This is the difference and the choice.

Gu Chen knew that this kind of multiple-choice question would be very difficult in front of the vast majority of people.

Because many people don't know exactly how to choose.

Or there are always some people who regret after choosing one for a while, regretting why they didn't choose another life.

"Now the thinking of the leading big brother can be said to be very clear."

"The choice to go back to their hometown is indeed enough for them."

Gu Chen thought so, the leading big brother is still continuing to output.

"The older generation said, if people forget the words of the ancestors and forget Ben, what is it, it is a beast!"

"Only the return of fallen leaves is our final destination!"

"If you forget your hometown today because of this money, then if you go underground in the future, how can you get together with your ancestors!"

"Do you know that this kind of thing is very uncomfortable?"

Perhaps the words of the leading eldest brother were too refreshing, in short, all the other bandits present in an instant began to agree with what he said.

It was also for this reason that Jiang Min and Gu Chen began to shift their attention to Liu Si.

Jiang Min suddenly gave this Liu Si a thumbs up under the table.

"It's so great, Sister Liu Si, did you come up with all this yourself?"

In the face of his little angel's praise, in fact, Liu Si wanted to say something full of face.

However, Liu Si silently changed his words at the end.

"It's not me, it's probably they feel it."

After saying such a sentence, Liu Si smiled at Jiang Min, and the bitterness in that smile didn't know why it made this Jiang Min feel a little distressed.

Gu Chen continued to listen to the sound coming from this monitor.

"What the hell are you talking about, do you really think that with these three million you will be able to return to your hometown as a blessing?"

"No one really thinks that a chance to stay on Xiangcheng Island will be much better than if you go back to your hometown!" Do you know what convenience is? Do you really think that there are cities like Xiangcheng Island everywhere?

"This is a magical city that caters to all your needs, can you enjoy 24-hour hot water in your hometown, and a convenience store restaurant where you can buy hot food at any time?"

"Do you think that your parents will have to go to the medical examination when they are old, and they will have to travel for ten days and a half a month, or three or four days shorter?" Aren't you afraid of hard work, and aren't the old people afraid?

"If you live on Xiangcheng Island, there will be no such problem at all, no matter which hospital you go to, the ambulance comes directly, and the resources for medical examination and seeing doctors are one of the top in the world!" Where to find such a good treatment?

"And your children, don't tell me to let your children go your old way!" On Xiangcheng Island, as long as you have a household registration on Xiangcheng Island, as long as your child has no IQ problems, you will definitely be able to learn!

"Is it okay to do something in the future that is far from this unproductive work of your ancestors, or do you want your children to suffer the same thing you have suffered?" Let your children repeat the path you once walked, and then keep looping?

When Gu Chen heard this, he didn't know what kind of attitude to use to express his emotions.

He could only look at Liu Si silently.

Liu Si's face was really a little blue and white at this time, and he didn't expect that his good drama would actually become a kind of debate competition between students.

There are very clear flags and labels between the two sides, and the most important thing is who says who is reasonable.

No matter who spoke, it made everyone in this private room feel silent and heavy.

Chairman Zhang even began to ask Lang Mingyue beside him who the negotiator on their side of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club was, it was really a very thorough life, and Chairman Zhang felt that it was still very interesting to talk to such a person.

So want to get to know this guy.

Lang Mingyue was also quite shocked, especially when he thought of Liu Si's previous behavior.

After encountering Chairman Zhang's question, he immediately snorted.

" I still don't know very well, when their side is over, I will go to him immediately!"

After assuring Chairman Zhang, Lang Mingyue then felt the oppression that Chairman Zhang carried.

In fact, it is mainly because this chairman is full of firepower, otherwise, Lang Mingyue's reaction would not be so great.

"Okay, keep listening."

After Chairman Zhang finished explaining to this Lang Mingyue, he began to continue to listen to the speech of the leading big brother.

But unexpectedly, just after the people of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club finished speaking, the counterattack of the leading big brother also came very quickly.

