Gu Chen, Chairman Zhang and the others immediately heard that this was a certain member of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society who spoke up before.

Chairman Zhang stood up with a brush, as if he was thinking about something and deciding something.

Cold sweat broke out on his head.

"Aren't you still very superior just now, don't you think that you must be able to be superior?"

"Remember, you have a lot of money in this world, but people who don't have money are the keynote of this society, the foundation of everything!"

"If you provoke us, then I'm sorry, don't think about it!"

After saying three words, Chairman Zhang heard a gunshot.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min were also silent, but Liu Si began to wonder.

"This is similar to my script, but whether it is carried out according to a false situation, this is indeed no one knows!"

At this time, Liu Si was really very weak-hearted, and she didn't know what kind of face she should use to face Gu Chen and Jiang Min's praise.

I don't know how to explain to Lang Mingyue, who thought that he had really done a lot of terrible things.

I don't know why Jiang Min was not a little afraid when she heard these things, and even silently grabbed her palm covering her ears and loosened.

All this gave Liu Si a feeling that things were completely detached.

Fortunately, Gu Chen is still there, and she can be regarded as having the backbone.

Li Wan's time was really scared to pee.

"No, it's really killing, they won't kill them!"

"Besides, these people are not a good thing! I'm not going to never go back to my own home, am I? "

Oh no, I'm not married yet!"

Li Wan's legs were shaking, but he couldn't make them stop.

"Lang Mingyue, is this your arrangement?"

At this time, Chairman Zhang was also furious, he didn't understand why suddenly this person who went to pick up these robbers would directly cause such a situation.

"No, it's not. I really didn't know that something like this would happen. Lang

Mingyue's face was also very pale at this time, but Lang Mingyue did not feel his mind confused because the people of his Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Society were killed.

But because of the conversation between the people of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club and the leading big brother before, it really shocked him a little.

And now Lang Mingyue is a little unclear whether these people's conversations are scripts or really happening these things.

"If it's Liu Si, is she trying to convey any message?"

"If not, aren't these people really killing people here?"

"Then if this is really the case, wouldn't I, as the person who chartered this restaurant, be completely unable to escape, and then Li Jiahao would find out on my head!"

"The Qinghuatang Red Flower Society will definitely abandon me in order to protect myself and make me an outcast."

Lang Mingyue's thoughts at this time were very chaotic, and he always felt that he was going to end this time.

He silently looked at Liu Si, wanting to see what information could be revealed from the woman's eyes.

However, Liu Si did not show any abnormality at all.

Instead, Chairman Zhang listened to the silence in the bread room, and his breathing began to become a little rapid.

"This is the robber from the interior!"

"It's worthy of being the person you Red Flower will find, and you are actually so discerning!"

And at this time, Liu Si actually began to speak, and he opened his mouth with his own mockery.

President Zhang suddenly raised his head and wanted to confront Mai Mang.

However, the effect was not good, because it was at the moment when the two met their eyes.

Once again, a gunshot rang out from the listening device.

This time there was finally a chaotic run, and the sound of opening and slamming the door.

"Run, this guy is crazy!"

"Go, go, go! Run!

"Let me go first, let me go first!"

Instantly, Chairman Zhang and the others' faces became even more ugly.

The most important thing is that none of them dared to go out and see the situation.

All of them hid in this room and listened to the sound, and after a burst of noise, then there was no sound and it came back again.

Chairman Zhang and others were immediately ridiculed by Liu Si.

"Do you know, it seems that some people were very arrogant before and wanted to do something big, saying that they kidnapped Li Jiahao's son, but now it's better not only that they haven't kidnapped anyone, but they even made themselves search!"

"Shut up!"

"Let me shut up, do you think that the high-level members of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society can listen to your thoughts."

"I know what you want to say, but I don't want to explain anything to you, and you are not the top level of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society."

"I know, but do you know what the purpose of my coming this time is, to spy on you!"

