But Gu Chen won't let Lang Mingyue faint, and neither will Chairman Zhang.

"Speak, Lang Mingyue."

Chairman Zhang spoke directly, and his face was a little unpleasant.

In an instant, Lang Mingyue came back to his senses when he spoke to them.

He was already so nervous that he was not nervous, or numb.

"President, I just arrived in this private room and saw nothing..."

"And there are no traces of fighting, I guess the robbers have moved all the people."

"The most important thing is that the people of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club have also disappeared, which is very ... very scary."

Lang Mingyue's words made everyone in this private room fall silent.

Gu Chen glanced at Liu Si, who had a gloomy face, noticed the indifference in this guy's eyes, and immediately knew that all this should still be Liu Si's plan.

Therefore, Gu Chen did not have too many emotional expressions, and some only had a feeling of calm and calm thinking.

Chairman Zhang, the three people, and Wu Lan really fell into thought at this time.

"What is the origin of this gang of robbers? Why was it so easy to kill all the people in our Blue and Flower Society?

"Are they some kind of special forces?"

No one doubted Lang Mingyue's words, and the sound of the monitoring device had completely disappeared.

The truth is in front of everyone, even if they don't believe it.

"So we can actually retreat?"

Chairman Zhang thought of this question for the first time, especially when his eyes looked at Gu Chen, the man behind him.

"Moreover, although I don't know why the dragon head badge appeared on such a strange man."

"But he must have a good relationship with the dragon head."

"Or is the hidden power in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Festival finally about to emerge!?"

As soon as he thought of this, Chairman Zhang couldn't help but get a little excited, and suddenly thought of the time when he encountered some difficulties at the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club.

The leaders of their Qinghuatang Red Flower Club are always able to directly shell out money or come up with some solution to solve their problems at these critical moments.

Even at some point, before the dragon head made a move, their problem had been solved, in short, all the high-level people in the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society felt that their dragon head was mysterious but the means were heavenly.

They all felt that on the bright side, they only had a group of people to form the Blue and Flower Hall Red Flower Club.

But secretly, there must be a group of people they don't know about in their dragon heads.

Every time they encounter an unsolvable problem, these people from the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club in the secret will make a move!

So even now that the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club has not been as good as a year, these old men who have the resources and abilities on their own hands have not only not left the Blue and Flower Society.

They even took out their old books to help their gangs, not because these people believe that sooner or later they will be able to see the re-emergence of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

Otherwise, you can obviously learn from some rich people to donate a little family property and run abroad to enjoy life.

Why waste time here doing such dangerous things, isn't it still feelings and reality?

It is for these reasons that Chairman Zhang has actually added his vast logarithmic family base to the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club.

It can be said that everything is gambled on the future of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club.

If you are cleared out at this time, or if you offend the people around the dragon head.

That situation...Chairman Zhang did not dare to gamble.

That's why he will look at Gu Chen's reaction at any time.

"Gu, President Gu."

Chairman Zhang stood up and said respectfully to Gu Chen.

"What do you think we should do now? The situation next door..."

Lang Mingyue suddenly went blank after hearing Chairman Zhang's words.

"Sure enough, this guy must be some hidden high-level of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, I'm finished!"

He directly sat in his place without any twisting, and although Chairman Zhang glanced at this guy, Lang Mingyue still didn't react.

Because he has now beaten himself to death in his heart.

Even in his mind, he kept recalling his various reactions to the speeches at that time.

"Hehe, that's how my life is!"

After pondering his future, Lang Mingyue fell into a final negative state.

On the other side, Chairman Zhang's question caused everyone in the private room to fall silently.

Liu Si was very proud, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he even ate a bite of food very easily.

Wu Lan glanced at this Liu Si with a strange look.

"Don't talk to me earlier, I don't even know that my previous behavior is like a clown."

"However, since he is all here, does that mean that the highest level of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society also supports the kidnapping of Li Jiajun?

"It's completely inconsistent with our previous thinking."

