Therefore, the more unlucky Li Wan, suffered several times the attack of Lang Mingyue.

The main thing is to be beaten while holding his head directly and not speaking, after all, there are many people on the other side and there is no way.

But Li Wan's person is stubborn, and the whole person is more impulsive.

While fighting, he is still crazy and shouting with these little brothers of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

"Oh, I'll go, you're really coming brother!"

"Don't hit me in the face, I'm going crazy!"

"Stop, stop, stop, dare to let me go today, we will make a new appointment later, we will fight again!" You guys are going too far now!

"Don't fight, don't fight, have the ability to single out, so many people beat me one, what is the skill, one-on-one I directly hit you called dad!"

Li Wan's crazy shouting directly made the younger disciples of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club even more crazy.

And the leading little brother and the bald sunglasses man, in fact, did not suffer much damage at all, after all, one is a robber or a little brush.

The other is the existence of Liu Si's bodyguard who is also a thug, which must also be more fierce.

Therefore, as long as the younger brother of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club suffered a loss here for the two of them, he would go directly to Li Wanna to find a venue.

This led to the bullying of the soft and hard, the little brother of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, getting closer and closer to bully this Li Wan, and the other people were brainless, and the little brother had been leading the little brother and the bald sunglasses man's side to be beaten.

Directly into another infinite loop.

If Liu Si hadn't opened the door of the room in the end, Li Wan's really wanted to directly explain half his life here.

But fortunately, in the end, Li Wan, did not say his origin, otherwise even Liu Si would not be able to protect this Li Wan, even if Liu Si was fully firepower today.

"Oh, I said which eldest lady's dog is the big bald head, so obedient, the relationship turns out to be our little princess Liu Si!"

"What's wrong, haven't you Qinghuatang always done things wisely to protect your life, and today you are also mixed into our business?"

After meeting this Liu Si, Chairman Zhang directly turned on his own cynicism mode.

At the same time, while talking, he began to talk to this Liu Si set.

"Or do you people from Qinghuatang also figure it out and think that doing this kind of business with us Honghua will come sooner than it comes?"

"If I want to say ah, it should have been like this a long time ago, our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society is the complete Qinghuatang Red Flower Society!" Why is everyone so alienated and divides you and me!

"Liu Si niece, what do you say, do you want to hurry into your Uncle Zhang's arms and feel the happiness!"

Saying this, the president also laughed, and these little brothers around him also laughed together without conscience.

But Liu Si still looked at them very indifferently, and then his gaze shifted from their bodies to the bald sunglasses man.

After getting a nod from his number one thug to indicate that he was fine, Liu Si came directly to this Wu Lan's side.

Liu Si directly stretched out his hand and helped Wu Lan and said.

"Uncle Wu, this time it's troublesome for you again!"

"What's the trouble with me, I'm just a toiler who likes to go shopping and take care of the disobedient children in our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club!"

Wu Lan stretched out her hand and gently patted the back of Liu Si's hand, indicating that there was no problem.

Lang Mingyue came up at this time and asked very sadly.

"What is the situation now, you won't have given Li Jiajun ???"

Before Lang Mingyue's words were finished, Liu Si directly gave this guy a look, and in an instant Lang Mingyue was intimidated by Liu Si's violent look, and he touched the wound on his body that had just been bumped or beaten by the little brother of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

His heart ached even more, because he found his only little brother and didn't know where he had run away at this time.

Among the people present, his own strength was the smallest, as for Li Wan...

"It's really hard to beat, this is also a ruthless person!" Can't afford to mess with it!

With this thought, Lang Mingyue felt that among the people present now, she had completely reduced to the bottom of the food chain, which meant that she absolutely had no need to speak.

Then honestly stay where you are and be a little transparent.

Maintaining this thought, Lang Mingyue silently took a few steps back.

It happened to directly step on the soles of Li Wan's feet, which made Li Wan's teeth grin again.

"Talk to you, little girl!"

At this time, Chairman Zhang glanced at the time on his watch and felt that it was almost the same, and the time he had arranged with the kidnappers was almost the same.

I should also hurry up and enter.

So, Chairman Zhang said very impatiently.

