But no one expected that Chairman Zhang would actually throw his big hand and directly push his two companions away slightly.

He unconsciously took a step forward, but his steps were very heavy and slow, and he stopped silently after taking a step.

His eyes looked at Gu Chen with a very longing look, and he did not hide the love in his heart at all.

Nor has he forgotten his ultimate orientation.

Therefore, Chairman Zhang asked Lang Mingyue in the private room in a voice that he had already stabilized very hard.

"You prepared everything in this private room?"

This question was very blunt, and Lang Mingyue, who also wanted to turn himself into a small transparent one, had to stand up and say to Chairman Zhang.

"I prepared it, but... there was a little bit of a situation."

Lang Mingyue said the truth, but Chairman Zhang's mind at this time was no longer on this Lang Mingyue.

His gaze had completely fallen on Gu Chen's face.

"I see pity, there are such perfect people in this world!"

Chairman Zhang's reaction made Gu Chen frown slightly, and Jiang Minna's expression changed directly.

"What's going on keeps looking at me."

Gu Chen silently thought about the clothes he was wearing now, and there was nothing funny about it.

I'm not telling jokes at all.


And now that she knew what happened, Lang Mingyue directly spoke.

"Everyone, let's sit down and eat first! Now I'll just let people serve it!

"Everyone is hungry!"

Lang Mingyue greeted warmly, but the effect was not very good, because suddenly someone began to chant again.

"What, I thought it was delicious, but it turned out to be these mountain and sea delicacies!"

At this time, Lang Mingyue realized how stupid she was at choosing such a store.

And the stupid to the point that everyone is disgusted now, which somewhat hurts Lang Mingyue's self-esteem.

But Lang Mingyue didn't say anything more.

Because Chairman Zhang was seated, he was getting closer and closer to Gu Chen.

Sitting next to Wu Lan, Wu Lan's whole person had a little headache.

"This old Zhang is actually easy to change and his nature is difficult to move! After all these years, it is still a problem.

"Although I don't know who this young man is, he must be unlucky, being seen by this guy is a word, it's over!"

Wu Lan directly leaned back a little to give way to Wu Lan.

If this can make Chairman Zhang divert his attention, what does it matter if he lets it go.

"It's just a pity, such a handsome guy."

Originally, Wu Lan was still sighing in his heart, but just when this Wu Lan made a movement like leaning behind him, his eyes unconsciously looked in the direction of this Gu Chen.

A somewhat familiar flame directly fell in this Wu Lan's line of sight.

Wu Lan suddenly straightened his body, and suddenly folded his waist plate with Chairman Zhang, who was still trying to get close to Gu Chen.

"Oh, Wu Lan, what do you old man want to do!"

This sudden change really caused this president a bit of a headache.

He simply shouted directly, anyway, he felt that he and Wu Lan now only had the last layer of window paper left unbroken.

Other situations, such as the war-torn relationship that is still being built between the two sides, have never been better.

Since it is destined to become an enemy, then why should you tolerate it, naturally it is a direct real knife and a real gun to start fighting.

"What am I doing?"

"I'm saving your life!"

Wu Lan glanced at this disgusting indifferently, and wanted to continue to stare at Gu Chen well, looking at this guild leader, and complained in his heart about these two sentences.

But in fact, Wu Lan didn't say anything, and directly glanced at the guild leader's thoughts.

So in the face of such a person, Wu Lan felt that she could say everything.

Being able to play a reminder role at the beginning is already very benevolent.

"So, even if something goes wrong after that, it doesn't matter to me!"

After thinking about this clearly, Wu Lan closed her eyes.

After Chairman Zhang saw that Gu Chen's gaze also swept over, he silently withdrew his emotions and sat back in his seat very steadily.

He looked at Gu Chen with a very peculiar look.

Lang Mingyue actually didn't want to join this mixed table.

But from the beginning, he was equivalent to a landlord-like guy, and he couldn't avoid it if he wanted to.

Li Wan, the robber brother and the bald sunglasses man are actually unwilling to go to the table.

But one by one, they occupied a place on this table.

Good size for this private room.

The dining table is also a super large dining table that can accommodate 20 people at a time.

Therefore, everyone can still gather together with a little squeeze.


Chairman Zhang seemed to have completely forgotten the purpose of his coming here at this time, and one of his hearts and eyes completely fell on Gu Chen's body.

