When Gu Chen thought of this, Sun Shulan, Lin Wanxiang and the others actually did not feel any hunger.

Because Jiang Min's hanging up the phone before really worried them.

As for why they didn't fight again, they were worried that something would happen.

So during this time, they have been making some attempts to locate Gu Chen Jiang Min.

But the effect was not good, and as time passed, Chen Yu had to return to his position and continue to stare at the Xiangcheng Island market.

After all, this matter is also very important, so that Tong Zixin, as the temporary commander-in-chief, directly asked Chen Yu to leave these things alone for the time being, or go to see the situation of the overall market.

And she herself remembered the license plate number of Gu Chen's drive and began to contact her friends on Xiangcheng Island, wanting to see if anyone could help locate Gu Chen's last traces.

Then Tong Zixin got the news of a dog licking friend.

"Zixin, I found that the last parking record of this car was on a pedestrian street, but I also found a problem, not only you alone are checking this car, but other people have also checked this car."

"What? And this kind of thing?

After Tong Zixin heard this, he immediately remembered the scene of Gu Chen being targeted.

My heart suddenly became anxious.

"Can you find out who is looking up information about this car?"

"There is no way, the monitoring has been taken away by others, I can only know that this last car inspection record was not long ago today."

"Got it, thank you, if there is anyone else to investigate this car in the future... I hope you."

"Don't worry, Zixin, don't you know when I do things, I've always been very stable!" How about I tell them that this car is no longer found, that it has been changed to a deck car, or that the car has gone through the destruction procedure?

"Good, very good, it's really thanks to you this time, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't know what to do!"

Praised his little licking dog, Tong Zixin hung up the phone.

After taking a deep breath silently, Tong Zixin directly gave orders to everyone.

"Lin Wanxiang and Song Chao, Xiang Senluo, you three come with me!"

"If everyone else says it, stay here and continue what we haven't done yet."

Tong Zixin's dashing and speed made everyone in the audience listen silently and move, and no one would drag people back.

The speed of Lin Wanxiang and Song Chao to Senluo was also very fast and keen, and they didn't even need Tong Zixin to say anything.

The three of them could guess from Tong Zixin's slightly reddened eyes that the current situation was not very optimistic.

Therefore, just after the three got up, they said to Tong Zixin and waited a bit.

"Let's get ready."

Tong Zixin looked at them with a slight question on his face, who knew that Lin Wanxiang and Song Chao and Xiang Senluo actually directly didn't know where to draw a baseball bat and a delicate knife and hide it on their bodies.

He even silently took out a finger tiger and held it in his arms, looking like he wanted to be fully armed.

This change makes Tong Zixin actually a little blindfolded.

She didn't expect that Lin Wanxiang, Song Chao, and Xiang Senluo were so sensible.

A sense of security silently appeared in Tong Zixin's heart, looking at Lin Wanxiang and Song Chao looking at Sen Luo and them as if we were ready.

Tong Zixin nodded very satisfied, and said to them.

"Well, thank you! Let's go! With

a wave of his big hand, Lin Wanxiang and Song Chao left with Senluo.

Although Sun Shulan and the others were nervous, they had to wait with peace of mind.


At this time, Gu Chen was still thinking about whether he should give Tong Zixin and them a call to report safety or something.

But just after he came up with this idea.

Probably because the scene was silent for too long, or the script in the private room next door had been completely performed, so both sides fell into a kind of silence.

Liu Si ended the countdown in his heart at this time, began to stand up, and said to Lang Mingyue.

"The current situation may need someone to see, what do you think?"

"Jean, let me go? Are you serious, they shot, shot, what is this concept, someone on the other side must have been killed, these extrajudicial maniacs must be very difficult to mess with!

"Otherwise, who else do you think is more suitable than you as a centrist?"

Even if Lang Mingyue knew that this Liu Si had contacted these kidnappers before, and even they must have had some deal.

Or say some protocol.

Even Lang Mingyue directly and boldly guessed that this Liu Si should have reached an agreement with these kidnappers at some point.