"No, at the beginning, the person we will arrange for Qinghuatang Red Flower will be you, what kind of little moon."

But halfway through the words, this guild leader seemed to have thought of something and directly fell on Lang Mingyue, who wanted to turn himself into a small transparent Lang Mingyue.

"Don't hide, it's you! You, the guy who recently joined the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club, haven't you thought about whether to enter the Blue and Flower Hall or the Red Flower Club until now!

"Let's make a choice today, forget it, finish today's things first!" At that time, everyone asked the neutrals to choose one of the people to arrange today's affairs, that is, you! That's how you do things now!

"Do you think that the rules of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club are all jokes, and now some people who are not three or four can come in and kick in?"

This president spoke very bluntly, so bluntly that Liu Si didn't know how to answer the phone at all.

I can only say with a very wooden nod.

"It's indeed me, Chairman Zhang, but there was a little accident today!"

Lang Mingyue's appearance made Chairman Zhang, who already liked to bully the weak, want to say something even more.

But at this time, Liu Si said directly.

"Okay, Chairman Zhang, today's process is no longer your previous arrangement, now everything is organized by me, do you understand when I say so?"

"Good fellow!"

Chairman Zhang glanced at Liu Si and Lang Mingyue, his eyes constantly walking back and forth between the two.

"This is Lang You's concubine, isn't it, now Wang Ba Mung Bean is looking at the right eye!" I said why do you dare to offend our Red Flower Society as a centrist, the feelings are that this Qinghuatang person has supported you!

"What a dare!"

"But even if that's the case, you Liu Si and your little moon, you shouldn't be so arrogant today to change the arrangement of our Red Flower Club, do you know, cross the line, do you understand!"

Chairman Zhang spoke alone.

Chairman Zhou and Chairman Xin behind him seemed to have become dumb, both of them silently did not speak, but they looked at Liu Si and Lang Mingyue with very fierce eyes.

It seemed that as soon as Chairman Zhang spoke, they would immediately strike at them madly.

But Liu Si didn't give them any chance at all.

Because Liu Si directly helped Wu Lan and was ready to turn his head and leave.

"Okay, I don't want to say anything more to you about the matter in the wo Liheng, I can only tell you that my coming here today is just an accident, don't let you feel our hostility because of these accidents, okay!"

"Please also ask Chairman Zhang to calm down and think about what is the benefit of our forcibly sabotaging your behavior, the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society has always been both prosperous and detrimental."

"If I do something bad to you, isn't it a bad influence on myself?"

But before Liu Si could take two steps, he was stopped by Chairman Zhang who was frowning.

"No, what the hell are you talking about, on the one hand, it is clear that we are not allowed to enter the private room and want to sabotage our kidnapping, bah no! It should be to sabotage our big plans to make money!

"Now while saying such things again, what do you mean!"

"What makes you feel more important than money! You say ah!

Chairman Zhang directly said all the doubts in his heart, but neither Wu Lan nor Liu Si seemed to want to answer his thoughts.

And now Wu Lan and Liu Si are still talking very quietly, where is there any effort to deal with this president.

There will be no effort to think of more lies to deceive this Chairman Zhang.

Anyway, now it's better to turn around and walk into the room, who let Liu Si have already arranged everything, just wait for this Chairman Zhang to come and see it himself.

The Sichuanji eyebrows on Chairman Zhang's head tightened a little.

Especially when Li Wan's bald sunglasses man and Lang Mingyue, who had been saying embarrassment, entered the private room together, this chairman felt that things were definitely not as simple as he thought.


He didn't know what he should do now, but after pondering for a while, the guild leader silently followed everyone inside.

Liu Si secretly took out his mobile phone and sent the text message he had edited earlier.

"Get moving!"

After the text message was sent, Liu Si's subordinates immediately began to operate in the private room next door.

Everyone, including the previous robbers, took out their mobile phones and looked at the script written on it, and a big drama was about to be staged.

Of course, just before that, there is another thing they have to do, that is, to turn back on the eavesdropping device they turned off before, otherwise it will be embarrassing for everyone to be busy performing a mime.

Although they had been rehearsing non-stop before, they were still a little nervous at this step.

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