Thinking of this, Li Wandu felt that he was too smart.

But after being smart, Li Quan suddenly seemed to feel that he had overlooked something.

"Wait, the eldest brother is missing, and Li Jiajun is kidnapped?"

"Is there a connection between the two?"

When Li Wan's thought of this, he directly touched his mobile phone, and he really wanted to make a call to Li Jiajun now.

See if this guy has really been kidnapped.

However, there were too many people at the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club present.

Li Wan, who could only secretly take out his mobile phone, began to text.

"Young Master Li, what are you busy with?"

Although Li Wan, knowing that this Young Master Li is estimated to not respond to him, but now Li Wan, he really does not dare to call in front of this group of people from the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

It's so dangerous!

So Li Wan, silently coughed twice, and found that the people of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club did not notice him.

This emboldened him a little.

Then his hands silently adjusted the mobile phone number to Li Jiajun's position.

On the one hand, it is very concealed to hold the hand up and disguise it.

At this moment, Gu Chen seemed to have noticed this guy's small movement.

"By the way, Li Wan's still here, I don't know how this Liu Si arranged Li Wenquan, if Li Wan's discovery, wouldn't it be very embarrassing."

"Moreover, the current strength of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society is impossible to deal with the Li family."

"At that time, there will be a nest fight between the two sides, which will increase the delay time for this Li Jiahao."

Gu Chen pondered very thoroughly, so the most important thing for Gu Chen at this time was of course to put Li Wenquan's problem to rest.

Therefore, Gu Chen felt that he should remind Liu Si to pay attention to this problem at this time.

"Li End!"

So Gu Chen silently called out to Li Wan.

In an instant, everyone in the Red Flower Society of the Blue and Flower Hall and Jiang Min focused their attention on Li Wan.

This moment directly scared Li Wan, and the whole person was full of tremors.

I didn't understand at all why Gu Chen called his name at this time.

"Did you notice my little movement?"

His face remained unchanged, but his heart had begun to tremble wildly, and he quickly hid his mobile phone, and said to Gu Chen with a cynical look on his face.

"Well, I'm here."

At the same time, Li Quan didn't know if his phone number had been dialed.

Anyway, I was very uneasy in my heart.

"Why did you come out today?"

"Your Li family seems to be very relaxed about your discipline!"

Gu Chen looked like he was caring about Li Wan, but he was actually reminding Liu Si of Li Wenquan's identity.

At the same time, it also made the eyes of several people in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club shine with different brilliance.

Wu Lan pondered Li Wan's name for a moment and thought about the Li family that Gu Chen said.

"Is that the Li family?"

Chairman Zhang, Chairman Zhou, President Xin and others were thinking.

"Do you want to kill this guy!"

"After all, at that time, our Qinghuatang Red Flower Association and the Li family also had an unpleasant fight, and now the people of the Li family actually appear here, isn't it self-defeating?"

"You can do that!"

Everyone's thoughts are different, and as the main reminder object of Gu Chen.

Liu Si's mood was actually quite complicated.

Because I had met Li Wan, a long time ago.

It's just that after the brilliance of time and the passage of time, Liu Si has long been unable to remember what Li Wanwan was like at that time.

She only remembered that a little child with a runny nose would often call his sister behind him.

"Have you grown this big?"

For the first time, Liu Si only had this idea in his mind.

The second time, Liu Si's eyes turned, and he immediately understood why Gu Chen said such things to himself.

"Is this reminding me of Li Wenquan's problem?"

"President Gu is really comprehensive!"

A warm current crossed Liu Si's heart, because she knew that Gu Chen was worried that she would say the wrong thing and accidentally expose Li Wenquan's whereabouts, causing herself and the Li family to turn their faces.

"In order not to let me have any strange confrontation with my own family, President Gu really took great pains!"

Thinking so, Liu Si silently looked at Gu Chen.

The eyes of the two were exactly opposite for a moment, and then they both cut apart very tacitly.

That brief exchange between the two sides has made each other feel that their meaning has reached each other's hearts.

That's enough.

Therefore, now the focus of the whole audience has once again returned to Li Wan.

Back to Li Wan, who is still frantically covering himself, Li Wan's mood is very unstable now, but he still has to pretend to be very calm, he said.

"Our Li family has always been relatively lenient towards children like me, after all, if the family is big and big to manage everything, what to do with the family business, it is still necessary to focus on the career!"

