fake money anyway."

Liu Si sat in his own shock, so that Gu Chen and Jiang Min didn't know what to say.

The most important thing is that they never thought that the money that Liu Si used to buy those robbers was actually counterfeit banknotes.

This operates... It's a heartbeat.

In this regard, Gu Chen really couldn't help but complain.

"Why are you so daring, aren't you afraid that the kidnappers will find out that the money is counterfeit and then come back to take revenge?"

"If I want to say, your Qinghuatang Red Flower Association won't almost cost this money, right?"

But who knew that Liu Si actually got involved with Gu Chen because of this issue about money.

"We don't lack money, don't you.... You shouldn't know! Anyway, what will we say in Qinghuatang Honghua, it is very complicated, it is not something I can say clearly in one sentence or two.

Gu Chen listened to this Liu Si's sudden panting and talking, as if he realized something, but when he thought about it, he couldn't think of anything.

Li Si probably realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing and immediately began to rescue him.

"Well, having said that, Mr. Gu can finally build a bridge of trust now!"

Gu Chen actually didn't react to this Liu Si's question, but Jiang Min let go of this Liu Si and nodded desperately and said.

"Yes, yes, Sister Liu, we have already built a bridge of trust between us!"

"Let's get to know each other again, I'm Jiang Min, I'm a fan of a certain Gu Zong, my profession is still a student, if you have a side job, don't look at me like this, in fact, I am a very good little hacker!"

"As for why I call myself a little hacker, because I'm actually only seventeen this year!"

After saying this, Liu Si's eyes suddenly widened.

Not only Jiang Min's cute self-introduction instantly made Liu Si like it.

It was even more because Jiang Min's age really surprised Liu Si.

"My little cutie is actually so powerful, I didn't expect a hacker as young as you."

"It's a bit of a child laborer!"

When he said this, Liu Si's eyes couldn't help but look at Gu Chen, as if he was looking for Gu Chen, at such a young age, you could not bear to let her come out and follow you?

Gu Chen immediately understood the meaning in this Liu Si's eyes, and directly coughed and said to this Liu Si.

"Miss Liu, you must not underestimate our Comrade Jiang Min, and don't doubt her because of her age, otherwise you are very likely to suffer a big loss."

"Why say this, I can't talk to you too much now, everything needs time to explain everything, and after you really see how powerful Jiang Min is, you will take back your words today."

Gu Chen's somewhat arrogant feeling made this Jiang Min a little shy.

"Oh, Brother Gu Chen, what are you talking about! I'm not that good!

Saying that, Jiang Min slapped Gu Chen gently.

Liu Si immediately came out to play the round, and Gu Chen of the province was embarrassed or what's wrong.

"It's okay, it's not that I don't believe in Jiang Min's sister's ability, but I don't believe that Jiang Min's sister is going to work at such a young age, which is a bit embarrassing."

"Because I came out to work back then after I became an adult at the age of eighteen, I took the initiative to ask for it, in fact, I came out one year older than Jiang Min's sister!" I think Sister Jiang Min is really amazing!

Although Liu Si said this, I don't know why, Gu Chen always felt that this guy seemed to be implicitly shooting something.

"Doesn't that mean I'm not human?"

Gu Chen's thoughts were very clear and logical, but at this time, he did not choose to refute but directly said a sentence.

"Xiaomin is indeed very remarkable, I believe that after you cooperate with us, you will be impressed by Jiang Min's means, such a good talent would be too wasteful to lose in school."

"You said yes, Xiaomin!"

Saying that, Gu Chen also asked the party Xiaomin, but Jiang Min, who was in a state of making good friends very happily, was not modest at all.

It's just saying, yes, yes.

But Jiang Min is a little stupid, but Liu Si is not stupid at all.

She directly thought of the cooperation in Gu Chen's words.

All of a sudden, his eyes widened.

"Ah, Mr. Gu, do you mean to cooperate with me?"

Gu Chen looked at this incredulous Liu Si and nodded and said that this was it.

In an instant, a smile appeared at the corner of Liu Si's mouth.

She directly hugged Jiang Min and said.

"Great, great, God of Wealth is here! The God of Wealth is here! Such

a straightforward remark made Gu Chen and Jiang Min unlikely.

Jiang Min didn't know why this Liu Si holding himself didn't feel like being held by a woman or a female friend at all.

It is more like the feeling of being held by a man, and the action is also very similar to that a man gives Jiang Min a little awkward feeling.

Gu Chen suddenly thought that this guy would not cooperate with himself, for his own money, right?

I always feel a little bad.

"I thought I heard that my affairs depend on my talent, but this is fine, and it is not bad to be a dispenser!"

"Although Liu Si is Li Jiahao's daughter, her hatred is only a lot more than Tong Zixin."

Gu Chen, who is deeply aware of this truth, has actually soared her trust level from basically nothing at the beginning after listening to Liu Si's story, and suddenly soared to the current high level of trust.

So looking at the way Jiang Min and Liu Si hugged each other, Gu Chen didn't bother anything.

Just waiting for the two of them to heat up a little bit, Gu Chen silently asked Liu Si.

"But I also have a question that I am very curious about, if you catch this Li Jiajun to kill him and let yourself inherit this Li Jiahao's property, then what is the purpose of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club?"

As soon as he said this, Liu Si, who had just returned to his seat, had an embarrassed look on his face.

Because sometimes, I am in some positions, and some words are really not easy to say.

Especially the problem of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, she, the hall master, really doesn't know what to say.

But he had just reached a bridge of trust with Gu Chen, and Liu Si didn't want to collapse the bridge between them because of such a simple but somewhat tangled problem.

So what to do at this time, I can only silently say to Gu Chen.

"This question, Mr. Gu, I really don't know how to tell you."

"It's so embarrassing, then forget it!"

It was probably because Gu Chen could see the unspeakable hidden nature of this Liu Si, and Gu Chen didn't want that the bridge of trust between himself and this Liu Si was about to collapse just after it was established, which was really a bit embarrassing.

Therefore, Gu Chen could only say this sentence silently.

But Liu Si spoke again.

"In fact, it's not embarrassing, it's just a little bit of not knowing how to say it, or being embarrassed to say it, it's really a bit humiliating."

Gu Chen saw this iron-blooded woman, and actually showed a look of embarrassment at this time.

He immediately knew that this matter was definitely not as simple as he thought.

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