This made Gu Chen very doubtful whether this badge had any effect.

If Chairman Zhang is blind, it will be fine, but if not, then the situation is a bit dangerous and complicated.

Therefore, if Jiang Min could leave in advance first, Gu Chen could be regarded as being able to let go without worrying about himself.

Liu Si was also worried that the complicated blood type situation that appeared in the script she arranged later would cause Jiang Min a certain psychological damage if Jiang Min listened to, so she also hoped that Jiang Min would leave first.

As a result, Jiang Min directly ignored the eyes and words of these two people.

"It's okay, I'll just stay here, I don't have anything to do outside anyway, right?"

After saying these words, Jiang Min looked at Gu Chen and Liu Si with a small proud look, as if he was talking to the two of them.

"You want to get rid of me! Stop dreaming! In

this regard, Gu Chen originally wanted to say something more.

But there were many mistakes, and at this time, Chairman Zhang also spoke, and at the same time the listening device sounded.

"Good handsome little girl, why leave, grandpa is here, you don't have to go anywhere!"

"You guys are finally here, one more minute overtime, and we'll go straight away!"

Chairman Zhang suddenly stopped his impulse to say two more words, and silently continued to turn his head to look at Lang Mingyue.

Lang Mingyue immediately understood the meaning of this guild leader.

"Okay, so turn it up!"

Saying that, Lang Mingyue silently turned on the monitoring and playback equipment hidden around the wall.

In an instant, Gu Chen, Jiang Min and the others instantly felt that they were watching a movie, as if they were in the scene, listening to the sound in their ears as if they were around.

"Don't you go out and kidnap this guy?"

"But I listened to this guy who almost ran away several times on the road, this person is Li Jiajun, the son of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island! What a concept this is! The richest man!

"What do you mean, what do you want to do, just talk about it a little more clearly."

Chairman Zhang's brows immediately furrowed when he heard this, because he was from the Red Flower Society, and his own experience, especially negotiation experience, was very rich.

He could hear that the robbers who kidnapped the son of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, were very professional.

At least the mentality is OK, but the people on their side seem to be a little bit unbreathable.

He anxiously called out to Lang Mingyue and asked.

"Isn't this kind of negotiation provoking the other party, can you contact the people in this room?"

"Let them calm me down, the negotiation is not a quarrel, if this really beats Li Jiajun to death, if you check, although it is unlikely to find my head, you will not be able to find the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society."

"But all our efforts during this time have been in vain! That's not okay!

When Lang Mingyue heard this, he was actually very confused in his heart, he really didn't know how to answer this guild leader.

He could only stare at the opposite side with his own eyes very helplessly, that is, Liu Si.

But who knows, this time Liu Si just shook his head silently, and there was nothing else to do.

This Lang Mingyue was very embarrassed.

You can only bite the bullet and go on.

"I'm sorry, Chairman Zhang, our people entered the private room this time, originally prepared some remote-controlled headsets and the like."

"But this gang of robbers is too cunning, if you want to meet, you will choose to be in this kind of private room, when you come in, you will be directly scanned your body, and no electronic devices can enter it."

"So our headsets are not intercepted by any accidents."

Lang Mingyue directly fabricated a lie at that time, making Chairman Zhang nodded silently.

Immediately, this nod made Lang Mingyue slightly relieved, it was this Lang Mingyue who did not know that Chairman Zhang was now intently listening to the voice over there in the private room, so there was no extra thought to take care of Lang Mingyue.

Gu Chen looked at this Lang Mingyue making up directly, and he didn't know what to say, but Jiang Min listened with relish.

Liu Si was a little nervous, because this guild leader listened too carefully.

Even the other two guild presidents listened very carefully.

"What do you mean? Quite simply, because the cost of this trip has increased, so we need to pay more! Do you know what we mean, three million is a little too cheap!

"It's really not enough for us to work hard!"

"Three million is not enough? Do you know how many of your mud-legged Xiangcheng Island accounts can be bought by these three million!

"And three million is definitely not a small number, relying on you foreign migrant workers, how many years it takes to earn three million to obtain a Xiangcheng Island account?"