This made Gu Chen a little dissatisfied.

"There's something wrong with this guy."

Similarly, Chairman Zhang's situation also made Jiang Min a little unhappy.

"What do you mean, I've been watching what Mr. Gu is doing, Mr. Gu has flowers on him!"

Gu Chen didn't want to look at this guy, silently turned his head, and inadvertently exposed the badge from Liang Sixing on his chest to be a little more conspicuous.

And the most dissatisfied is actually Liu Si.

"The text messages have been sent out for so long, why are these people still not responding! That's not quite right!

"Do you really want us to start eating now?"

Just when things were about to get out of hand.

In the private room, a kind of small beings appeared.

There is a group of young disciples of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club who are very hungry and want to open a meal.

There was a feeling of weakness with sweat on Lang Mingyue's forehead and breathlessness in his chest.

There is also Li Quan's personal trance, regret, and the feeling of regret between the two poles of anger.

And the pride and indifference of the bald sunglasses man.

There is also the tangled feeling between the worries of the leading little brother and the thoughts of wanting to commit suicide.

Watching the play in Wu Lan, but feeling that things will not happen in an unknown and uncontrollable direction, the sense of expectation and worry.

There was this crazy feeling that the guild leader was completely captured by Gu Chen's face at this time.

There was also the awkward feeling that Gu Chen felt, the unpleasant feeling that Jiang Min felt, and finally Liu Si's anxious feeling.

Taken together, the joys and angers of chaotic human beings are not connected, nor do they have any intersection.

This mess became a pot of porridge, and it was only suddenly that the monitoring device on the wall suddenly turned on that it began to recover a little.

Because everyone's attention was attracted by the sudden sound of the door opening.

"There's no one!"

"Did you hear that too?"

"I thought I was hallucinating, but feelings aren't ah! What a situation! It's terrible!

However, when everyone looked back at their door, they found that the door did not shake at all, not even any sign of opening, and it was tightly closed.

And with the sound of the gate being opened, there were actually many people's footsteps, but in reality, no one appeared at all.

The occurrence of this situation, in addition to Liu Si, who had long been looking forward to the beginning of the script, and Gu Chen, Jiang Min, and Lang Mingyue, who knew that there were listening devices in this room before, directly made everyone in the audience feel a kind of absurdity.

Some timid Qinghuatang Red Flower Club brothers directly want to hide under this table.

Some of the bold and curious little brothers who are also very exploratory are directly standing up and want to see the situation.

Chairman Zhang also diverted his attention from Gu Chen's body.

"What's the situation?"

He asked Lang Mingyue lightly, after all, the venue here was what he was looking for.

Lang Mingyue was actually a little confused about the current situation, and when he was able to face Chairman Zhang's inquiry again, he secretly looked at Liu Si on the other side with one eye.

After seeing Liu Si's slightly inexplicable nod, Lang Mingyue suddenly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"It turns out that this woman has already rearranged everything, then I will rest assured!"

After thinking about this clearly, Lang Mingyue had confidence in his heart, he took a deep breath, adjusted his state, and came to the screen where Gu Chen and Jiang Min stayed before under the gaze of everyone and said.

"Guys, this is what we are here for today."

After saying this, Lang Mingyue seemed to have a feeling of wanting to say something.

At this time, because of the unusual voice, Chairman Zhang's IQ in his brain instantly returned.

He said to his Qinghuatang Red Flower Club disciples.

"I'll give me everything you want."

"Look at what, it's you!"

Chairman Zhang commanded his younger brothers to leave the private room.

Originally, Chairman Zhang still wanted the bald sunglasses man to leave.

Who knew that this guy was so conscious, and even silently brought this restless leading little brother.

Everything that happened before was like a farce.

Seeing his little brother leave, Liu Si directly sent a text message to the bald man with sunglasses.

"Be bullish on him."

The bald man with sunglasses directly turned his head on the spot and nodded slightly to Liu Si.

So in an instant, in this private room, only Gu Chen, Wu Lan, Jiang Min, Liu Si, and three guild presidents remained.

Originally, Gu Chen and Liu Si also wanted Jiang Min to take the initiative to leave.

After all, Gu Chen seemed to be blind when he discovered this guild leader, that is, he turned a blind eye to the badge on his chest.

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