This strange request, Gu Chen, Jiang Min and others were actually hearing it for the first time.

Several people looked at Lang Mingyue, not very aware that there were still people who wanted to be a completely liberal centrist in the Red Flower Association of the Qinghuatang Society.

"You think about it, what you gave up is not an ordinary opportunity for a promotion and a raise, but also an opportunity for you to really enter the top of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club!"

"At that time, with your ingenuity, it won't be long before you can become a guild leader with your own little brother, why do you deny your future here?"

At this time, Chairman Zhang completely played the role of a confidant uncle who was lost in tireless education.

A very reverent look, completely thinking about this Lang Mingyue.

And the feeling of speaking is completely different from before.

Lang Mingyue looked at this chairman a little strangely, and thought that this old guy was deliberately saying these words to stimulate himself and draw a pie or something.

Therefore, I have finally woken up to my three-sided image, and my own behavior is indeed very unpleasant.

Only then did I feel that I might really not be very suitable for any path of the Blue and Flower Society.

Only then did Lang Mingyue have the idea of wanting to escape.

But what about the final result?

Naturally, he was directly prevented by Chairman Zhang, who was completely in a big change of heart at this time.

Even Chairman Zhou, Chairman Xin, who was next to Chairman Zhang, accidentally saw the badge on Gu Chen's body.

They have also become completely different kinds of people, people who have completely considered their own gang.

Therefore, at this time, suddenly a person took the initiative to jump out and said to them to almost retreat.

And this person was still a young man .

The three presidents from the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society began to launch a super bombardment of Lang Mingyue.

The person involved, Lang Mingyue, said that he was very blinded.

What you said and did made you so excited.

"Or is my father actually dead, and what position does he still hold in the Blue and Flower Society?"

"Otherwise, how can I explain the abnormality of these three guild leaders, is it because I am too attractive?"

Although no one will believe this.

But this Lang Mingyue really couldn't think of any reason to prove that he could suddenly make these bigwigs impress him.

At this time, Liu Si knew the reason for all this.

So he sneered, and directly stood up and maintained a completely opposite attitude with Chairman Zhang.

"Lang Mingyue, don't listen to these three old guys, how you want to live is your own idea, our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club has never been a strange organization, it will never restrict a person's freedom, nor will it force you to do anything."

"As for letting you go to the next room to check it out, it is actually because you are most familiar with this hotel, and you are the most suitable person to ask you to do so."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't want to go, no one can force you here at the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society."

Liu Si also showed a completely wrong attitude from before, but this made this Lang Mingyue even more confused.

"Okay, I'd better go, you guys look so strange!"

In the end, I really feel that the changes in the three presidents and Liu Si are really a little bit unclear.

Therefore, Lang Mingyue's head only wanted to leave this room first and give himself a little personal space.

It just so happens that this three presidents are not planning to let themselves go to the outside world to see what's going on?

Then he will obediently and honestly leave.

"I'm just a little person anyway!"

Lang Mingyue thought so, and opened the door in the sight of everyone.

Gu Chen saw that this thin man was mentally tormented at this time, and it was directly that the idea that Gu Chen had planned to make this Lang Mingyue suffer a little later disappeared at this time.

"After all, this guy is miserable enough."

Lang Mingyue's departure caused the audience to fall into indifference again.

Everyone is silent, you don't look at me, I don't look at you, head down, or playing with your phone, or just in a daze.

Just no one dares to take the initiative to speak.

The only one who can be unscrupulous is actually Jiang Min.

Why, because just before, when there were gunshots and various sounds in the private room next door, Liu Si directly gave this Jiang Min an ear covering package.

In an instant, Jiang Min's world became clear.

Even if the world was noisy outside, Jiang Min still didn't have anything happen.

But other people, because their attention was on the sound released by this monitor.

So no one noticed that Liu Si was able to cover Jiang Min's ears a second before this gunshot erupted.