"Even if you can earn 20,000 yuan a month, what if you have 10,000 left after deducting expenses, don't you still need to be close to thirty years to start your own new life!"

"Now there is an opportunity for you to directly save thirty years of time to ascend to heaven in one step, why are you wasting time here, come and obey, hand over people to us, and I will give you the money!" Complete this deal, you are all future Xiangcheng Islanders!

"It's the glorious Xiangcheng Island people!"

Whether it was Gu Chen, Jiang Min or anyone in this private room, when they heard this, they actually felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

Most importantly, although these words sound very red, they are the most real situation on Xiangcheng Island now.

"However, what use is it if I just want an account, we don't have any ability to gain a foothold on Xiangcheng Island, we can't make money!"

"You have to think about it!"

"What do you know, what is there to consider, when you arrive at Xiangcheng Island, you will be a family when you come, first use the money to get the household registration done, and then use your identity as a new Xiangcheng Island person to apply for cheap public rental housing!"

"At that time, if you find a job on Xiangcheng Island, you will be able to make a fortune!" What are you still hesitating about here! For people like you, to apply, it is definitely a quasi-application.

"Why, let me tell you, those who have the money to buy a hukou and settle in Xiangcheng Island will not rent this cheap house, and those who have no money to buy a hukou will always be in line for the rest of their lives, let alone rent this house!" So you are destined to be winners in life! You don't understand when I say this!

"Ming, got it."

Gu Chen heard this, and glanced at Liu Si silently, not quite understanding why she arranged such a scene.

Liu Si also frowned, because she remembered that she had not added these things to this script before.

This is, the person in the private room next door engaged in secondary creation?


Just when Chairman Zhang and the others heard that the vast majority of the kidnappers were already moved, and one of them was talking about wanting to ask someone to take money, a thick voice sounded.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min could hear the voice of the leading big brother.

"Three million is not enough, we don't want to settle in Xiangcheng Island, we have to go back to our hometown and build our own house!"

Hearing this, Chairman Zhang was a little angry.

"Who is this person, looking for smoke, isn't it! Three million is not enough for them, you must know that the money I applied for from the headquarters of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club this time is only 80 million.

"After figuring it out, find someone to do him."

Lang Mingyue couldn't laugh at all when she heard Chairman Zhang's words, because Lang Mingyue clearly remembered that the bald man with sunglasses had already expressed his young lady before, that is, Liu Siming had already passed the previous robber meeting once.

But now there is actually a new round of one-handed exchange and one-hand payment, which really makes Lang Mingyue's whole person confused and does not know what to say.

Because he had no idea who was arranging everything that was happening now, but in the face of Chairman Zhang's request.

This Lang Mingyue can only silently say good.

"Well, that's it."

After Chairman Zhang finished speaking, he began to continue to listen to the rumors of the leading big brother.

"Do you really think that we are all fools, spending three million to buy a so-called Xiangcheng Island account to be able to ascend to the sky in one step?"

"Let's not say that we people who don't know where we come from can handle our household registration procedures, just the loss of time and energy in the middle is not something we can bear."

"And where the money spent can be filled by three million."

"The most important thing is, do you think that public rental housing is very good, but it is just a slightly larger pigeon cage."

When Gu Chen heard this, he was actually relatively calm.

Because when I was still delivering takeaway food on the ground floor of Huahai City at the beginning, I also lived in a dormitory.

However, even their worst dormitory is actually better than a pigeon cage.

As for's really that the pressure of Xiangcheng Island is too strong.

All people are invisibly harvested by capital in waves.

Only the strong can swim against the current to gain more capital, and then be harvested by capital in a new way.

At the bottom is the hukou and work.

A little higher house and exquisite life, a little higher is just children and education, layer by layer, people contribute and pay.

It looks like you've got everything, but it's like you're getting nothing.

This is the power of capital.

Gu Chen did not comment on this, but what this leading big brother said was really very sober.

Three million in this Xiangcheng Island, they will not live like a person.

But if you are in your hometown, you can not only live alive.

You can even hold your head up and hold your chest up!

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