Therefore, if he still can't tell that Liu Si and Gu Chen are very closely related.

Then the three presidents of the guild will be in vain.

Therefore, he directly ignored the eyes from Lang Mingyue's help, and the three guild leaders turned around and left, completely without the arrogant attitude at the beginning.

Although after opening the door of the private room, the three guild leaders were indeed a little embarrassed to see the group of little brothers who had gathered around them.

But it's better than sunk your own costs.

After these three old guys left, Lang Mingyue immediately knew that he was going to be settled by Gu Chen.

His heart was really a little apprehensive.

"I wanted to make a fuss, but now... It's a complete clown.

He silently thought this in his heart, and Liu Si asked.

"You really didn't see anything?"

"Didn't you find anything abnormal?"

Yes? Just ask me that kind of question, or is it just an appetizer?

Faced with this Liu Si's inquiry, he involuntarily glanced at Gu Chen, who was expressionless, and then looked at Liu Siqiang and said calmly.

"I really don't see it at all."

But when he finished saying this, Lang Mingyue remembered what happened before at this time.

"So....did you keep me to warn me?"

"Could it be that this Liu Si had already contacted the robbers before, but what happened in the middle of this, so that what agreement was reached between this Liu Si and the robbers?"

So, this gang of robbers cooperated with Liu Si to put on a play! Liu Si helped the robbers leave?

When Lang Mingyue thought so, a dense cold sweat suddenly appeared on his big brain, because at this time he finally understood that he had really encountered an unprecedented crisis this time.

In order to protect herself, Lang Mingyue had to start her own performance frantically.

"I, Hall Master Liu....I am a centrist who has no threat, and it is my self-determination to do these things today!"

"Actually, I didn't want to do this from the beginning, I've always been the kind of person who is timid and afraid of things, but knows how to respect promises and what he says!"

"Otherwise, I know that today's situation is very dangerous and complicated, but I will continue to insist on arranging arrangements, isn't this because I am a person who does what he says and seeks truth from facts?"

"So, Hall Master Liu! You can completely trust me and believe in Lang Mingyue! He is a man who will never tell lies and betray! If you don't believe me, you can cut my chest out and take a look! "

Look if my Lang Mingyue's heart is black or red!"

These words were righteous, and Lang Mingyue stood up even more emotionally, her face rosy and shiny.

Aside from the truth and falsity in his words and the meaning of flattering and begging for mercy, this Lang Mingyue's expression ability is indeed good.

At least....thick skin!

After Lang Mingyue said these words, she obviously saw the surprise in Jiang Min's eyes and the ridicule in Liu Si's eyes.

As for Gu Chen and Wu Lan, these two old fox-like existences, they were still expressionless, and they couldn't see any mood swings at all.

This made Lang Mingyue instantly have no confidence in her heart.

"No, can't that work?"

"Could it be that my Lang Mingyue must be killed on the spot today? Or is my career just over? Lang

Mingyue secretly breathed, did not dare to let his chest rise and fall too much, and his face was even redder, as if he was Second Master Guan who couldn't get off the stage.

Liu Si saw this guy looking breathless, so he said lightly.

"Okay, okay, sit down!"

"Thank you, Hall Master Liu! But with the big guys in front, I must not dare to sit down like this! What happened today is indeed not well coordinated in some places of my Lang Mingyue, and..." Lang

Mingyue heard Liu Si's words at the beginning, and immediately knew that this was Liu Si giving himself a step down.

But even if there was an opening that could be solved, Lang Mingyue did not dare to accept it so rashly.

Because after passing one level, there is a more difficult level waiting for you later.

Lang Mingyue will not let himself continue to hang that heart up and down and worry, he wants to solve the problem at once.

Therefore, Lang Mingyue said while holding up the wine glass and toasting in Gu Chen's direction.

"And some of my actions today accidentally disturbed our great Gu Zong! I am truly dead!

"I'll apologize to President Gu now!" I hope you can punish me heavily! This way I can feel a little better in my heart! Saying

that, Lang Mingyue's eyes even looked a little red, and Gu Chen looked at him... I think it's a pity that this Lang Mingyue doesn't act.

Liu Si listened to this Lang Mingyue's words, still a little blinded, but when it came to Gu Chen's affairs, Liu Si was still very cautious.

