To be honest, it was actually Liu Si who was even more nervous than them.

Because just after Liu Si sent the text message, she remembered that although she and Gu Chen seemed to have mentioned once that they had arranged the robbers next door and their own people, she didn't seem to tell Gu Chen how she arranged it.

In other words, Gu Chen did not know the slightly suspenseful and somewhat fearful script he had arranged before.

"I hope that President Gu can appreciate it, by the way, and sister Jiang Min."

In fact, Liu Si still has some trust in Gu Chen's ability to accept, after all, Gu Chen's identity, worth, and capital are all there.

Such a person who has seen strong winds and waves must be able to face all the twists and turns with a smile.

But what about Jiang Min?

"Sister Jiang Min is so cute, she must not have experienced anything dark, such a delicate flower, if I was scared by today's script, wouldn't it be a big crime!"

"No, I must sit next to Sister Jiang Min later, and I also have to block Sister Jiang Min's ears, if it's too late or Sister Jiang Min hears something!" I firmly refuse to admit that it was the script I prepared!

"Yes, that's right, that's it! I am a pure white big flower sister, definitely not the belly black female number two!

Liu Si, who had made up his mind in his heart, even let go of Wu Lan's shoulders and walked in front of Jiang Min and Gu Chen one step ahead, ready to say something, and then remembered an old man who had just been abandoned by himself all of a sudden.

This Liu Si's face suddenly appeared a slightly embarrassed look, but at this time, if he returned to the past, it would seem a little deliberate.

Therefore, Liu Si was only able to silently turn around and came to Gu Chen's right side, gently opened a seat, and signaled that Wu Lan could sit here.

But after doing this, Liu Si came to the other side of Jiang Min very quickly and opened his seat and sat down safely.

Liu Si's operation made several people in the private room a little confused.

Jiang Min even widened his innocent eyes and looked at Liu Si who was on his left.

Wu Lan slowed down his pace a little, and he couldn't figure out why this junior of his own would arrange for him to sit next to a stranger.

At the same time, Wu Lan also realized that she had neglected a problem in the private room.

"Wait, there are really people in this private room!"

"Who are these two, why can this man still sit firmly on this main seat, and Liu Si seems to make this Gu Chen very comfortable!"

"What does it mean to also arrange me, the person who is the biggest backup present, aside!"

Wu Lan was a little angry, he didn't understand this Liu Si's operation very well.

And he helped her so sparingly before, blocking everyone for her, blocking President Zhang and others, all this is like a licking dog that no one will sympathize with.

It really made Wu Lan suddenly a little unsure of what to say, and even wanted to say a word to this Liu Si without conscience.

But now, Chairman Zhang and the others also followed their footsteps and walked in.

Reactions varied.

First of all, Lang Mingyue, when he saw Gu Chen and Jiang Min staying in their positions eating and drinking their meals safe and sound, his heart was extremely shocked.

"No, I didn't eat before, what's the use of eating now, if you eat directly and pass out, don't you want to make these three grown-ups think more!"

"Heck, I heard that Chairman Zhang likes men... That's what these things are arranged, but now there is no need to do these things anymore! Aren't you me? The

cold sweat on Lang Mingyue's forehead was about to soar out, and the whole person was very panicked, afraid that he would show something wrong, so that Chairman Zhang and the others and Gu Chen's eyes fell on their bodies.

At that time, I can't explain it clearly.

Or maybe I can't explain it at all.

"How can you say this, that I am a wallhead, although I have received this task as an intermediary from the Qinghuatang Red Flower Association from the beginning, but the two ends are fawning?"

"On the one hand, these big people who prepared the venue to welcome the Red Flower Society, on the other hand, they directly contacted Liu Si, the hall master of the Blue and Flower Hall, and asked her to be the contact person with the kidnappers?"

"Liu Si's side is good to say, after all, she came to the door by herself to take the initiative to bear this responsibility, but President Zhang of the Red Flower Society is indeed my initiative to contact and please!" It's over!

"If this is said, wouldn't the news that Liu Si contacted the kidnappers in advance be completely exposed!"