"Yes, I admit that these are all benefits, and basically heavenly benefits."

"But have you ever thought about which of these situations you mentioned, which of us can consume if it falls on Xiangcheng Island?"

"You tell me that when we don't have the money to live on, do we think about other people's problems?"

"Don't talk to me about any responsibilities and obligations, really at the bottom of the end, people like us who can't do anything will only be the easiest group of people to be eliminated."

"When the time comes, there is no money, there is no life, what do we live on? As for seeing a doctor, it is no longer the old yellow calendar, and we also know how to make our father and mother live better!

"It's about being by their side and spending the rest of the day with them!" Do you know what I mean, think for yourself how much time you haven't spent with your family?

"There is also the issue of education, I will never put all my hopes on my own child what I can't do, I hope that more is that he can grow up happily on his own!"

"I can give him or her a life I didn't have when I was a child, this is already a kind of progress, a change, you want me to step into the sky, then I'm sorry, we're afraid of falling to death!"

"So, do you understand what I mean?"

I don't know why, just after the leading eldest brother finished saying this.

It was not only the people of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society who fell into silence.

Even Gu Chen, Jiang Min, Liu Si, and Wu Lan's people instantly fell into silence.

Because in a way, what this person said was a little too shocking.

It was so shocking that they didn't know what to say.

"What is the origin of this person, is he really just an ordinary kidnapper?"

Chairman Zhang couldn't help but ask Lang Mingyue beside him directly.

"I, I don't know very well."

But Lang Mingyue was also shocked at this time, and he didn't know what kind of remarks he should use to answer, he could only secretly look at Liu Si, who was also a little unnatural on his face.

Liu Si directly avoided this Lang Mingyue's gaze.

Jiang Min was still giving her a thumbs up.

For this reason, Liu Si could only smile awkwardly.

Gu Chen fell into a calm thought, and his whole thoughts were brought into the fierce discussion between the two people.

"It's endless!"

At the beginning, this president was able to listen very patiently, but in the end, he felt a little bored, and the whole person was moving.

"If you have ADHD, you can stay away from me."

It was this change that directly made Wu Lan, who was originally sitting next to this guild leader, feel a headache.

Sometimes, he even felt that this was a punishment from heaven for himself.

"You know what, these two are about to fight, I call this a warm-up, ready to help at any time!"

However, after this chairman said this, he immediately heard a voice from the monitoring device.

"Since everyone said that they can't go together, then forget it, today this deal is canceled, you guys will treat me as if I never came!"

"No, leave people behind and go!"

"That's right, give it to me!"

"You still want to rob people without paying? Call me! In

an instant, the sound coming from the monitoring device immediately became noisy.

Liu Si silently prepared to stretch out his hand to cover Jiang Min's ears.

Gu Chen, Chairman Zhang and the others were sitting in place like they were listening to a play, not knowing what they were thinking.

"You're ready to find someone to help!"

Chairman Zhang listened to the punches and kicks coming from the monitoring device, and finally couldn't help but order a certain president beside him.


Chairman Zhou also did not have the slightest ambiguity, and directly left the place without saying a word.

Prepare to find someone to clean up the disobedient robbers.

Gu Chen also looked at Jiang Min and Liu Si at this time.

Liu Si shook his head slightly towards Gu Chen, indicating that Gu Chen had no problem.

Sure enough, just as President Zhou silently left the room, an unusually loud voice suddenly made him suddenly return to the private room, and subconsciously closed the door tightly.

His face was terrified.

"Just wasn't it... So what?

He asked in a panic, and when he saw the ugly look on Chairman Xin and Chairman Zhang's faces, he began to rejoice in his heart.

"Fortunately, I haven't gone yet, otherwise I wouldn't have to..." He

was afraid for a while, and even silently locked the door.

The whole person showed a sad expression and returned to the table.

Chairman Zhang didn't say anything more, and the situation in the room seemed to fall into some quiet silence.

"No, don't, don't kill me!"

But after less than twenty seconds of silence, a trembling voice with a crying voice sounded again.

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