"As for us juniors, if only we could manage ourselves!"

Gu Chen just smiled when he heard this and did not speak, he looked at Wu Lan beside him and said.

"This is everyone's demeanor, what do you think of Elder Wu?"

Wu Lan never thought that Gu Chen would suddenly call out and let himself speak, and for a while Wu Lan, who was old and refined in this person, didn't know what to say.

However, after hearing Gu Chen's words, Wu Lan still silently starved to support her body, showing her attitude first before speaking.

"I think Brother Li Wan's words are very good and very self-aware."

Then Wu Lan began the business blowing model with Li Wan.

For a while, there was a cheerful atmosphere in this private room.

Gu Chen was also very satisfied watching their performance, and Liu Si was when the entire attention was on Wu Lan and Li Wan.

Liu Si was frantically editing information on the side and commanding remotely.

Finally, just when Li Quan was not so nervous, the door was opened again.

Lang Mingyue returned to the room sweating.

"I, I'm back!"

Chairman Zhang and the others immediately set their sights on Gu Chen's body, wanting to see how Gu Chen decided.

Lang Mingyue also took the initiative to walk to Chairman Zhang and the others, ready to report.

"Don't worry, drink the saliva first!"

But Chairman Zhang didn't react at all, and even asked this guy to drink for the time being.

This made Lang Mingyue a little confused.

Especially when he saw that Chairman Zhang and the others seemed to be very careful, Lang Mingyue was even more strange.

"What's the situation, what happened during the time I was out?"

Lang Mingyue didn't know the situation, but his reason told him to be careful to sail the 10,000-year ship.

So, after drinking the water, he stood silently on the spot without saying anything or doing anything, just waiting for someone to give him instructions for the next step.

"President Gu, what should we do next."

That is, when everyone was a little embarrassed, Liu Si seemed to have sent a text message and asked Gu Chen directly.

The eyes of the two once again clashed in the air.

Gu Chen clearly saw the arrangement in Liu Si's eyes.

So Gu Chen also understood that he could develop casually next.

"Next, let's see what Lang Mingyue says."

After these words came out, Chairman Zhang began to say like a licking dog.

"Okay, what President Gu said is good for President Gu, Lang Mingyue, you quickly say what we should do next!"

When he said this, Chairman Zhang also thought in his heart.

"It turns out that this person who got our dragon head badge is surnamed Gu, but why haven't I heard of such a family surnamed Gu or a famous person in my memory?"

"It stands to reason that this shouldn't be the case, unless this surnamed Gu is not from our Xiangcheng Island."

"That is, foreign aid? Or something else...."

Chairman Zhang thought in his heart, and the person who thought more than him was actually Lang Mingyue.

After all, during the time between Gu Chen's speech and this president's answer, Lang Mingyue had silently grown his mouth.

His eyes were full of dullness and panic.

Especially after seeing Gu Chen sitting on the main throne, that indifferent look.

Lang Mingyue always felt as if something had collapsed in her heart.

"Why is this, who is this, Mr. Gu? What is the source? I've never heard of any big guy surnamed Gu in our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club!

"But Chairman Zhang's reaction is not quite right, according to reason, he was still arrogant and domineering just now, he shouldn't have become so well-behaved at this time!"

"And the difference is too big!"

Lang Mingyue always feels that this world always likes to joke with people like him.

However, he thinks it doesn't matter if it's a joke, but what if others don't think so?

"According to the current situation, this Gu Chen must be a big figure in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, and he is also a big person who is very deeply hidden."

"Otherwise, this arrogant Chairman Zhang would not have changed so much before and after!"

"And this guy surnamed Gu must be very difficult to mess with, otherwise it wouldn't be so obedient to them now!"

"In this way, this hidden big guy must be a man with a bad temper and likes to take revenge!"

Instantly, Lang Mingyue had a feeling that she wanted to leave this world.

Why, because he always felt that this hidden boss of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society would never let him go.

"What is this, throwing yourself into the net? Bring about one's own destruction? Lang

Mingyue thought of his thoughts about Gu Chen, and thought of the actions he had done to him at the beginning.

Especially when he saw that the meals he had prepared had been eaten.

This Lang Mingyue's mind suddenly became dizzy, and he really wanted to faint immediately now.

That might be good for everyone.

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