At this time, Lang Mingyue remembered that he had just forgotten some things because he had just been punched and kicked.

"Yes, why did Liu Si come out of this private room!"

"And it seems that Liu Si is still very familiar with these two people!"

"Oh my God, what the hell did they say! Liu Si won't know everything!

"This is the darkest day of my life!"

Lang Mingyue only felt that his brain was chaotic into a pot of porridge, from the first trance to the current collapse in only a moment.

He had already imagined that after he died in public as the wall grass of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, he was directly disliked by everyone, and even became the man with the worst reputation in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

At that time, not only his friends, but even his little brother will have to stay away from him.

Thinking of this, Lang Mingyue only felt that her life was gray.

And Li Wan, who was beside Lang Mingyue, was greatly shocked.

He always thought that there was either no person he was looking for in this private room, or he was looking for the wrong person.

Anyway, he felt that he had wasted so much time outside and did not see anyone come out of it, so the person he was looking for according to the license plate should have left this pedestrian street.

But who would have thought that after entering this private room, he actually saw the two people he least wanted to see.

One Gu Chen and one Jiang Min sat in their seats and watched them enter the private room.

A lot of pictures flashed in Li Wan's mind in an instant.

One of the things that made him care the most was the number of the license plate he got from the countess, which instantly brought his train of thought back to a long, long time, well, not a long time ago.

That is, about a week ago, I thought of the car that I gave to Tong Zixin at that time, which I couldn't remember the license plate number.

At this time, it was completely the same as the license plate number he obtained from the countess.

"No, it's actually my car, doesn't that mean that the sister that woman is looking for is the girl who is next to Tong Zixin?"

"So, I knew the right answer from the beginning, but I forgot... and I didn't even have to make such a trip!"

"Although I nominally gave this car to Tong Zixin and them, in fact, the owner of this car is still me!"

"If I just look for it, I can still find it at will!" No, there is no need to look for it, just tell the stinky woman the location of the person she is looking for, where will let me run and be beaten!

Li Wan's thought of this made him feel very angry.

Originally, who was happy recently, who knew that suddenly, he first sent his car out and then encountered Tong Zixin in a row.

Finally, his good eldest brother Li Wenquan returned, and he finally felt that he could rest and relax, and as a result, the countess next to his good brother was like a fox spirit.

He directly confused his good big brother Li Wenquan, and even made himself a small waste.

The most important thing is that this countess also has to waste and send herself to find someone.

As a result, the person was found, but he himself was almost crippled.

This breath ah, just swirled back and forth in Li Wan's chest, and the whole person was blue and white for a while, completely without the ruddy feeling of a rich child at the beginning.

The bald sunglasses man already knew that things could be settled after seeing his young lady take the initiative to appear.

Everything will be under his miss's control, so all he has to do now is to stay where he is and watch the play.

What is this?

Of course, it is a bodyguard and self-cultivation who is responsible for force.

Compared with a few people who have roots in Xiangcheng Island, the heart of the leading little brother has actually begun to beat the drum madly.

He didn't understand the current situation at all, only knew that he must be involved in some terrible trouble.

So this leading little brother still thinks of calling their eldest brother and letting the eldest brother take someone to escape quickly.

However, he found that his mobile phone had long been taken away, and he could not make a call at all.

Even leaving is a luxury.

The leading little brother looked back and saw that the people from the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club behind him blocked the door.

Chairman Zhang's face was also very strange.

The leading little brother immediately sighed in his heart.

"Forget it, if these people really want to be unfavorable to the eldest brother, I will use my body to hit this wall, and use my death to awaken the vigilance of the eldest brother!"

"In this case, it can be regarded as the kindness of the eldest brother to take me out of the small place!"

The leading little brother, who had made a decision in his heart, silently leaned into the corner.

As for President Zhang, headed by the three presidents of the Red Flower Society who came in, he saw Gu Chen sitting on the main seat as soon as he entered.

His steps immediately froze in place.

The whole person is three points of heavier breathing.

Chairman Xin and Chairman Zhou behind him were not clear about what was happening, and one by two came up to try to soothe Chairman Zhang, who might have a sudden stroke.

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