Otherwise, a little brain can calculate it, and what happened in this other private room must be related to Gu Chen, Jiang Min, and Liu Si.

And now there is still really no emotion, in fact, it is Chairman Zhang.

Because he was already a little numb at this time.

As long as he recalled that before he remembered himself, he actually did that kind of evil method to the person with the dragon head badge of the Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Society.

In his heart, this president felt that he was insulting his own dragon.

"It's really over!"

In this regard, this president was already scared to death by himself.

The only thing he hoped for now was that this man with the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society Dragon Head Badge would be magnanimous to himself.

Otherwise, he would really go crazy.

He also wants to rely on the pension from the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club to tell his little brothers.

"I am your role model for the future!"

But now it's all over.

Wu Lan's eyes at this time were always very inadvertently from Gu Chen's body to Liu Si and Jiang Min's body.

Because he really can't understand it.

In the end, why did the emblem of his Qinghuatang Red Flower Society dragon head appear on a man's body.

"Could it be that this guy was chosen by the dragon"

Thinking of this, Wu Lan's gaze looked at this Gu Chen even more inadvertently.

Gu Chen also didn't say much, because of his appearance, he had not been secretly seen.

Wu Lan's kind is already very polite.

Therefore, Gu Chen was not angry at all, and was even able to smile faintly at this Wu Lan when he met Wu Lan's gaze.

"Elder Wu, why do you keep peeking at me, if you are curious about me, you can take a look at it now."

Gu Chen's words made Wu Lan's face blush, and he didn't dare to rely on the old and sell the old at all.

"Haha, don't misunderstand anything about this gentleman, I see that your appearance is majestic, it is really a bit like Liang Shan, the spiritual leader before our Qinghuatang Red Flower Meeting."

"When I'm older, it's easy to think back to my past, so I think that this gentleman and you are really a bit similar to our one."

"They are all so young and promising, they are all so amazing!"

But this guy Wu Lan has long prepared his own set of rhetoric, or directly the crazy incarnation of Gu Chen's licking dog, and began to express his nostalgia for Gu Chen.

After some operation, basically no one will have a bad feeling for such a gentle old man.

"Haha, so be it."

Gu Chen silently responded to this Wu Lan.

After all, if it weren't for this guy, I'm afraid they would have been infiltrated by these presidents of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society a long time ago.

At that time, this Liu Si is not well arranged, where will he have the opportunity to complete the script he set at the beginning?

How could the three presidents of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society be deceived at this critical time.

In short, Gu Chen also had a very tacit understanding and did not say that Wu Lan and Liu Si had a relationship.

In this way, several people chatted tacitly.

The only guy who was incompatible with the atmosphere in this private room was Li Wan, who kept cursing the countess.

"Abominable woman, if it weren't for this guy's ha, why wouldn't I have eaten a hot meal until now."

From the beginning of his heart, he began to feel anger towards the countess.

This anger has not disappeared with the passage of time, but silently grows with the growth of this Li Wan's time.

This caused Li Wan's thinking to become very confused.

I always feel that I should go to this countess to settle accounts now.

"Anyway, the eldest brother at this time is also missing and I don't know where to go."

"Then I can directly deal with this woman before the eldest brother comes back, and when the time comes, whatever Jessica Rebecca is, let me get out of Xiangcheng Island!"

"Then wipe the traces clean, even if someone wants to check, or wait until my good big brother Li Wenquan comes out, I will tell him, look at what you want to do, I have done what you can't do!" And the people are gone!

"At that time, my eldest brother just wants to check, then he will check, anyway, it is impossible to find out anything, at most it will make me a little embarrassed!"

"Then I can tell him then, this countess feels that the free atmosphere of Xiangcheng Island is really depressing, so she left directly!"

Li Wan had even begun to calculate his own future, after his good eldest brother Li Wenquan appeared.

He should be able to use this reason madly to tell his good big brother Li Wenquan.

"In this way, not only can I export my evil qi well, but also help my good eldest brother Li Wenquan get rid of that woman!"

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