"Spy on me? Just you deserve it? The

two of them instantly looked like they were arguing.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min were watching the play.

Li Wanwan silently felt a headache.

Because he always felt that if Li Jiajun died here, Xiangcheng Island would definitely turn the sky.

Especially if he is still here, if Li Jiahao finds out, he will definitely be misunderstood!

"Isn't this my life?"

Suddenly, Li Wan's resentment towards the countess deepened a little.

Gu Chen silently watched the quarrel between these two people and suddenly wanted to laugh a little, so he silently stepped back a little towards his position.

This made Chairman Zhang silently notice Gu Chen.

He naturally saw the badge on Gu Chen's chest.


At first, Chairman Zhang thought that he was looking at the eyes, after all, today's young people like to carry some strange things.

So now that someone is carrying the exclusive badge of the leader of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, Chairman Zhang is not the slightest panic.

"Wait, it's fake."

Chairman Zhang's arrogance in the face of this Liu Si instantly disappeared.

"It should be."

He suddenly felt a panic, and at the same time his mind began to return to the picture he had seen before.

It was in the first room he saw that Gu Chen and Jiang Min were sitting on the main seat at the beginning.

"Yes, I entered this room before, no wonder this Liu Si actually willingly sat in the deputy seat."

"And Wu Lan is so calm, there is actually no reaction, it turns out that this is the case! No wonder no wonder!

Chairman Zhang thought of his previous actions at this time, and he felt his stupidity in an instant.

"It's over! I'm going to die!

He was also arrogant in the face of Liu Si at this time, and the whole person sat down silently.

Liu Si suddenly didn't react a little, what happened to this guy.

"What's the situation, this person suddenly became so sluggish."

Then Liu Si saw Gu Chen beside him, as well as the badge on his body, and immediately Liu Si understood why Chairman Zhang suddenly changed like this.

It was also at this time that Wu Lan discovered Chairman Zhang's situation and immediately burst out laughing.

"I wanted to help you before, but you don't fight yourself, you can't blame me!"

"Now you're noticing your reaction! Now you have come to an end in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Festival!

"That's nice! And Liu Si can get one step closer in this way!

"But who is this person who actually has the dragon's head badge?"

"It's a bit elusive."

Wu Lan silently felt a mysterious feeling towards Gu Chen.

At the same time, I began to be silent about myself entering this room, which is a very good choice!

Gu Chen silently looked at Chairman Zhang, but Chairman Zhang did not dare to look at Gu Chen at this time.

"That's it?"

Gu Chen's heart suddenly flashed a trace of this feeling in his mind.

At the same time, the bald man in the outside world also seemed to feel something.

The expression on the face of the leading little brother also changed, because he seemed to hear something strange.

"Did you hear anything?"


The bald man in sunglasses actually felt something, but his order at this time was to be optimistic about this leading little brother.

"Just stay here."


The leading little brother could only say a word silently.

The other younger brothers of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society are also you look at me and I look at you, it seems that they want to say something.

But the appearance of President Zhou before really startled the younger disciples of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, although they were excited to think that there was something to do and someone was going to fight!

However, he didn't expect that after Chairman Zhou opened the door, he closed the door of the private room very quickly.

In an instant, the younger disciples of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club looked at each other.

"Did you see Master Zhou just now?"

"I thought I was mistaken, it turned out it wasn't!"

"But did we hear something strange?"

At this time, there was complete silence in the private room.

Gu Chen looked at Chairman Zhang, who lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Jiang Min and Liu Si were chatting with each other, or Jiang Min was silently asking Liu Si about the script before.

But no matter what Jiang Min said, Liu Si just didn't admit that he had any script.

"Really, Sister Jiang Min is really not me!"

"Ah, I know it, I know it!"

The conversation between the two was very flattering, and Gu Chen was a little hungry.

Then Gu Chen thought of a question.

"I seem to have forgotten what I came out for!"

"Didn't I come to bring food to Sun Shulan?"

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