Even Liu Si didn't dare to interject indiscriminately.

After all, he didn't know what Lang Mingyue had offended Gu Chen, if he opened his mouth indiscriminately to intercede for Lang Mingyue, if Lang Mingyue didn't do anything disgusting, it would be okay, Gu Chen forgave him.

But if something really happened that made Gu Chen feel uncomfortable, it came out.

That's sorry, the first one to fall into the well is her Liu Si!

Therefore, at this time, Liu Si directly closed his mouth and began to watch Lang Mingyue's new round of performance.

"You, want to say what you did wrong?"

And Gu Chen, in fact, from the beginning, he really didn't find anything wrong with this Lang Mingyue.

But now, Gu Chen only knew that this Lang Mingyue was plotting against him, but he didn't know why.

Gu Chen was still very curious about this, so he always had to figure things out.

This is how to punish this Lang Mingyue.

Therefore, Gu Chen asked this most crucial question.

But who knows, this most critical question is the most difficult to answer for Lang Mingyue.

Because Lang Mingyue really didn't know what kind of attitude and what tone to use to tell Gu Chen.

"Ah, in fact, there is nothing, I originally planned to let you guys get out quickly!"

"After all, today I ordered this store to hide a big hidden feeling in the city, and the customers in the store are all my intentional guests!"

"It was originally intended to create all the outside locations when they were full, leaving only the private rooms that were booked inside! And that's when you arrive! I'm in a good mood! "

I found that you always have Gu and this sister on the side, and the two are simply handsome men and beauties who sink fish and fall geese, and close the moon!" So I thought in my heart to trick you into giving you the next drug, and then let the three guild leaders enjoy it and then let you go.

"It's so seamless, after the fact, you became a food poisoning situation, and then directly sent to the hospital for a few anesthetics, and when your body recovers, those traces will completely disappear!"

"At that time, I will completely unknowingly let you become the best tool for me to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix!"

Lang Mingyue went through her thoughts very quickly in her mind, and the corners of her mouth involuntarily twitched twice, as if she suddenly fell back into her sweet dream.

Gu Chen's lewd smile frowned when he saw this Lang Mingyue, and Wu Lan, who had been paying attention to Gu Chen, directly and gently used the wine glass in front of him to knock on this glass countertop.

In an instant, this Lang Mingyue woke up from his fantasy.

He looked at Gu Chen and looked at his own examination with a feeling of impatience, and his head was suddenly empty.

Lang Mingyue was frantically looking for a suitable reason to deceive Gu Chen and deceive Jiang Min and Liu Si.

It's just that even when the cold sweat on his forehead slowly condensed into beads of sweat, this Lang Mingyue still didn't think of any reason to minimize his harm.

In the end, Lang Mingyue could only support himself, and he didn't know what he said.

Wu Lan was silent for a while, and then looked at Liu Si, who had a livid face, and took the initiative to speak.

"Lang Mingyue, you are so daring! Is it starting that kind of business again!

"Why are you always a thief who doesn't change his heart!"

Although Wu Lan's voice was not very loud, it carried an inexplicable rise, which instantly made this Lang Mingyue feel the gravity feeling of Mount Tai.

His kneecaps couldn't help but bend, feeling like he was about to kneel.

It's just that because Lang Mingyue is leaning against the table, he can still resist the front and silently give himself a support point at the last moment, which makes him not really kneel.

However, sometimes if you pass out, you may be in a better condition than you are now.


Lang Mingyue's mind echoed what Wu Lan said, and suddenly tears were about to come out.

Because he felt that this was what Wu Lan said after seeing all his intentions.

Otherwise, why would Wu Lan say that.

"Yes, it's my fault, it's that I lost my mind for a while!"

Therefore, thinking that his evil idea of climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix was discovered and debunked by Wu Lan, this Lang Mingyue began to madly repent.

Although the effect is not very good, even looking at a big man crying and mourning, it is indeed a little disgusting to Gu Chen Jiang Min.

"Okay, you shut up for me, you still dare to flow horse urine before President Gu? It's really looking for death, isn't it!

Wu Lan once again saw the disgust in Gu Chen's eyes, and always felt that Gu Chen was on the verge of anger.

So he immediately reminded this Lang Mingyue that he couldn't continue!

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