Otherwise, this Liu Si would not be able to sit here so quietly.

But Lang Mingyue even guessed this Liu Si's script.

I also thought that the situation next door may be exactly the same as I thought.

As long as I have passed, I can see the robbers who are acting and acting, and the younger brothers of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club.

However, even so, Liu Si still did not dare to gamble.

"If I lose the gamble, it will be very sad to directly throw away my life for such a job!"

"As long as I don't have greedy desires, as long as I don't gamble! You can't lose!

Therefore, based on this thought, Lang Mingyue did not dare or want to go to the private room next door to see if the gang of robbers and the people of his Qinghuatang Red Flower Club had shot and fired.

Because he was worried about his own safety, he also knew that there was also a backdoor in this century-old store.

If you wait a little longer, you will be able to increase your safety factor by one more point.

"Although now Liu Si can take the initiative to stand up and say this, it does send a signal, but who makes me still worried, life is only once!"

"Gambling is impossible to gamble!"

But the idea is very beautiful, and the reality is very skinny.

Even if Lang Mingyue can withstand Lang Mingyue's pressure, it is for Chairman Zhang, who is now scared out of his guts.

He needed a chance to perform.

An opportunity to allow himself to save his dignity and image in front of Gu Chen.

So Lang Mingyue felt that he should be stable, and Liu Si also sat back with a smile.

Lang Mingyue heard a meticulous and serious voice from Chairman Zhang.

"Lang Mingyue!"

"Now is a difficult time for our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club! We need people like you! It takes your effort! Need your greatness!

"In a word, we really need you to go to the next room to see what's going on right now."

"But we don't want you to do anything that endangers your own life, but we want you..." At

this point, Chairman Zhang didn't know why, but it was the ghost who glanced back at Gu Chen.

Just in front of Gu Chen's smiling eyes, Chairman Zhang was immediately excited, and immediately turned his head to this Lang Mingyue and said.

"I want you to take a look at the situation next door, although the current strength of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Society is still very strong, but in the face of this kind of robber who will not reason with you at all, you still have to be directly careful!"

"Do you understand what I mean when I say this, as long as you go to this next door, show me if these kidnappers have left this restaurant, if you come back directly and tell us!"

"If you haven't already, protect yourself and get home."

After saying these words, Lang Mingyue was also stunned, and he snorted.

I really couldn't understand what Chairman Zhang meant when he spoke, whether he planned to let these robbers go.

"It's strange, obviously I wanted to blacken these robbers and snatch everything back from them, including Li Jiajun."

"But now you're actually starting to care about your own safety? That's not right!

"Or is this the middle and high-level of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club, which is simply a typical performance of the bottom that is very flexible and stretchable!"

Lang Mingyue always felt that she really wanted to complain, but she didn't dare to really complain.

This led to the comical scene of Lang Mingyue opening her mouth and closing it again.

Gu Chen saw all this in his eyes, and his gaze couldn't help but fall on this Liu Si's body.

Liu Si seemed to have been waiting for Gu Chen to come looking for an explanation, or something, and he had already prepared a very quick look to give Gu Chen a signal.

This made Gu Chen suddenly feel a lot relieved.

Because it doesn't matter to him, but Jiang Min is still here, once what happens is a situation in time and space.

Then you can still give it a go.

But now, Jiang Min is in this private room, and if Gu Chen thinks about things, he must also take Jiang Min into account.

Otherwise, even if there is a problem in the future, Gu Chen has no place to regret it again.

Therefore, this is the case, Gu Chen is silently so careful.

At the same time, Lang Mingyue's panic time was also over.

Because under the threat of Chairman Zhang and the other guild leaders, he could only silently lower his arrogant head and say to Chairman Zhang and the others.


"But after the matter is done, I want you Safflower to not trouble me again, and don't force me to join your Safflower Society!" The most important thing is that you do the same. When

he was only halfway through speaking, this Lang Mingyue gritted his teeth again and said such a thing to Liu Si.

"In short, neither side of your Qinghuatang Red Flower Society will restrict my freedom anymore!"

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