Although Wu Lan had some doubts in her heart, after pondering for a while, Wu Lan always felt as if she could no longer talk indiscriminately.

Because now he felt that Gu Chen's identity was unknown, but he must be very noble.

And the reason for his coming this time is not very certain, and it is not clear what his personality looks like.

Wu Lan didn't want to rashly express her opinions or something in this situation where everything was not clear.

Otherwise, if he suffered the disgust of this mysterious Gu Zong, it would be too much to lose.

Therefore, Wu Lan even lowered her head a lot, pretending to have an attitude of watching and closing her nose.

Gu Chen's words were asked by Chairman Zhang, and he immediately understood that this guy was asking himself.

But Gu Chen didn't know the specific situation of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, and he didn't want to interfere in the internal affairs of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

"Although I may have unknowingly joined the internal operation of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club, and maybe I am still their major shareholder behind the scenes..."

After Gu Chen thought of this, he suddenly thought of more.

"I said, how could an ordinary astronomy club need so much money to operate?"

"It turns out that the Astronomy Club is just his shell!"

"Is this really a careless investment directly into a treasure, or a pit?"

Gu Chen had a bit of a headache, so he didn't look at Liu Si's eyes that he kept using and wanted Gu Chen to hand-pick her to speak.

Directly said to this president.

"Since you Red Flower Society organized this matter yourself, then you are responsible for everything that happens."

"As for those of us who are unplanned, you don't have to worry about it, and you don't have to think about it."

"Just when we don't exist, so there you go." Busy your go.

After Gu Chen said this, Chairman Zhang immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, this hidden big guy doesn't have any extra ideas, otherwise I'm afraid that even if I can leave safely today, I will directly be plucked out of a layer of skin!"

Thinking of this, Chairman Zhang immediately said very respectfully to Gu Chen.

"Since this is the case, then President Gu will first deal with our own affairs, and we will carefully take a look at the situation next door."

"After all, this matter was led and decided by us, and now the robbers took Li Jiahao's son and we need to deal with it!" But Mr. Gu rest assured that from beginning to end, we have never exposed the identity of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society.

"Even if Li Jiajun escapes later, he won't find out about the head of our Qinghuatang Red Flower Club!" It will definitely not cause you any trouble. "

As for the 20 billion that we promised before the Red Flower Society... Special money... We may not be able to ... reach it.

"But we have made a vow of three cuts and six holes before, and we are willing to receive punishment!"

Saying that, Chairman Zhang also gestured to the two guild presidents beside him, and suddenly both of them stood up and bowed to Gu Chen and said.

"So are we! Be willing to take responsibility for your mistakes! The

reaction of the three half-old men made Gu Chen have to nod lightly.

"Got it."

He did not express any intention of agreeing, nor did he refuse.

It was such a faint statement that he knew, which instantly made Chairman Zhang and the three of them feel pressured.

Because if these three cuts and six holes can't satisfy the top level of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club, it means that they don't think it's enough.

Therefore, Chairman Zhang and the three will still feel stressed because of this situation.

It's just that Gu Chen didn't want to say anything more, and directly waved his hand to let the three of them leave.

What else can the three of Chairman Zhang say, of course, you look at me and I look at you, and directly left their seats.

And Lang Mingyue actually wanted to leave with the three guild leaders.

But Liu Si said with a pause.

"Wait a minute, you stay."

Lang Mingyue originally thought that she could get through the hurdle, so she simply followed the three guild presidents and left.

Who knew that in the end, he was stopped by Liu Si, who seemed to be laughing.

His face suddenly became very ugly, but the most important thing was that he had no possibility of resisting at all.

He even smiled at Liu Si and said.

"Okay, Hall Master Liu."

The three guild leaders looked at Liu Si, who was giving orders, and they were actually a little unhappy in their hearts, but Gu Chen was sitting on the main seat.

There is also a beautiful strange girl beside him.

Discerning people can immediately see that this girl has a good relationship with Gu Chen.

And Liu Si chatted very happily with this girl....

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